My first acupuncture treatment details!!!

First we went over all of my history and how I currently felt. Then I went and laid on the bed, she took my vitals from both wrists and looked at my tongue.
She wrote some stuff down and said she really wanted to do back treatment on me. I rolled over and she wrote on my back where my vertebras were (I think thats what they are called) and then she started. The feeling of the needles wasnt what I expected at all. I didnt hardly feel a thing, she put the first one in and said theres your first needle I didnt feel a thing

After that I was super relaxed knowing it wasnt going to hurt! Hehehe
She put 18 needles in and made sure that I was doing okay, said that she was going to let me relax for 30 mins and she would then take them out. I asked about a few tingles I was getting on my right side. She said that was energy at work, and that most people feel it on one side or the other but really never both, I thought that was cool, she said know one really had a explanation on it but that was very common .
I fell asleep hahaha, 30 mins later, she came back in and removed the needles and check my vitals again. She said we would do one more treatment, and I rolled over she put two needles in the top of my head, two in the spot between my pointer and thumb on each hand, and 8 in each ear. When she was doing my left side she put on in and I felt a pinch. I told her that, the last one pinched a little, it didnt hurt, but different feel like the others. She said that in the ear there are like 50 different points, and the point that pinched was the lungs, and that the Chinese believe the lungs hold our grief. WOW!!!!!!!!
She left those in for 15 mins and then took them out,
I loved my session and im going back Thursday, my insurance called yesterday and they are covering the IUI procedure, so I will have it done on Friday! Im hoping this will help with my stress. Last night I slept really really good . I have only had on session so I cant say if it has worked or not but I did sleep well, better then I have in a while and hopefully this will lead to my BFP, if not, at least im relaxed