Short answer: It doesn't matter. Being married will not make you better parents. Love, both for eachother and the baby, will do more for you all in the long run than being legally married.
Longer answer: I have a six year old son that was very much planned and wanted and tried for when I was definitely NOT married to his father. The relationship lasted a year and a half longer after he was born, but if we're being honest- it was doomed from the start. He now has two parents who love him more than anything in the whole world, that just don't happen to be either married OR together. We coexist as his parents rather nicely. Better friends than partners. I am now married (to the man I truly believe I was made to meet) and we are expecting a baby in May. It feels nice to do it "right", yes- but honestly....mostly because it's a pain in the ass to have a different name than my son, lol.
Basically what I'm getting at is that anyone who judges you for this isn't worth your time. I'm not real religious but I think there's a saying- judge not, lest ye be judged. Ya know??