Acupuncture is certainly not cheap, I done it throughout my IVF and found it really relaxing. I will have to juggle things around in the New Year to afford it but we'll see.
One of the lovely ladies I meet on here recommended the castor oil packs, there is a lot of information on the internet and videos on YouTube on how to use them. Apparently they help aid inflammatory, pain and increase circulation, for fertility helps relaxation and support ovarian, egg, uterine and fallopian health. I have only tired it once but did find it really relaxing, its not expensive and I suppose anything is worth a try.
It seems so unfair that it should cost us so much money to try and become parents when others fall pregnant so easily, this is one of the things that I struggle with sometimes. Good luck with the IUI, I pray you start the New Year with some great news. And have a fab weekend away with hubby, try relax and enjoy yourselves.
One of the lovely ladies I meet on here recommended the castor oil packs, there is a lot of information on the internet and videos on YouTube on how to use them. Apparently they help aid inflammatory, pain and increase circulation, for fertility helps relaxation and support ovarian, egg, uterine and fallopian health. I have only tired it once but did find it really relaxing, its not expensive and I suppose anything is worth a try.
It seems so unfair that it should cost us so much money to try and become parents when others fall pregnant so easily, this is one of the things that I struggle with sometimes. Good luck with the IUI, I pray you start the New Year with some great news. And have a fab weekend away with hubby, try relax and enjoy yourselves.