This is me and my husbands about 8th month of ttc and I am just so impatient and wanting it to happen already! I don't know if I am just making myself think I have symptoms or not.. I am on cd18 of a 25 day cycle. I am approximately 5 dpo and yesterday and today I was experiencing some cramping.. which is not normal for me this early on as I'm not due for AF until the 13th.. I have slight nipple tenderness but nothing uncomfortable, just when I touch or bump them I can feel some slight sensitivity. I have also been verry tired and going to the bathroom more than usual. I'm not sure if the tiredness is from working more hours, or what! I also have quite a bit of creamy white CM and today I noticed some clear almost stringy CM (sorry for TMI). Do these sound like they could be signs of pregnancy or is it too early for any of those symptoms to appear? Ahh I'm going crazy! Sorry for the book