Already sick of waiting!



I know that if my stupid operation date hadn't come up in January, hubby and I would have caved and would be TTC by now...

I can't believe I have to wait a whole SIX MONTHS now before trying! I was so psyched up about trying for real this year :cry:

I know there are people waiting much, much longer than that - but everything else about us - our circumstances - there's no good reason for us to wait except I need that stupid operation on my stupid dysfunctional knees! grr

We could have been pregnant by Christmas (I know we might not have but there was a chance), now I might not be pregnant by NEXT Christmas...

I'm just frustrated that we can't try now when we are otherwise ready... and I'm scared that it might be difficult for us (my fallopian tubes are scarred) and we are wasting time...

We want another baby, we are ready for another baby... but we CAN'T TTC because of this stupid operation.

It sucks :hissy:
I don't have any words to say that can help you so many :hug: your way. I hope the waiting gets easier for you.
I'm sorry hun. :hugs: But the time will go by very quickly, you'll see; especially with a little one alread to look after.

oh you must be going nuts :( But it will give you something to look foward too!!! You're still young you have time :hugs:
:hug:Sorry to hear that - waiting is a hard thing and I have now stopped driving myself insane and although I think about it all the time I have got a holiday planned then christmas and then its only tow months and am trying really hard to focus on those things and the time is going so fast.

Don't know your situation with your knees but I am sure that getting that sorted is important - gives you time to save more money !!!

:hug: I hope it doesn't drag too long for you xx
Life can be cruel can’t it. I know that I would be feeling pretty miserable about it if I were you Tasha. Once I have something in my head, in this case ttc in December, then that is it and anything else that gets in the way of that would be a nightmare! I’m sure the operation is the right thing to do in the long term and that you will be pleased you did it (looking back). Best wishes x
:hugs: I'm sure time will fly by.

I'm hoping to ttc next year, but will probably late next year.
Biggest problem is we'll have to change car to 7 seater.
OH wants to trade in my little punto, much as i'd love the x-trail will cripple us in petrol ( I do 50 miles a day to work).

If it weren't for that I don't think we'd be quite so restrained :rofl:

Could you go on standby list for your op, then if someone can't go for there op (prob quite common this time of yr with colds etc), you get to go at short notice, say in a couple of weeks.
Could you go on standby list for your op, then if someone can't go for there op (prob quite common this time of yr with colds etc), you get to go at short notice, say in a couple of weeks.

That's a really good idea! How do I go about that? Could I phone them up and explain that we are hoping to TTC ASAP and just ask them to consider me if any cancellations mean appointments become available??

Thank you all for encouragement and understanding - sorry for whining at you all! lmao I dunno what I'd do without you :hugs:
:dohh: hun, waiting is crap isnt it!! Esp as we seem to spend ALL our lives doing it!
Waiting to start to TTC :dohh:
Waiting for that :bfp: :dohh:
Waiting for baby to arrive :dohh:

Waiting waiting waiting... Hope that it soon flies by for you. In the meantime I heard that plenty of TTC practising is good!!! You'll want to get the techique right for when the time comes again.
Waiting waiting waiting... Hope that it soon flies by for you. In the meantime I heard that plenty of TTC practising is good!!! You'll want to get the techique right for when the time comes again.

:rofl: Thanks for that advice :D Made me chuckle lol
That's a really good idea! How do I go about that? Could I phone them up and explain that we are hoping to TTC ASAP and just ask them to consider me if any cancellations mean appointments become available??

Thank you all for encouragement and understanding - sorry for whining at you all! lmao I dunno what I'd do without you :hugs:

If you phone up the department that you are under, and discuss things with them.
My little boy needs his grommets re-doing and it affects him @ school being deaf, so I wanted to get an idea of when his appointment would be, the secretary who deals with the appointment asked if we could go @ short notice for cancellation & I said we could.
My step mum got her cataracts cone quicker by being on standby. Someone cancelled there op, and they literally rang one tea time and asked if she could go next morning.

I'd def give them a ring & see what they say.
Waiting waiting waiting... Hope that it soon flies by for you. In the meantime I heard that plenty of TTC practising is good!!! You'll want to get the techique right for when the time comes again.

teehee i think we got that down to a fine T :rofl:
That's a really good idea! How do I go about that? Could I phone them up and explain that we are hoping to TTC ASAP and just ask them to consider me if any cancellations mean appointments become available??

Thank you all for encouragement and understanding - sorry for whining at you all! lmao I dunno what I'd do without you :hugs:

If you phone up the department that you are under, and discuss things with them.
My little boy needs his grommets re-doing and it affects him @ school being deaf, so I wanted to get an idea of when his appointment would be, the secretary who deals with the appointment asked if we could go @ short notice for cancellation & I said we could.
My step mum got her cataracts cone quicker by being on standby. Someone cancelled there op, and they literally rang one tea time and asked if she could go next morning.

I'd def give them a ring & see what they say.

Thank you so much for this advice: I phoned the hospital today (which I would never have thought of before so thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!) and they say they will consider me a priority if anyone should cancell!!! :wohoo:


I feel so much better just knowing that our TTC date is not set in stone and there's a chance we can get this op out of the way sooner and get back on to road to making a baby brother or sister for Anna! :D
Soooooo pleased for you.

In the nicest possible way, we all start hoping for a few ppl to get flu or something & cancel their op then your in, & good to go :happydance:
i think when seph next comes down im gonna have a big talk with him about babies, im so envious of ppl and their babes,

my mother says that i shoud enjoy my life, but its all i want,

i want to have a child that i can love and cherish and i want a house and a husband, i want the whole damn package, stretchmarks and all.
i think when seph next comes down im gonna have a big talk with him about babies, im so envious of ppl and their babes,

my mother says that i shoud enjoy my life, but its all i want,

i want to have a child that i can love and cherish and i want a house and a husband, i want the whole damn package, stretchmarks and all.

Aw hun...

Do you think Seph is ready for the baby-talk?

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