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Apr 9, 2013
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Ok so i was planning on posting this a little sooner but have had a 101 other things on my mind because. . . . . . . I'M ENGAGED!!! Could not be happier at the moment. It was honestly the most romantic thing ever because a couple of years ago i went on a school trip to Paris and whilst we were at the Eiffel tower this guy held up a banner that said 'will you marry me' and got down on one nee and proposed (and well done to the guy because there was 50+ random strangers filming it so it would of been highly embarrassing if she had said no)and have never shut up about it ever since. So on Friday after college him and one of my other friends OH's picked us up and drove us to Dover and took us to Paris and they both proposed to us (My friend is also pregnant but she is further along than I am)

However what is meant to be the happiest day of my life is still fraught with problems. The biggest one for me is getting married now (i.e before baby is born) or waiting (i.e after baby is born) I am kind of swaying to waiting at the moment just because of all the crap that's going on in my family (If you've read any previous posts you'll understand) also It will kind of feel like were getting married because I'm pregnant and because we have to. And this isn't the case at all I want to marry him because I love him and want to spend the rest of my life with him. Also (and this might make me sound really vane and shallow) but I really don't want to be pregnant at my wedding. I know it shouldn't matter but to I have always imagined having the perfect wedding with the perfect dress and like a years of preparation rather than something that has been rushed in a couple of months with a heavily pregnant bride. I also really want a traditional hen night (Drinks last night of freedom ec.t) ,obviously if I wanted that I'd have to hold of until I'd stopped breastfeeding and I could trust OH on his own.

On the other hand I know OH really wants to get married before LO is born because he wants everyone to know that we are serious and that we love each other and that we want to spend the rest of are lives together rather than a couple who could break up any second. And I get were he is coming from and I've always liked the Idea of having a family were the mum and dad are married living in a stable home (probably because I come from a 'broken home' and it isn't fun having your parents yell at each other constantly)

Has anyone else been in this situation because any advice would be really appreciated by me :hugs: :hugs:
First off congrats!!!
I kind of know what you mean, me and my OH just got engaged about a month ago and everything's been hectic! We've decided to wait until Oct 2014 to get married since I'll have lost most of my baby weight by then and be able to fit into a nice dress and LO will be almost 1 by then! Something I would suggest if your OH wants to get married before but you want to wait is maybe get married legally but wait on the ceremony until after you've had baby. And you don't necessarily have to wait until you're done breastfeeding, you can pump milk for the night you're gone.
Me and my OH have decided that we didn't care if we were married before baby because we already have a daughter together, we live together, and are practically married already so all that's really left is doing it legally :haha: I would just talk to your OH and see what he feels and go from there!
(Also, I don't feel it's vain to not want to be pregnant on your wedding day; it's a BIG day for the two of you and wanting everything to be perfect is completely normal!)
Congratulations!!:) Very romantic super cute:)
I can understand where your coming from and where he is coming from.
i mean it all depends on how far along you are, sorry i dont remember because i know you posted your due date on the website before but it should be a mutual agreement on the wedding day, it doesnt matter what anyone thinks. You know you guys love eachother and you know why you guys are engaged and if people think differently then honestly screw them. But im sure waiting would be better only because of all the stress on your plate as is and costs of baby, the wedding cost would only hinder that. Plus you can have your son/daughter be the flower girl/ring bearer if you guys plan to get married later which would be cute !:) but its something you guys have to decide on your own and talk deeply in discussion about with your new little miracle arriving soon:) Im happy for you Good luck hun!!!:)
Congrats!! :flower: Unfortunately I have no advice for you, as I am not engaged myself but just wanted to say congrats :)
Congratulations!! I don't have any advice.. all I have on my finger is a promise ring :shrug: lol. But I wanted to say congrats!!! :flower:
Aw I'm so happy for you :) that's such a romantic thing for your OH to do for you :) congratulations! And also, just get married when you feel it's right! Whether its now or later :) x
Id say get married after the baby, to eliminate all chances of going into labour on your wedding day :L
I actually am getting married at 28 weeks pregnant, doing the whole ceremony and reception with friends/family. I am overjoyed about it and can not wait! (30 more days!)

I was like you and wanted THE PERFECT WEDDING...but now I don't really care about all that stuff, I just want to get married to my best friend (fiancee Tyler).

But if you are wanting the perfect wedding, you can always just make it legal down at a city hall, and then in say a years time or whatever plan a big wedding ceremony and reception...a lot of people do that, you'd be surprised!

Hope it all works out xx and congrats!
Thought I'd upload some pics as I didn't have time to last night


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I have no advice but congratulations! :happydance:
On the other hand I know OH really wants to get married before LO is born because he wants everyone to know that we are serious and that we love each other and that we want to spend the rest of are lives together rather than a couple who could break up any second.

Sorry, popped in to the teenager section, not sure if this is even allowed. But I just want to say that I think you should wait till after the baby is born. The reason above is not a good reason to rush getting married. In fact it's a terrible reason. Just wait. As long as you are happy together and provide a stable environment for your little one, he or she won't know the difference if you're married or not (at least for the first couple years). And who gives a flying flip what other people think? Marriage should be about just you and your OH, and nothing else.

Trust me, my first marriage was TERRIBLE and I thought I was in love and yadda yadda yadda, but we rushed into marriage because of what other people (his parents) thought, and it was the worst mistake I ever made. Now my second marriage... We waited till the perfect time, when we were both ready and we could have the wedding of our dreams, and I'm so glad.
Congratulations :) no advice I'm afraid as I've been with OH 5 1/2 years, have three children together, living together for 5 years... and still not engaged!!
Me and my boyfriend also debated getting married now or later. Since are plan was to get married next summer anyway we decided just to wait and leave the plan the same so people don't think we are getting married just because I'm pregnant, and so we don't feel rushed into it even thôugh we both would LOVE to get married now we thought the best decision is to wait!

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