Amelia Maddison Martin - Whitehead <3 ... 15th April 2009 ... Uber Uber long!!


Mummy to Amelia & Tristan
Oct 22, 2008
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Birth story....

Amelia Maddison Martin – Whitehead
Born Wednesday 15th April 2009 at 23.47 .. 1 week overdue
After over 23 hours of established labour!!

Things started on Sunday 12th April at about 5pm.. I was getting pains in my back every 30 minutes.. I thought nothing of it at first but then they kept coming every 30 minutes until 11pm.. they then turned to every 20 minutes.. and through-out the night they got down to every 7 minutes.. I managed to get a couple of hours sleep and when I woke up they were every 15 minutes.. they stayed like that all of Monday but getting more painful.. still I thought that it would all end in nothing.

Monday night I couldn’t sleep at all because of the pain and the pains were down to every 8-10 minutes.. I kept having baths.. they were sooo soothing for me.. at one point I managed a 30 min kip in the bath!
Tuesday OH had to go to work but ended up coming back after a few hours.. the pains were getting worse and worse and in the end I was only comfortable laying over my birthing ball whilst kneeling on my beanbag. My OH and my mum convinced me to ring labour ward so at about 1pm I did and they told me to wait it out until I couldn’t handle the pain..
I managed to hold on until 00:30 on Wednesday morning.. I rang them back and got told to go straight up.. so we did.. I still thought we would be sent home so we left all my bags in the car.

We got shown to my room by my lovely midwife.. the woman nxt door was SO loud.. she sounded like she belonged in a porno not giving birth!! She was scary! My pains were 5 minutes apart and I was happily breathing through them. After about an hour the midwife did an internal and found I was 3cm dilated and fully effeced! .. I couldn’t believe it.. and I felt so proud of myself haha.

She checked my urine and found I had protein, for the first time ever.. and raised blood pressure.. Also for the first time!! .. They kept monitoring baby every 30 minutes and in the mean time I had to keep active so I was dancing around to my ipod and bouncing on my ball.

I had another internal and was still 3cm bordering 4.. so she gave me a little stretch and that was that.. change over came and the first midwife Theresa said to me ‘I’m back n shift tonight but feel free not to be here’ .. and I got a second lovely midwife, Becky.. She told me I had possible pre eclampsia and would need monitoring more closely.. and would also need a canula putting in.. and I had to wave goodbye to any hope of having my water birth!! *sob sob*

Now I have the biggest phobia of needles and was so scared of the canula being put in but I was a good and let them do it.. the couldn’t get a vein in my hand so they had to put it in my arm.. I ended up with the biggest bruise ever! .. After that I just had to sit and wait.. baby and I were being monitored constantly so I couldn’t really move anywhere.. OH was my rock.. the pains were getting worse and closer, eventually I got checked again and I was only 4cm.. I was gutted!!

I was then put on a drip to increase my contractions and it was decided my waters would be broken.. that was a weird sensation.. it didn’t hurt at all I just felt like I had pee-d myself ... eww haha! The midwife told us that the baby had loads of hair &#61514; we were like Oh my god!! Happy Happy Happy!
Then the pains started getting really bad, I decided to give tens a try and it was great.. worked a treat for a good couple of hours but by 4pm/5pm I was so tired and tearful so I decided to have a shot of diamorphine.. literally a minute after having it I fell asleep for a good 3 hours.. I started coming to and could hear my OH and the midwife talking.. but I was zonked and was just relaxing in my own little world.. then at one point OH said something.. but I have no idea what.. but it was enough for me to stick my middle finger up at him and then go back into my own little world again.

At some point Theresa (my first midwife) came back on duty.. she was great.. she checked me over and I was like if I’m still only 4cm then I give up.. and she told me I was 8cm! Yay!! she asked me if I wanted an ice pop and I was like YES YES YES!! .. from then on ice pops were my best friend.. and once I had the gas and air that too was my best friend.

The pains were completely on top of each other, after a while I was sucking so hard on the gas and air I was just passing out and that is why certain parts I just can’t remember.. I was on my knees on the bed.. (but the bed was awesome and it was one of the new ones that could be positioned like a chair).. sucking ice pops .. at some point both my mum and my OH tried rubbing my feet/back and I told them both off for it.. and then apologised straight after for getting stress with them.

Apparently I am the politest person ever during labour.. not once did I forget to say please or thank you haha!

Things then took another turn for the worst, I definitely had pre eclampsia and baby’s heart rate was going through the roof with every contraction.. so it was decided I would need ventouse.. I was cut and they had some trouble keeping it on her head because it was quite swollen..

Pushing for me was so hard because I was so tired.. I was worried and I was wanted to meet my baby girl.. her head eventually came out and it seemed like we were waiting ages for the next contraction.. but it came and she was placed on me.. she as so blue and I kept asking if she was alright.. they ended up taking her away and then all the drama started with me!

They put another canula in my other arm.. and placed some kind of drip to it, my placenta was taking its time to come out.. I ended up haemorrhaging and losing about a litre and a half of blood.. they were ragging me about something rotten down there and it hurt so much.. stitches are a mother f*cker!! I still had my gas and air so I kept using that and eventually I passed out.. I came round an hour later feeling very very weak and to OH holding our little daughter.. :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

I say little.. 9lb 5oz!!! 52.5 cm long. 36cm head circumference!! I wanted to try breast feeding but she wouldn’t latch on!

OH and my mum went home at 3am.. I couldn’t sleep.. Amelia kept murmuring but I was too weak to pick her up, I kept having to call in the midwifes to help and I felt very very useless.. they then told me I needed a blood transfusion so I ended up calling OH and he came back to the hospital. Also got told I had a 3rd degree tear booo!

We went down to post labour ward at 4pm on Thursday 16th April and Amelia still wouldn’t latch on.. this continued and continued. No one told me that because of my haemorrhage my milk was going to take up to 72 hours longer to come in! .. I could only hand express a couple drops of colostrum and Amelia wouldn’t settle at night because she was so hungry.. she ended up needing formula feeds from a cup.

After day 3 or 4 she was starting to latch on and she did so well for 24 hours.. but then she stopped being interested.. I knew they wouldn’t let me home until she was feeding properly.. she was weighed after 72 hours and was down to 8lb 5oz! .. She had lost a whole pound and the next day she was down to 8lb 3oz.. 12.2% of her body weight lost .. she was also showing signs of dehydration and blood tests confirmed it.

So I started electric expressing and as soon as my milk came in nothing could stop me.. She needed to be fed 80ml every 3 hours.. and as soon as I knew that was my target I kept expressing and expressing until I was getting that amount for her.

On day 5.. TMI I noticed more blood on my pad than normal.. so I got a midwife to check down there and sure enough the stitches from my tear had started to come un done.. I saw one registrar and he wanted to re do them.. I saw another and she wanted to leave them.. in the end they decided to leave them.

Eventually on day 7 in the morning we got told we would be able to go home.. then they decided to take more bloods from Amelia.. at 4pm! .. then the stupid woman who did them sent them off without putting Amelias name on them so she had to come and re do them.. It was heart breaking! Eventually at 8pm we got told we could go as soon as the paper work was done.. and we were out of there by 8.30pm.. my best friend was there because she kindly let me use her mothercare discount to get an electric pump.. the avent isis is a god send!!

The next day the community midwife came and checked Amelia and myself over and everything was great.. then that very same night Amelia started making a grunting/squeaking noise but I got told by various people not to worry about it.. I still did though.

Another community midwife came yesterday Day 12 and was worried about the grunting so sent us off to the GP ... she also checked my open stitches and told me that they had all came open and I had signs of a possible infection.. so I also had to be seen by the GP.. Apparently I have one of the worst 3rd degree tears the midwife had seen in a long time! Fantastic!!

I have to go back up to the hospital on Day 14 (Tomorrow) to get checked over by them.. Not looking forward to it! And the GP told us to go straight up to the childrens ward yesterday afternoon.. so we did.. and they did their checks and then sent her for a chest x – ray.. It was heart breaking having to hold her down whilst they did it :cry: and then at 9pm we got told we could go home, and to keep an eye on things and if things got any worse to call the ward straight up.. no explanation to her noises what so ever!!!

.... So there we have it.. My little princess is sound asleep in her moses basket and OH is sound asleep next to me.. I need to get on and express once again.. I definitely feel like a dairy farm! But I also feel so awesome because I gave birth to a wonderful daughter and I love that OH and I have created something so perfect together.. I love being a mummy even if it is hard work and I am rather tired!

And now for some pictures..

.. I have also nicknamed her Shark Fin... can you see why?! :rofl:

If you have read all that then you are amazing haha!!

Love you all

Ashleigh :happydance:

Awww hun u did so well, congrats, shes a little stunner :hugs:
Wow, well done! I think i would of tried to give up if i went through all that! x
Beautiful!! :hugs:

...and well done for being so polite! Youve set a standard now. Doh! :dohh:
wow what a labour!!! Congrats to you tho!!! she is so beautiful its unreal :)
shark fin :rofl::rofl:

omg those piccies are beautiful
love the labour story lol
and i thought mine was bad
well done you ... :happydance:

congrats to you and dan
shes an adorable shark lol


Congratulations you have certainly been through the mill with the labour, i hope 2moz goes ok for you, she is beautiful!! x x
well done Hun. You had a very tough time but little amelia is gorgeous and you've done each other proud. Good luck for tomorrow and big kiss to your little princess. X
awww hun shes gorgeous...well done and congrats to you and dan...enjoyed reading your birth story xx
Awww she is beautiful, sounds like u went through the mill a bit tho hun, hope you get on at the hospital and the tear starts to heal, and that all is ok with Amelia. x
Aww you deffinately had it rough with that birth! But you got an amazing gorgeous little girl and by expressing you are giving her the best you can cause she is stubborn juts like my little princess who wont latch on... although she will very vigorously try and feed off dad... he has to keep his shirt on at all times now lol. Your princess is gorgeous! Give her big hugs and kisses for me!
omg sounds like you have been through the mill, hope the tear heals soon and congratulations !!!!
Wow, what a labour!!

Amelia is so gorgeous hunni. Congratulations!!! x x
aww lovely baby, congratulations and sorry you had a rough time i hope you are both well soon.
Congratulations.Your daughter is gorgeous.ouchies about your tear! Glad to hear you are both home and well now tho x x

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