I really hate to be this person but I could use some words of encouragement and support right now. I thought based on previous cycles and some differences I noticed in this cycle, including lack of pre-menstrual spotting (normal for me) and an in ability to find my cervix that I would see a BFP today. I got up this am and took a digital test and it was negative. Then I bought a 6.00 cheapie thinking that maybe my hormones were not strong enough for the digital and negative again. Saw a faint positive, but it was after the amount of time you are supposed to wait. I do have some spotting, but it went away and I do not have any symptoms that would tell me one way or another. I do still have a digital test at home and I will plan on testing next week sometime once I am sure I have completely missed my period.. like tuesday or wednesday. But I do have questions for those of you with BFP... how late were you when you tested and did any of you get negatives at first with positives later on??? any support and advice would be nice.