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Am I wrong for wanting to join this thread already?


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2011
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I have read some of the threads on here and my heart aches for all of you wonderful ladies trying over a year for baby number 2 with no luck.

well hubby and i are also ttc baby number 2. he is 39 and i am 35. we have our dd, she is 19 months old.

we started trying for a sibling in june. we thought it would happen fast but so far nothing. i would say that 4 out of those 6 months we have tried with ddt at the right time using preseed. unfortunately i have not been temping as we have been moving from the states to sweden and i have had a hard time sleeping and waking up at set times. :(

conceiving our dd was a bit of a trial. we started ttc in 2010 dec, i got pregnant in feb but had a mc. it ended up being that i needed to remove a 1 pound large fibroid. so once that was out of the way and we could start ttc again in june we got pregnant in aug. so not smooth sailing but had not that hard when we actually could try.

so now i keep imagining that we have a problem as we are really ddt at the right time using opk and preseed. please advice. when should i contact a doctor? is it too early?

thank you in advance for all replies and i appologize if you think i am ridicules for wanting to join so early.
Hi Bellaswedus!

I totally don't blame you for wanting to join these threads. With a 2nd you always assume it will happen straight away - at least I certainly did! I'm now on cycle 22 and 2 years since we started TTC #2.

TBH if it took you some time conceiving your 1st then it's very possible it will happen again with a 2nd. I remember talking to a Dr when we had been trying for about 6 months (was there for annual pap/check up etc) and she said to me that if it took us 5 months to conceive our 1st then it could easily take 10 for a 2nd.... unfortunately it just seems to be a lottery. You could certainly go to your Dr's but there is a good chance they will tell you to just keep trying and come back after it has been 1 year of TTC at the right time without protection. Since you only think you have timed it properly for 4 cycles there is a very good chance that it will happen in the next few months. Especially since it only took you 2 months with your first after you had your fibroid removed. Once you are settled in your new home and over the time change etc then it might be worth temping for a month or 2 - just to see if everything looks ok. Of course there is always the chance that the move and stress etc has had an effect on your body which could delay or stop ovulation on the odd month.

If however you are genuinely worried that there could be something wrong you have nothing to lose by going to your Dr. Worst case scenario they will tell you to come back in 6 months but for all you know since you are 35 they might start doing some basic tests, both with you and your DH. It really depends what you are wanting to do and how long you are willing to try naturally!

Good luck - hopefully it will just happen in the next month or 2 by itself but if not I hope the Dr is helpful! You aren't crazy wanting to be on these threads but hopefully you aren't a long-term member!! Secondary Infertility is very hard to deal with as it is less expected by both you and everyone around you so I understand feeling impatient that it didn't happen straight away! Hoping you get a BFP soon! :hugs:

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