American Academy of Peds New Circ Recommendation!

Whoever would have thought a little piece of skin on a penis would get people so riled up! :haha:

Granted, as a female I don't have a penis and can't tell how awful it must be to not have the extra wrinkly skin down there, but as far as the "cruel torture" comments, I can tell you as a nurse who has seen circs over and over in rotations most babies don't even make a peep, and I've never met an adult male who regrets his circumcision or remembers the event that happened when they were a few days old (although it's not really dinner conversation lol)

And to be truthful, now that I am back working in the ER and on a daily basis putting several catheters in men, it is disgusting the amount of grime and discharge that gets caught under the foreskin, and if you look at literature (I think the one I remember last reading was from a John Hopkins study) those who are uncirc have a higher rate of urinary tract infections than those who are.

Either way, it's Mom and Dad's right to make the call. They can only go off their best judgement. This goes not only for circumcision, but decision to breastfeed vs formula, co-sleep vs own room etc.

I second this and will add that I have met multiple people who HAVE regretted not being circumcised when a baby, including my poor father who had to get it done later in life when it is much more painful.

And as for males having 211% more chance of having chronic UTI' that jumps from like no chance to a little more than no chance?? I live in the US where most are circumcised in my age group-never EVER met a guy who had even one UTI. It's a personal choice and everyone can make it for their own child. If your worried about UTI's then don't get them circumsized- I'd be more worried about other things that could be helped with circumcision.

What I meant was uncirced men are 211% more likely to have chronic UTIs than circed men, hun :flower:
I dont know anyone who has had a UTI either & people dont get circumcised here.. (exceptions being elderly men at work & thats more catheter related). < just one of many.

I was circumcised at birth. I wish that I wouldn't have been. When I had a son, I made sure that he wasn't. I have been working on foreskin restoration for about 8 months, and am seeing some good results. I have better sensitivity and sensation now that my new "faux skin" can keep my glans covered when not in use.

Circumcision has been shown to remove the most sensitive part of the penis. Why would any man want that?
< and another

I hate that I was circumcised. I never consented. It was forced upon me - against my will. I suffer the effects of circumcision; a dry, dull, scarred, keratinized glans with loss of sensitivity and function. Circumcision has also caused severe emotional problems including anger issues and severe depression. Don't let anyone deceive you into believing that men do not suffer from circumcision. They do. It's just that many men will never talk about it.
< and another

I was also circumcised at birth. My parents made the best choice with the information given to them at the time so I don't hold anything against them. However I'm well aware of a loss of sensitivity as I can feel more sensation below the line. Its sad to know what I've lost but I know that my children won't undergo the same and I'm glad to know that America is changing its stance on it.

I was cut as a baby and have bitterly hated and resented it all my life. I often wonder who something so bizarre and brutal became mainstream. Thank goodness people are waking up to the myths and lies and are protecting their kids' bodies and human rights.
It is not even worth my time or typing to be on these kinds of threads, once someone attacks you as a mother with demeaning words like Mutilated and so on , it is time to back off and realize not to waste your time. I would never say circumcision is right or i am right or this or that, but when you attack me as a mother for doing something at the time when we feel it was best and our doctors are telling us it's best and when it is our norm that goes way over the line. If anyone ever said that to my face they would have a problem. So I wish you all the best and I hope nobody in life makes you feel like some of you have made me feel like shit when I couldn't love my sons more, I really hope that never happens. :flower::flower:
This is News and Debates not Baby Club, so why has this discussion taken such a vile turn?
OP, you may have found something that makes you feel better about circ however, i wonder (nicely not judgementally and hatefully) whether your son will feel the same? I think that should always be considered.
Im glad you found something to try and justify pointlessly putting your LO through pain :)

Yes, because a mother will carry and nurture her child for 9 months only to put it through unimaginable pain purely for kicks.:dohh:
Im glad you found something to try and justify pointlessly putting your LO through pain :)

Yes, because a mother will carry and nurture her child for 9 months only to put it through unimaginable pain purely for kicks.:dohh:

No, but many mothers do it purely for cosmetic reasons and because it's the norm where they live :shrug: Lack of education I guess & articles like this don't really help.
With Blah on this one. Live in a country where it is rare and UTIs are far from rife. Really don't know any male who has had one.
Im glad you found something to try and justify pointlessly putting your LO through pain :)

Well, of course. The OP isn't doing what's best for her child based on scientific research and the opinions of one of the most respected pediatric medical bodies in the world. She circumcised him because she likes seeing her child in pain! :dohh:

I swear, common sense is a super power these days.

Thanks for posting this OP. Information is a powerful thing.

Sexually mutilating a child is not 'best' for him. If males were meant to be like that then they wouldn't be born with foreskins. Im fed up of people dredging up research to try and feel ok about what they are doing when its pointless anyway :shrug:

Why the hell does it matter to YOU? If someone decides to circumcise THEIR child, how does that affect YOU and YOUR life??? If you're so "fed up" then there's an easy solution-DON'T READ IT and stay out of OTHER people's business. She didn't post this to be bullied by you so maybe you should stay out of it. I cannot even believe how rude you are, pathetic.

Well, if that's your line of thinking, what does it matter to me if someone else beats their child? Not my child or my life, is it?

The fact is, some people do see circumcision as a form of abuse and as long as it's legal and you are happy with your decision, why would it bother you what others think?

Until quite recently, the AAP reccomended agianst routine circumcision, BTW.

I dont know anyone who has had a UTI either & people dont get circumcised here.. (exceptions being elderly men at work & thats more catheter related).

I agree.

Plus, if parents are worried about STI's, HIV etc, surely these aren't going to be a problem until the child is an adult and can decide for themselves if they want body parts cut off?

I wouldn't class a 1 in 500 risk of serious complication after circumcision as rare either. In fact, it means it's more likely than penile cancer, one of the things cited as a reason for circumcision.
Im glad you found something to try and justify pointlessly putting your LO through pain :)

Yes, because a mother will carry and nurture her child for 9 months only to put it through unimaginable pain purely for kicks.:dohh:

No, but many mothers do it purely for cosmetic reasons and because it's the norm where they live :shrug: Lack of education I guess & articles like this don't really help.

This isn't an ordinary article, it is research carried out by the AAP, which consists of 60k+ pediatricians. Your argument of people following the "crowd" is also true of vaccinations and yet this is never questioned despite numerous numbers of recorded cases of severe/fatal reactions.
Im glad you found something to try and justify pointlessly putting your LO through pain :)

Well, of course. The OP isn't doing what's best for her child based on scientific research and the opinions of one of the most respected pediatric medical bodies in the world. She circumcised him because she likes seeing her child in pain! :dohh:

I swear, common sense is a super power these days.

Thanks for posting this OP. Information is a powerful thing.

Sexually mutilating a child is not 'best' for him. If males were meant to be like that then they wouldn't be born with foreskins. Im fed up of people dredging up research to try and feel ok about what they are doing when its pointless anyway :shrug:

Why the hell does it matter to YOU? If someone decides to circumcise THEIR child, how does that affect YOU and YOUR life??? If you're so "fed up" then there's an easy solution-DON'T READ IT and stay out of OTHER people's business. She didn't post this to be bullied by you so maybe you should stay out of it. I cannot even believe how rude you are, pathetic.

Well, if that's your line of thinking, what does it matter to me if someone else beats their child? Not my child or my life, is it?

The fact is, some people do see circumcision as a form of abuse and as long as it's legal and you are happy with your decision, why would it bother you what others think?

Until quite recently, the AAP reccomended agianst routine circumcision, BTW.

I dont know anyone who has had a UTI either & people dont get circumcised here.. (exceptions being elderly men at work & thats more catheter related).

I agree.

Plus, if parents are worried about STI's, HIV etc, surely these aren't going to be a problem until the child is an adult and can decide for themselves if they want body parts cut off?

I wouldn't class a 1 in 500 risk of serious complication after circumcision as rare either. In fact, it means it's more likely than penile cancer, one of the things cited as a reason for circumcision.

circumcision as abuse? this is how arguements start, and offense is taken.
Im glad you found something to try and justify pointlessly putting your LO through pain :)

Well, of course. The OP isn't doing what's best for her child based on scientific research and the opinions of one of the most respected pediatric medical bodies in the world. She circumcised him because she likes seeing her child in pain! :dohh:

I swear, common sense is a super power these days.

Thanks for posting this OP. Information is a powerful thing.

Sexually mutilating a child is not 'best' for him. If males were meant to be like that then they wouldn't be born with foreskins. Im fed up of people dredging up research to try and feel ok about what they are doing when its pointless anyway :shrug:

Why the hell does it matter to YOU? If someone decides to circumcise THEIR child, how does that affect YOU and YOUR life??? If you're so "fed up" then there's an easy solution-DON'T READ IT and stay out of OTHER people's business. She didn't post this to be bullied by you so maybe you should stay out of it. I cannot even believe how rude you are, pathetic.

Well, if that's your line of thinking, what does it matter to me if someone else beats their child? Not my child or my life, is it?

The fact is, some people do see circumcision as a form of abuse and as long as it's legal and you are happy with your decision, why would it bother you what others think?

Until quite recently, the AAP reccomended agianst routine circumcision, BTW.

Thank you, I realize that :dohh: but apparently the AAP has done additional research and changed their recommendation (hence the article). Circumcision and a CHILD GETTING BEAT are two whole different wavelengths. and for you to say that someone circumcising their child and beating their child are basically the same thing, is mind blowing. For one, ONE of them is legal and the other isn't.
Im glad you found something to try and justify pointlessly putting your LO through pain :)

First and foremost, no reason could possibly justify such a rude response and personal attack on those who chose to circumcise.

I highly suggest reading the forum rules, particularly this one...
Rudeness, flaming or trolling is not tolerated on, or about, BabyandBump or its members. Any member who is intentionally disruptive may have their account restricted or banned without warning.
Antisocial, discriminatory or offensive messages (intended or otherwise) aimed at the community at large, certain demographics (including parenting styles) or specific members, are not permitted.

Ladies there are ways of putting your opinions and beliefs across without belittling others, and attacking each other.

Read the article and if you wish to comment, do so with a little tact and respect for others using the forum.
Some of you and your 'opinions' in here are rude and vile. There are ways to put your point across without being so obnoxious and venemous. Thank the lord I don't know people like you in the 'real' world. Although if this debate were face to face with the op I'm sure you wouldn't express yourselves in such a way. Well I'd hope you wouldn't, otherwise you definitely need some lessons in how to speak in social circles without coming across as so close minded. And if you feel SO strongly about it, how about don't say anything at all if you're just going to be argumentative?? You don't have to reply on every single thread you read. Just AWFUL!
Im glad you found something to try and justify pointlessly putting your LO through pain :)

Yes, because a mother will carry and nurture her child for 9 months only to put it through unimaginable pain purely for kicks.:dohh:

Are you for real?????????? I would put my sons through unimaginable pain for "KICKS"? Who the hell are you to say this? You are close minded and ignorant to make such a ridiculous statement, get your head out of your ass. OMG what a statement...GeeZ.................
Im glad you found something to try and justify pointlessly putting your LO through pain :)

Yes, because a mother will carry and nurture her child for 9 months only to put it through unimaginable pain purely for kicks.:dohh:

Are you for real?????????? I would put my sons through unimaginable pain for "KICKS"? Who the hell are you to say this? You are close minded and ignorant to make such a ridiculous statement, get your head out of your ass. OMG what a statement...GeeZ.................

Your emotions are clearly clouding your comprehension abilities. I was arguing in favour of circumcision, ever heard of sarcasm? never mind.
Im glad you found something to try and justify pointlessly putting your LO through pain :)

Yes, because a mother will carry and nurture her child for 9 months only to put it through unimaginable pain purely for kicks.:dohh:

Are you for real?????????? I would put my sons through unimaginable pain for "KICKS"? Who the hell are you to say this? You are close minded and ignorant to make such a ridiculous statement, get your head out of your ass. OMG what a statement...GeeZ.................

Your emotions are clearly clouding your comprehension abilities. I was arguing in favour of circumcision, ever heard of sarcasm? never mind.

Then I apologize for reading it wrong. :flower: Yes my emotions are clouding myself, when your basically called a butcher and other fowl names as a mother your instinct is to protect. Again, I apologize
I'm never sure why people get so offended by the opinions of others if they are so certain what they are doing is right for their child.

As an example, 'extended' or natural term breastfeeding (something I an doing) is called abuse by some. They clearly feel that it is, otherwise they wouldn't say it. However, I'm comfortable in my decision, completely and know that it is best fro my child, so it doesn't matter to me what these people think. So, if people are happy to circ, what does it matter what other people think and why be so offended about it? :wacko:
I'm never sure why people get so offended by the opinions of others if they are so certain what they are doing is right for their child.

As an example, 'extended' or natural term breastfeeding (something I an doing) is called abuse by some. They clearly feel that it is, otherwise they wouldn't say it. However, I'm comfortable in my decision, completely and know that it is best fro my child, so it doesn't matter to me what these people think. So, if people are happy to circ, what does it matter what other people think and why be so offended about it? :wacko:

It is actually very unfortunate that extended BFers and 'natural' parenting types; those who themselves are often falsely accused of abusing or disadvantaging their children by their parenting style, are the very same ones who are the first to jump on parents who circumcise or believe circumcision to have benefits, and tbh these are the two groups whom I have seen the most nastiness from. It is the extended BFers and natural parents who are most vocal about how parents who circumcise are mutilating their boys; should have their children taken off them and how it should be made completely illegal. You would think such parents would exhibit a little more understanding towards those who have different parenting styles to their own, as they themselves have been unfairly judged on their own parenting? xx

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