Age comments


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2014
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I just turned 27 at the beginning of the month.

I just find the comments like "Well, its about time you started" kinda weird considering 30 seems to be the new 20 and people start having kids much older nowadays.

Our baby wasn't planned so at the beginning I was really feeling melancholic about this big change in my life. But all I got were comments like "Well it's not like you're 18".

Makes me feel so old lol.

Have you ever received comments like that? How do you react? How old did you have your first?
Um yes, I have with DS because I was 31 when I had him...27 is nothing! You are still way young! Ill be turing 37 - 3 months after DD is born.....I feel old, 27 would have been MUCH easier :haha:

Don't listen to people!

I'm 26, will be 27 on the 26 th November which is also my due date. I'm hopefully being Induced on the 13 th though. I tried for 8 years to get pregnant though but I still got the comments "isn't it time you started having kids" " age is not on your side" etc etc. Ignore the comments, it's your choice whether you have kids and at what age.
As long as your healthy who cares what age you have kids, 20 or 40! Tell them to bugger off :)
I get the complete opposite :S I am 26 and people ask if this is my first when I say actually its no 3&4 people can become really quite nasty. Telling me im far to young to have kids amd im ruining my life :S I am married too which nobody ever believes. I find it very rude. When im out with the boys I get a lot of comments on how I must be mental and that im faaar to young to have kids. Yet my parents were married and had finished having kids by the time they were my age and are still together now 30 years later. Everyone has an opinion so I wouldn't worry about it. It seems you can't win either way xxx
I get a mixture of "but you're so young" and "but you've been married for 2 years"

I think people just like to complain. X
I just turned 23 and everyone seems to be pretty okay with my pregnancy and age. Apparently im at that 'perfect' age where im not too old or too young.
There's a new girl at work who is 20 and she said the other day "is this your first?". Completely normal question for someone to ask but in my head I was thinking "Oh my god, do I look old enough to have other kids?!".... Made me feel old, I'm only 27!
I guess because before this pregnancy, we weren't making any baby plans and I wasn't even thinking about making those plans, I still felt 'too young'. That said, I wouldn't change this for the world and we are soooo happy and excited! Probably the best way it could've happened really as my OH is 36!
I'm 36 and expecting my first miracles (DH is 43) and anyone dare mention my age they will get told where to go! I was 23 when i decided i was ready to start a family.... Shame my body didn't agree and required all those years of trying, testing, surgery and pill taking to get there! x
It totally isn't appropriate for anyone to pass comment on when you have your children. Everyone is different and it all depends on what stage you are at in your life when you have children.I was 32 when i had my son 2 years ago (he was my first child), and I will be 34, just 2 months shy of 35 when I have my twins. I have a close friend who had her 2 children in her early 20s however that was what was right for her, so it's nobody's choice or business but your own what age you have children at.

Nowadays this is classed as average, however in the past I'd be considered an 'older mother' as I was and am over 25. I don't regret it one bit though as there was no way I was ready to have children in my 20s and it was the perfect time for me to have them later when I hit my 30s. Lots of people, particularly the older generation, seem to think as soon as we hit child bearing age we should start on babies, and the minute you get married you get the 'when will you have a baby?' questions, it is ridiculous!

It is also very invasive. I had 2 mcs before having my son and I kept being asked by people who didn't know about the mcs 'isn't it about time you made your parents grandparents?'. as well as the fact it was none of their business, it was very ignorant and hurtful being asked this. For all people know someone could be going through a pregnancy loss or infertility so people should really learn when to button it!

It does also make you feel very old lol! :) . And you are certainly not old at 27!

I had my first at 32 and am having my second at 34. My mom especially liked to comment on my "advanced" age. Who cares what others think!?
am on no 3 an ill be 23 like 2weeks after bubs born. I dont get out to much so dunno wht id get but it probs be shock lol an tut tuts.
I was 36 with my first and will be 38 with this one. No one has said anything to me, though sometimes I feel like I get weird looks from people. While I wish we could have started a few years sooner, this was God's plan not mine. Had I been younger it would have given us more time to have a bigger family. Feel like I am racing against the clock a bit. But my cousin didn't start having babies until after she turned 40. She has had two and wants a third.
All this to say 27 is definitely not old.
im 25, been married for a almost 2 years, and have been with my husband over 6 and half years. I get mixed comments about my age. Ive def heard the..."well at least your not like 18" but I've also heard..."its about time". I think that one mainly comes from the fact the my husband and I have been together a long time. he is 27. No one ever says anything to him about his age. Just me! :/ I don't really care....y pregnancy wasn't planned either but im happy and excited.
I had my first when I was 32. We started TTC 6 months after we got married, so it's not like we were putting things off. We started TTC for baby #2 when I was 34, only a few months after weaning my firstborn. Due to fertility issues, I just had my second baby at almost 38. Thankfully no one has commented on my age, especially since it wasn't exactly a choice for us to wait so long. It seems pretty normal for people I know to get married and have kids a bit later in life, though. I'm not sure why some people care so much. As long as you can take care of the child, age isn't that important.
I haven't had anybody say anything about my age so far, at least to my face. I had my first at 27 and this one will be born a few months before I turn 30. We plan on having just one more child, and that won't be for another 5 years or so.
I think it's a good age to have children! Actually whatever age you want to have kids is a good age, as long as you are capable and can support yourself and your family. I had an aunt who had her first at 16 and her 4th(and last) at around 36. And other aunt who had her first, and only, child at 43.
Just ignore what others say. They don't know what's right and best for you. Only you do. :hugs:
Have you been with your partner for a long time? If so, maybe that's why. My friend has been with her husband since they were both 15. They waited until they were 30 to start a family. So everyone was like "it was about time". But i think they were referring to how many years they had been together, and not their age. I got pregnant with my first at 30 and nobody made any comments of the sorts, but then me and oh had been together for just a few months at the time.
I was expecting my first when I was teaching at 26 (DD born the day after my 27th birthday, which happened to be Christmas day!) and a parent who was my age and has 3 children said before she knew I was pregnant "you'd better hurry up and have kids as you're becoming an older mum".

I mean, how rude! An older mum at 26??? I've never heard something so stupid in my life. And then I VERY often get comments from friends that I'm quite young to be having kids. Can't blimmin win, can we?
I will turn 37 this month and I am pregnant with my first. I actually have never had any comments related to my age. I haven't even had any weird looks. But then, most of my friends have also waited until mid-late 30's so it could be the group of people I am around.
I'm 40 and having my baby in January. Everyone's circumstances are different. Don't listen to other people. Do what works for you.

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