my LO was like this to start off with too, but he is becoming more independent now (im able to put him down on his mat, in his swing and in his bouncer for 5-30 minutes at a time) he also wasn't keen on his baby carrier, he literally just liked being laid down next to me on the sofa or in my arms.
IMO i think it is OTT to take LO to toilet with you in case they cry, or you dont want to leave them to cry. you are literally gone a few minutes :s as long as they are clean/fed/winded and theres nothing more you can do, 2 minutes of crying whilst you relieve yourself isnt going to hurt!
iv got me and LO into a routine in the morning, which i think has helped with getting myself up and doing a few little chores in the morning. when he cries in the morning, i go get him, he normally doesnt want his bottle straight away so we have a bit of a play until 8ish and then i go top and tail him, change him and go back into the lounge and feed him. around 8.30 to 9, depending on when he finished his feed i either put him in his swing with the music on, or put him on the mat and put the TV on and i go get myself up, have a shower etc. if hes still happy i go wash and sterilise bottles and have a quick tidy up/put washing in etc. and then we carry on with the rest of our day.
the first 2 or 3 times he would cry (or more accurately have a whinge - it wasnt a proper cry), but now he knows our routine and as long as he something there that will entertain him, hes happy
i can now leave him on his mat or in his swing for a bit, while i do things later on in the day too if i need to, i couldnt do that before.
it does get easier and you're doing a good job, just keep going hope this helps, i know iv rambled on a bit! x
IMO i think it is OTT to take LO to toilet with you in case they cry, or you dont want to leave them to cry. you are literally gone a few minutes :s as long as they are clean/fed/winded and theres nothing more you can do, 2 minutes of crying whilst you relieve yourself isnt going to hurt!
iv got me and LO into a routine in the morning, which i think has helped with getting myself up and doing a few little chores in the morning. when he cries in the morning, i go get him, he normally doesnt want his bottle straight away so we have a bit of a play until 8ish and then i go top and tail him, change him and go back into the lounge and feed him. around 8.30 to 9, depending on when he finished his feed i either put him in his swing with the music on, or put him on the mat and put the TV on and i go get myself up, have a shower etc. if hes still happy i go wash and sterilise bottles and have a quick tidy up/put washing in etc. and then we carry on with the rest of our day.
the first 2 or 3 times he would cry (or more accurately have a whinge - it wasnt a proper cry), but now he knows our routine and as long as he something there that will entertain him, hes happy
i can now leave him on his mat or in his swing for a bit, while i do things later on in the day too if i need to, i couldnt do that before.
it does get easier and you're doing a good job, just keep going hope this helps, i know iv rambled on a bit! x