Am I in the wrong? Am I being horrible?

She would be Rose on the bc but go by Rosie.
My cousin is Rose and occasionally gets Rosie.
Blossom is on the Grave yes and it's my great Nan's name but not one I would use as a first name.
I think I need to sit and talk with my aunt and explain exactly why I feel I'm not in the wrong etc.
I think your auntie is being very unreasonable given that you only see her 4 times a year.

I think you need to sit down and talk to her about using it, if she's still upset then it's up to you what you want to do. How about a double-barreled name with Rose in it.. Eliza-Rose, Lily-Rose etc? X
Since you are looking for opinions, i'm going to be honest with mine. And i'm not intending to be rude at all. :flower:

I do think it would be wrong to use the name Rose. There is no reason for two children in the same family to have the same name, when there are a million names out there. You love many, many names... not just Rose. I think you have had your heart set on a new name every other day: Grace, Eliza, Ella, Ruby, Daisy, Tillie, Matilda, etc. Those are just a few I can recall you "deciding on" over the past few weeks. Chances are you will change your mind again - so why cause family drama and make your aunt cry? Do you think it's possible that you feel so strongly atm that you MUST HAVE Rose, bc you "cant" have it? It's human nature (for all of us) to want something more when it's unattainable.

Plus, your 1st daughter already has the middle name Rose - so you are already using it as tribute to your sisters.

Again, please know i'm not trying to be rude - i'm just giving my honest opinion.

Maybe reverse the situation - how would you feel if a close friend/family member named their new baby Isabelle?

before i read the OP's response to this post my first thought was... shes probably going through tons of names and not settling with them because in her heart she knows there the wrong names!

id use it hun! has your auntie given a reason as to why she dont want you o use it? if its simply just because its her daughters name then id 100% still use it... i think shes being incredibly selfish when its got so much sentimental value to you!
Since you are looking for opinions, i'm going to be honest with mine. And i'm not intending to be rude at all. :flower:

I do think it would be wrong to use the name Rose. There is no reason for two children in the same family to have the same name, when there are a million names out there. You love many, many names... not just Rose. I think you have had your heart set on a new name every other day: Grace, Eliza, Ella, Ruby, Daisy, Tillie, Matilda, etc. Those are just a few I can recall you "deciding on" over the past few weeks. Chances are you will change your mind again - so why cause family drama and make your aunt cry? Do you think it's possible that you feel so strongly atm that you MUST HAVE Rose, bc you "cant" have it? It's human nature (for all of us) to want something more when it's unattainable.

Plus, your 1st daughter already has the middle name Rose - so you are already using it as tribute to your sisters.

Again, please know i'm not trying to be rude - i'm just giving my honest opinion.

Maybe reverse the situation - how would you feel if a close friend/family member named their new baby Isabelle?

before i read the OP's response to this post my first thought was... shes probably going through tons of names and not settling with them because in her heart she knows there the wrong names!

id use it hun! has your auntie given a reason as to why she dont want you o use it? if its simply just because its her daughters name then id 100% still use it... i think shes being incredibly selfish when its got so much sentimental value to you!

No, no reason just that it's her Rose's name and I think because we don't see her often and her grandads etc see izzy more she wants her Rose to not get pushed out.
We haven't even mentioned to her that we are wanting to use it again as we are undecided on the way to go about it with her.
We do still love Eliza - it's just Rose/Rosie I have always wanted.
How about '-Rose was my middle name for 20 or so years before your daughter was born, has sentimental value to me and you don't own copyrights to the name.'
That's a tricky one to me, because I agree that I personally wouldn't use it again as it's already in your DD1's name. If it means that much to you, though, I don't see why you can't use it again? Rose is I think THE most popular (middle) name these days, and has been for a while, so it's not like you're stealing a name or anybody "owns" it. It's my middle name and my mom's name, as well as my great-gran's name...I went to school with tons of girls with middle name Rose and still see Rosabella, Bellarose, etc today as first names!!

I personally REALLY like Eliza Rose Blossom or Eliza Rose Daisy
It seems like you really have your heart set on the "same type" of name...meaning that Eliza and Isabelle are both derived from Elizabeth and you are wanting to "re-use" Rose also, so I would stick to keeping the same middle name for both girls and same meaning of first name?

ETA: Roseanne is another option, as I know you've played with Annie also.
That's a tricky one to me, because I agree that I personally wouldn't use it again as it's already in your DD1's name. If it means that much to you, though, I don't see why you can't use it again? Rose is I think THE most popular (middle) name these days, and has been for a while, so it's not like you're stealing a name or anybody "owns" it. It's my middle name and my mom's name, as well as my great-gran's name...I went to school with tons of girls with middle name Rose and still see Rosabella, Bellarose, etc today as first names!!

I personally REALLY like Eliza Rose Blossom or Eliza Rose Daisy
It seems like you really have your heart set on the "same type" of name...meaning that Eliza and Isabelle are both derived from Elizabeth and you are wanting to "re-use" Rose also, so I would stick to keeping the same middle name for both girls and same meaning of first name?

ETA: Roseanne is another option, as I know you've played with Annie also.

I don't want to keep the names the same as such - the fact they are both forms of Elizabeth is coincidence. I don't want to use Rose twice it's just it's the only name we love. Id like them both two have floral middle names so If we use Eliza she will be Eliza Daisy Lily.
We have considered Roseanna but we much prefer just Rose.

I am going to speak to my Auntie tomorrow but think I may just keep the peace and stick with Eliza as she has been through a lot this year and I do t want to cause her any more pain.
This is a tricky one! In a way I agree with RubyRainbows - as someone who had followed all your name threads, it does feel like you've said that about a few names, specifically Ella and Grace (you said they were both the only name you really liked) and I was surprised you hadn't said Rose before in that case. I'm just saying that because I can see where RubyRainbows is coming from with that statement...

However! Everyone goes through millions of names before they find the right one :) Because you have explained the huge sentimental reason behind Rose then I think 100% you could use it for sure! I'm the same as you, if anyone wanted to use my sons names I would say great go for it (wouldn't actually expect them to ask me). I was in a similar situation when naming my first son as a close family member of similar age has his name as a middle name. I actually asked my MIL what she thought and she said oh it was lovely and they wouldn't mind. So I didn't ask the people in question, I just used it and they've never said anything.

Did you say you haven't told your aunt that you'd like to use it? Maybe she'll actually be fine with it? Either way, nobody has rights to a name and you should follow your heart.
I dont think that you wanting to name your daughter Rose is unreasonable, and I think it is unfair of your Aunt to tell you not to. I agree with previous comments that I would not personally use it again because your daughter already has it as a middle name, but it seems like this name really means a lot to you.

If you make the decision to name your daughter Rose, tell your Aunt (do not ask for approval). If you feel the need to explain then explain, but I think it is pretty obvious your reasoning why.
oh god this saga is still going on???

ive been gone for months come back and your still posting constant threads about changing your mind every two seconds... its really, really tedious now - I think you have posted more OPs than anyone else on here and there constant

right to cover this one with everything ive said before:

no, your aunt has no right to ban you from using Rose
yes, its silly to use Rose again
please dont name your kid Daisy Blossom as it sounds like a pony

I never suggest this to people but in your case I am... just wait until shes born and pick one

for the record my favorites in order out of your names are

Rosa (or Rosalie/Rosalind)

^ any combination of them would be lovely
oh god this saga is still going on???

ive been gone for months come back and your still posting constant threads about changing your mind every two seconds... its really, really tedious now - I think you have posted more OPs than anyone else on here and there constant

right to cover this one with everything ive said before:

no, your aunt has no right to ban you from using Rose
yes, its silly to use Rose again
please dont name your kid Daisy Blossom as it sounds like a pony

I never suggest this to people but in your case I am... just wait until shes born and pick one

for the record my favorites in order out of your names are

Rosa (or Rosalie/Rosalind)

^ any combination of them would be lovely

If you find it tedious then don't open the thread! Simple! I know it's a public forum and you can say what you like but if your fed up with seeing something then ignore it and don't open it.

And there's no need to be rude what if there's a lady on here with a child called daisy blossom ? You have just insulted them. Fantastic.

Your child's name is important and this lady is obviously struggling with this BIG decision (after all she's choosing her babies lifelong name) and it don't matter if you think it's silly or what not you don't just insult people like that IGNORE I. there's an ignore function on here for a reason
oh god this saga is still going on???

ive been gone for months come back and your still posting constant threads about changing your mind every two seconds... its really, really tedious now - I think you have posted more OPs than anyone else on here and there constant

right to cover this one with everything ive said before:

no, your aunt has no right to ban you from using Rose
yes, its silly to use Rose again
please dont name your kid Daisy Blossom as it sounds like a pony

I never suggest this to people but in your case I am... just wait until shes born and pick one

for the record my favorites in order out of your names are

Rosa (or Rosalie/Rosalind)

^ any combination of them would be lovely

That was way harsh

Everyone is entitled to an opinion but surely you could think of a nicer way to phrase yours, or just don't bother if you have nothing nice to offer?
If you don't like it don't read it. Simple.
This hasn't been commented on for ages

Incase you haven't noticed this is the 'Baby name' section and I can post on here as often or as little as I like.

You are a very rude 'lady' & not just to me.
How's it going Beth? I love all your names and can't wait to see which ones you settle on! X
I think she's in the wrong here. It's not like she can claim the name. My SIL was annoyed at me for considering using Grace as a middle name because her daughter's middle name is Grace :rolleyes: Grow up! I had an older sister who passed away at birth named Anna, and 15 years later my aunt asked my mom if she would be upset if they named their new daughter Anna. My mom said absolutely not! It wasn't a big deal at all in our family. I think if that's the name you love, you should definitely go for it!
erm... nothing I said was harsh... just mostly facts followed by my opinions on names lol

I re-summed up all the post from before into 1 and yet again offered my opinions on the name choice (this is a name opinion forum ffs)

and do you truly disagree???

you disagree the aunt has no right to stop her using the name?

you disagree maybe she should wait and pick the name at birth since she cant settle?

you disagree with the names I said I liked out of her list? (opinions we are all allowed and hardly harsh)

you disagree the using rose again when their are 3 others is odd? (same as above)

or you disagree about the constant posting because its not like im the only person to mention that she has posted a million of these things for a million different names that where all 'the one' - if it was all in one thread I wouldn't click it but they pop up constantly with all the new posts and they are all the same damn thing for the first 10 or so I was being nice but its still going and still the same stuff, is their not rules about constantly spamming the forums there is on other sites, by now its just attention seeking and drama causing for no reason
Why specifically click on this post just to be rude? There's no limit to posting on here and you can scroll down if it seems to bother you for some reason. I am very curious to see what op names her daughter!
JJ - You are one of the most opinionated ladies on this forum. I love that you have an opinion and you try to mean well, but you ALWAYS seem to come off as quite rude and obnoxious in your posts. I actually roll my eyes when I see your name pop up in the comments because I just can't wait to hear what you have to blab on about in such a RUDE way.

I do agree, however, that Daisy Blossom in itself does sound very childish and quite like a "My Little Pony" name that wouldn't exactly age well IMO but I also didn't see OP say this option in any of her posts?? I know both names were mentioned, but not together like that. So maybe you should get your facts straight before you bash people.

I will stick with saying that I like Eliza Daisy Blossom the best :thumbup:
Just at a glance if your oldest already has the same name as a middle name I wouldn't use it. Sentimental or not I would feel like the oldest loses some of her identity in a weird way.

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