CaliDreaming wow!!! thats awesome!! Im so glad you were able to go and find something that the doctors brushed off!!! how often are you going?
I went last night for my 3rd session. It was awesome! Im 7dpo

so the count down is on.
I go once a week. I love it so much, I wish I could go everyday! Good luck on your 2ww! Maybe you'll be one of those one month wonders who get their BFP right away.
Welcome calidreaming!
Glad acu has been working for you so far. Are you taking any herbal formulas? I started out with women's treasure free flow during af and up to o, then was switched to planting seeds at about 5/6 dpo. Not sure how many acupuncturists use these same brands of formulas??
Moorebetter, good luck to you! Already half way through the tww! I'm about 9 dpo today as well. Next acu appointment is next Wednesday, can't wait
Good luck to you! So I guess next time you go you might have some good news to report! I had been hopeful, but right after my session I felt some mild aching/cramps that felt like AF may be coming a little early. I took a test and it was a BFN, so I really think I'm out for this cycle.
I haven't heard of those brands. Do they have a chinese name on them anywhere on the bottle?
The first month my acu started me off on Zuo Gui Wan, which is for Qi deficiency and Kidney Yin Deficiency. I was told to take those up to ovulation, and then I was to switch to Jia Wei Xiao Yao San which is for Blood deficiency, Spleen Qi Deficiency, and Liver Qi Stagnation. Both the Zuo Gui Wan and Jia Wei Xiao Wan San also clear excess heat.
This month I again took the Zuo Gui Wan up to ovulation, but instead of the Jia Wei Xiao Yao San, she had me take these little black teapills called Nuan Gong Yun Zi Wan, which are for Blood deficiency and qi stagnation The Nuan tablets also are supposed to be for "cold uterus", which kind of confused me because my LP is adequate and the previous month I had been treated for excess heat. Finally, when I told my acu that I had been stressed out at work, she gave me something for anxiety--Zizyphus 18. I wasn't expecting much from it, but it has worked wonders. It is specifically for women with deficiency syndromes.
I asked her if I needed to switch back to the Zuo Gui Wan when my cycle starts and she said just to not take anything at that point. So I'm wondering if that means that I've made progress and don't need the herbs anymore.
I am thankful that I am taking my herbs in pill form and not in a tea! I understand it is not as potent this way, but my acu has me taking a little more than the recommended dose to make up for it I guess.