Am I pregnant? Darker OPK's 6-9DPO


Apr 30, 2012
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I stopped TTC about 18 months ago as it became too stressful. So this 2ww was not planned and from a 1 night stand so not the best situation but of course I would love it if I was regardless.

My last period started on 6th April, dtd on night of 21 and morning of 22nd.

I have been doing opk (allbeit out of date ones) and internet cheapie hpts since 6DPO and I'm 9DPO today (I think - not charting). I have attached a pic. The OPK's and HPTs start in the middle at 6DPO and work down for OPKs and up for HPTs each day then on.

The My OPK's seem to be getting darker and I think I can see something on the 9DPO HPT but assuming my mind is playing tricks on me and it is some sort of evap as did a CB digital (allbeit with a much lighter looking 2nd pee of the day) and it came up non pregnant. Can anyone else see anything at all on the top 9DPO HPT?

Grateful for any opinions out there

I have obviously massively been over doing it on the symptom spotting but I have had loads of symptoms too...listed below. TBH, I actually think I am going mental in this 2ww.

0DPO - nada, no ovulation cramps (can usually feel)

1DPO - slightly tender breasts, mini break out in spots (usually happens at AF), a touch of indigestion (also unusual). Tingling feeling in big toes lol and a weird sensation that I was slightly turned on (like you have after an orgasm down there where you can kinda feel the pulsating) Both constant for me so far since 0 DPOand had neither of which before?

2DPO - Sneezy, heartburn, cloudy urine (but I started taking post natal vits on 0DPO - could be the cause), creamy white discharge, slightly tender but full breasts, slightly enhanced sense of smell. Tingling feeling in big toes.

3DPO - Watery mouth, cloudy pee, KFC cravings (not a massive meat eater/food person), neck ache, slightly tender breasts. Tingling feeling in big toes.

4DPO - Sharp Twinges in Vag. Boobs less sore , gushed out creamy CM (but this can be common for me a few days after ovulation), thirstier than normal, still sneezy. Tingling feeling in big toes.

5DPO - Sneezing loads, momentary dizzy spells like when coming down with the flu, boobs seem less tender and firm though, watery mouth, feel hungry really late at night. Out of breath when trying to go to bed. still got neck ache. Tingling feeling in big toes.

6DPO - Tingling feeling in vulva. Woke really early for me (for a saturday). More sensitive boobs and nips :-), slight pain in r boob and itchy left nip. tired, dizzy spells on and off all day, mild momentary cramps/stabbing pain on right side/pelvic region. Tingling feeling in feet and stomach, more KFC cravings lol, pinching feeling below belly button late at night. Nauseous - Felt crappy all day. Did OPK, visible test line.

7DPO - Breathless/Deep sighs a plenty. Twinges in my vag (and big toe lol) all day and twinges on both l + r side. Still getting dizzy spells but only a few times nothing like 7DPO. Need a nap in afternoon and burped and sicked in my mouth when I lay down (and the same thing happened when I went to bed later too). Even though been eating loads last week or 2 feel less full/fat but late night hunger pangs sorted that and by bedtime I was mega feeling full gain. more sensitive boobs, tired. Couldn't sleep, more pains on right side(implantation?) accompanied by nausea lasted about 45 mins , got up and had a hot flush. Felt wet but nothing there. Darker OPK. slight headache and dizzy spells. Weepy.

8DPO - Darker OPK not positive though. Boobs more tender and fuller. Felt wet but nothing there. mild cramping. Got hunger pains but fancy nothing! Forced a bowl of soup in around 2pm and hunger pains/gurgles happened right after (like 15 mins) this never happens. Really emotional today, proper cried my eyes out. Tingly vag and big toes. Dizzy spell, legs felt shakey, felt faint had to lie down for 5 mins then had a hot flush. forced in more food and felt better.

9DPO - 00.50am Another gush of CM this time this is unusual this time of the month. def feels like something is going on. 1.47am nauseous/breathless, boobs much fuller. Sporadic pain in both upper arms. My stomach hurt it felt so empty when I lay down for bed (like I had eaten nothing in 2 days) almost got up to eat something even though I had eaten a normal amount for me.
Darker OPK :shrug:, hunger pains but feel like nothing will go down well. Cramps stronger a bit more like typical AF pains on left this side.


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I don't really understand some of this, but if it helps, I know that opks are not in any way a reliable detector of pregnancy - I'd stick with pregnancy tests - and even then, for me, I wait until late before I think of testing - more likely to get a decent result that way. I hope this helps.
I don't really understand some of this, but if it helps, I know that opks are not in any way a reliable detector of pregnancy - I'd stick with pregnancy tests - and even then, for me, I wait until late before I think of testing - more likely to get a decent result that way. I hope this helps.

Ok this is how I think it works, as a scientist this is just what I think makes sense !!!!!!!!

HPTs and OPK’s work by...

HPT: yes (line) or no (no line) to having >20mi/U hCG (Qualitative test)

OPK: yes (line is stronger than control line) or no (line not strong enough to be counted) to having > basal levels of LH.
(Qualitative test - yes or no answer, but also a Quantitative test as will detect any amount)

OPK’s are only actually positive when the test line is darker than the control line when used as an ovulation indicator; They test for the LH surge just before ovulation but you can still see the presence of LH even when it is not surging, i.e. when you see fainter test lines on non-positive tests.

Since LH and hCG are very, very similar at the molecular level the OPK test will also detect hCG (it thinks it is LH, no issues as a test since if used in context of ovulation there should only be negligable levels of hCG and therefore hCG would not have a significant contribution to the darkness of the line) but you would never be able to distinguish if it was LH or hCG contributing to the darkness of the line.

Since LH returns to basal levels after ovulation until the next surge any darkening of the line leading up to AF could be postulated to be an increase in hCG prior to the point of detection on a HPT (or if it is LH, a very late ovulation about to happen/or PCOS/multiple ovulations per cycle). So I would expect to see an increase in the darkness of the line on an OPK before an AF is due (if pregnant) and before a HPT can detect a positive pregnancy. But since most pregnancy tests are more sensitive to OPK’s I expect you would see a positive HPT before an actual positive OPK when the test line is darker than the control but when you get a positive BFP you should also get a positive OPK.

I have seen a number of reports of this on the internet but also heard of people who have not had this pattern and got a BFP too though so who knows!

***Fertility meds will alter hormone balance so this could not be applied to this group.
*****There is an increase in LH just before AF but this should only be the last few days, my interpretation i.e. DPO13+
here you go - no idea if it helps you or not. Sorry I can't help more with the rest :)
yeh it agrees with what i say, she however was an example I highlighted when I said....

"I have also heard of people who have not had this pattern and got a BFP too"!
There are many more people that do have this on the internet than don't!
Our cycles should coincide with one another depending on how many days you have in a cycle. Mine are 29 to 30 days. My last period started on April 6. I did opks and got a faint positive on the 21. Strong positive on the 22, and a lighter one on the 23.

My FF chart says I am CD26 and 6DPO. I've tested on $store tests and have been negative. (it was also to early to test but I'm a poas junkie, lol) I'll try to pee on opk today just for giggles. But i think it's too early!
yes they can be used as hpts but also know woman can get a surge before AF. One of my tests never showed positive all month until a few days b4 AF. I got so excited cause it was a super dark line. But nope just a surge. And you always have LH in your system so it can show a line at any time through your cycle. But since its not a positive I dont think it holds much weight
Last month (when I wasn't pregnant) I had a strong positive OPK (test line was way darker than control line) at 9dpo, I was super excited but ended up not being pregnant.
However from what I read on peeonastick it is a reliable test because it tests for LH in your system, just not hcg.
I asked my DR why I had such a strong positive 9dpo and he said I either could have surged again that month or I was getting close to AF which makes your LH rise and that would show a darker line as AF approached. He also said he doesn't recommend them being used for HPT but stated you could use and if you have the darker test line than control line for over a week and it's past when your AF is suppose to arrive then try a HPT, there's a good chance for a BFP:thumbup:
Our cycles should coincide with one another depending on how many days you have in a cycle. Mine are 29 to 30 days. My last period started on April 6. I did opks and got a faint positive on the 21. Strong positive on the 22, and a lighter one on the 23.

My FF chart says I am CD26 and 6DPO. I've tested on $store tests and have been negative. (it was also to early to test but I'm a poas junkie, lol) I'll try to pee on opk today just for giggles. But i think it's too early!

Yep, I have 30 days average but not sure exactly when O'd but my calender reckons thw 22nd too. Gutted I threw the morning pee away now as had a negative hpt same type this afternoon :-( We will have to help each other through the next 4-5 days and prey for each other we get what we are hoping for, FX for Us xx
Last month (when I wasn't pregnant) I had a strong positive OPK (test line was way darker than control line) at 9dpo, I was super excited but ended up not being pregnant.
However from what I read on peeonastick it is a reliable test because it tests for LH in your system, just not hcg.
I asked my DR why I had such a strong positive 9dpo and he said I either could have surged again that month or I was getting close to AF which makes your LH rise and that would show a darker line as AF approached. He also said he doesn't recommend them being used for HPT but stated you could use and if you have the darker test line than control line for over a week and it's past when your AF is suppose to arrive then try a HPT, there's a good chance for a BFP:thumbup:

Anything that gives us hope eh!
yes they can be used as hpts but also know woman can get a surge before AF. One of my tests never showed positive all month until a few days b4 AF. I got so excited cause it was a super dark line. But nope just a surge. And you always have LH in your system so it can show a line at any time through your cycle. But since its not a positive I dont think it holds much weight

Actually women who have multiple ovulations (PCOS) could surge LH before AF or a very late ovulation often caused by a shortened luteal phase. I personally only get very faded lines before the surge so I think it maybe retrospective to each individual as darker lines are unusual for me so close to AF and increasingly darker are a great sign. Please see my statement at the bottom about slight increases in LH just before AF. I am obviously only using these as some sort of indicator and not as an actual pregnancy test so to me it holds a lot of weight (most of which is called hope).
Last month (when I wasn't pregnant) I had a strong positive OPK (test line was way darker than control line) at 9dpo, I was super excited but ended up not being pregnant.
However from what I read on peeonastick it is a reliable test because it tests for LH in your system, just not hcg.
I asked my DR why I had such a strong positive 9dpo and he said I either could have surged again that month or I was getting close to AF which makes your LH rise and that would show a darker line as AF approached. He also said he doesn't recommend them being used for HPT but stated you could use and if you have the darker test line than control line for over a week and it's past when your AF is suppose to arrive then try a HPT, there's a good chance for a BFP:thumbup:

Yep a single dark but not positive line on an OPK is pretty meaningless, you are looking for progessively darker OPK's leading up to a possible BFP.

Baby Dust to Ya,

Our cycles should coincide with one another depending on how many days you have in a cycle. Mine are 29 to 30 days. My last period started on April 6. I did opks and got a faint positive on the 21. Strong positive on the 22, and a lighter one on the 23.

My FF chart says I am CD26 and 6DPO. I've tested on $store tests and have been negative. (it was also to early to test but I'm a poas junkie, lol) I'll try to pee on opk today just for giggles. But i think it's too early!

I forgot to ask if you have had any symptoms?

I was looking at my calender and I don't get how come your on 6 DPO given that we are only 5 days max from AF due so? I thought luteal phase is usually 12-14 days and when I used CBFM it predicted ovulation even earlier in the cycle? How did you chart it? Anyway, I am just using an iphone app so I know that is basically informed guesswork lol Plus I could have just missed ovulation. But these symptoms keep giving me hope

Anyway let me know what your going through anytime always great to have someone in the same spot to talk too xx
i can maybe see something on the last hpt. maybe. super faint. but i am an optomist. retake tomorrow and let us know. goooood luck!!!!
i can maybe see something on the last hpt. maybe. super faint. but i am an optomist. retake tomorrow and let us know. goooood luck!!!!

ooohhh exciting, thank you. I have to say on closer inspection I really do think it is an evaporation line since I am pretty sure it is just above the Antibody Strip...and I did other 10mi/U tests today that were completely negative. I hope not but I think that may have just given me false hope...though my urine (Sorry TMI) was so much darker than normal this morning it might have been super concentrated?? So FX xx
i can maybe see something on the last hpt. maybe. super faint. but i am an optomist. retake tomorrow and let us know. goooood luck!!!!

Ok today has been horrible to say the least.
I got another evap line on a cheapie internet hpt last night but even fainter so defo can't rule out evap lines. (I have since read that these are common in these tests).

For the past few days, I have been having alot of pain specifically on the left side above my pubic bone. Last night, I coughed and I felt like I had some sort of involuntary spasm/contraction of a ligament there which really hurt then and ached more than it has been after. It felt like 2 elastic bands that were twisted and they suddenly untwisted and then went back twisted. This immediately made me cry because the only time when I tried and actually thought pre-AF I was pregnant in the past I had an orgasm around the time implantation should have happened and my uterus had a massive involuntary contraction and low and behold days later AF came. That was back in July 2010. I now notice a study appeared in Nov 2010 to do with failed IVF implantations because the uterus mechanically expels the embryo from the uterus....contractions I don't think are any kind of positive sign around implantation time and basically that is what I think happened back in 2010. Although this was in a very different place (last time it was bang in the middle) I really believe this could have happened again.

Anyway, this morning BFN which kinda confirmed my suspiscions:-(

So basically been crying all day as all my other symptoms seem to be going/reducing as well and I feel just like I ought to 3/4 days before AF is due.

So not good news today, think I might really try to relax as if none of this is going on but its hard......
i can maybe see something on the last hpt. maybe. super faint. but i am an optomist. retake tomorrow and let us know. goooood luck!!!!

Hi Again,

Here's the HPT I did tonight, I still think there is possibly a v.v. faint line but I think I am possibly just seeing the Antibody Strip or something??
What a rollercoaster of emotions, forgot how tough this 2ww is....


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@ Stillachance... How are you doing today? I was saving my last test for Friday and well I couldn't wait. Got a bfn. :nope:

There is still a chance though!
i can maybe see something on the last hpt. maybe. super faint. but i am an optomist. retake tomorrow and let us know. goooood luck!!!!

Ok today has been horrible to say the least.
I got another evap line on a cheapie internet hpt last night but even fainter so defo can't rule out evap lines. (I have since read that these are common in these tests).

For the past few days, I have been having alot of pain specifically on the left side above my pubic bone. Last night, I coughed and I felt like I had some sort of involuntary spasm/contraction of a ligament there which really hurt then and ached more than it has been after. It felt like 2 elastic bands that were twisted and they suddenly untwisted and then went back twisted. This immediately made me cry because the only time when I tried and actually thought pre-AF I was pregnant in the past I had an orgasm around the time implantation should have happened and my uterus had a massive involuntary contraction and low and behold days later AF came. That was back in July 2010. I now notice a study appeared in Nov 2010 to do with failed IVF implantations because the uterus mechanically expels the embryo from the uterus....contractions I don't think are any kind of positive sign around implantation time and basically that is what I think happened back in 2010. Although this was in a very different place (last time it was bang in the middle) I really believe this could have happened again.

Anyway, this morning BFN which kinda confirmed my suspiscions:-(

So basically been crying all day as all my other symptoms seem to be going/reducing as well and I feel just like I ought to 3/4 days before AF is due.

So not good news today, think I might really try to relax as if none of this is going on but its hard......

Oh my....
I'm sorry your feeling out. But the witch isn't here yet right? Mine was a bfn too...
Oh my....
I'm sorry your feeling out. But the witch isn't here yet right? Mine was a bfn too...

Just the joyful rollercoaster of the 2ww...took my test they tell you not too so the horizontal line that makes up the plus is missing can you see a vertical line or is it evap too? What do you reckon? Think my mind is playing tricks! x


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