Amira Marie - long!

Try Rocking

Mommy to Amira and Remy
Jun 6, 2009
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On December 21st-09 I had my fourth and last ultrasound and we found out that my baby was breech and weighing about 7lbs 4 ounces, a couple hours after getting home my doctor called me to let me know that due to my my size and the size of the baby that the chance of her turning would be incredibly slim. She said that she would refer me to an obstetrician to talk about and schedule a csection.

We met with the obstetrician and she scheduled me in for a csection on January 7th. A couple days before the csection I got a call letting me know that I would be the first one in to have my baby at 7:45am.

Because we knew what day she was coming as long as I didn't go into labor, we were able to plan things out a bit better, clean, figure out who was going to watch our cats and just prepare for her arrival.
Plus it was nice knowing we would most likely have a nice, safe drive over the pass to the hospital. It's a 2 hour drive on mountain roads and a bad mountain pass on a nice day, but if the weather is bad it can take much longer. It was scary to think about having to go over that in labor with a breech baby.

On January 6th my DH and I spent the night at the hospital and on January 7th I was awake and ready to go at 5am, I didn't need to be awake that early but I was just too excited.
The nurse came into the room at 5:30am to put the IV into my arm, she started with my right arm and I told her I'm a wimp and I especially hate IVs. She told me that in all her years she had never missed a vein. Guess who got to be her first?
It ended up going into my left hand which was ok with me, it still hurt but it hurt a lot less than the right arm!
After that she put in the catheter which was extremely uncomfortable and I'll be happy if I never have to see another one ever again!

Then I had to wait around until 7:45am, by then my husband was up and we sat talking and trying not to fall asleep (we were too excited to go to bed at a reasonable time for the csection in the morning).
7:45 came around and a nurse came in, got me to move into another bed, and then wheeled me into the OR where I was introduced to 3 nurses and saw my doctor.

My doctor who had taken care of me throughout most of my pregnancy is amazing, apparently she wasn't supposed to be there but she insisted, even going so far as trading shifts with another doctor so she could be there for me.
Since my husband wasn't allowed in the operating room while I was getting the epidural my doctor stood in for him and held my hand and hugged me while the anesthesiologist did his thing.
Once I was all cleaned up, my arms strapped down and they had the curtain up my husband was allowed in. I was doing fine up until I saw him and then I burst into tears.
I wasn't sad, I was just overwhelmed. He kept asking me what was wrong but there was nothing wrong.

I felt sick a few times but the anesthesiologist gave me some stuff through the IV and I felt fine almost immediately. My husband held my hand (still strapped down so I didn't flail and hit a doctor) and talked to me. He would peak over occasionally and let me know what was going on.

Apparently it's not normal to start laughing your ass off during a csection. I started feeling like I was getting tickled like crazy at one point and a doctor leaned over the curtain to look at me, disappeared and said to the other doctors "She's laughing!". They had to ask me to stop, but had to give me a few minutes before the tickling feeling subsided enough that I could contain myself.
Afterwards I learned that that tickling feeling came at the worst moment, just when they were cutting me open.
After that it wasn't too long before I felt them pushing on my stomach.. and then REALLY pushing on my stomach, to the point where it was hard to breathe and my husband looked over.

What had happened was that our daughter had her little legs up and when they were trying to get her out, they got one leg out and the other one got stuck. There were 3 doctors that ended up trying to get her out, and afterwards they said that there was a few minutes where they were all holding their breath.

They did eventually get her out, but only after a lot of pushing on my stomach and her.
After she was out she was taken to get cleaned off and weighed and measured. I was worried because I didn't hear her cry or the doctors say much so I was asking my husband if she was ok.
He said she was ok and then a couple seconds later she cried out.
It took a few minutes for them to clean her up and whatnot and then they brought her to us.
My hand was unstrapped and I got to touch my baby for the first time, after a few pictures of me meeting her the nurse took our first family pictures.
I only got to see her for a few minutes before they took her away, my husband went with her and I was getting cleaned/stapled up.

I had asked ahead of time how long it took to get cleaned up after the baby and I was told 20-30 minutes, I guess because of the difficult birth it ended up taking an hour and a half. And then after that I had to spend 30 minutes in the recovery room.
I kept asking about my family but they just told me that they were still doing their thing.

After 2 hours of not seeing my baby I was finally wheeled into my room and then shortly after my husband came in carrying our daughter. I hated not seeing her or being able to do skin to skin with her for 2 hours but all I could think about when I saw her was how beautiful she was.

Due to the rough birth she had bruises around her hips and down her legs and also on her shoulders and the bottom of her feet. And because of the position she was in for so long in the womb her hips were stiff and refused to go down so they were unable to measure her. We've had to work her little legs to help and it's made a huge difference. She will be fine, and she is fine, we just need to work on them.

Because she was so bruised her jaundice wasn't the greatest so after a few days she had to spend all her free time in the billy bed.
We ended up spending 4 days in the hospital with her, 5 total for us since we had spent the night before she was born. The nurses were amazing and helped out a ton.

On the second or third night I started feeling paranoid that something was going to happen to her so I was afraid to go to sleep but I was so tired that I did try snoozing a bit inbetween watching her in the bassinet.
Everytime I started falling asleep I felt like I had stopped breathing and then I would freak out a bit.
A nurse ended up coming in and I explained to her what I was feeling and what was going on. She explained that it's normal for new mothers to go through that on the second or third night and that it's just being overwhelmed with everything. All I needed was a good cry.
So I had a good cry and after that I was able to sleep and I felt a lot less paranoid about something happening to our baby.

My husband was a sweetheart through it all. If I needed sleep or he figured I needed a one (I tried lying and saying I didn't) he would take her down to the family lounge so I could get some rest, even if it was in the middle of the night so I would stop worrying about her.
He made sure I ate and drank enough and that I was comfortable. He wasn't afraid to change a diaper or ask a nurse a question. He's so in love and just wants to spend all his time with her.

She was born at 8:41am (they actually aren't sure on the right time, it's either 8:40, 8:41 or 8:43am, I choose 8:41) on Thursday January 7th weighing 9lbs 1ounce. After a couple days she went down to 7lbs 13 ounces (She had lost 13% of her birth weight). Due to the csection my body didn't get the hormones that start milk production until after, so we've had to suppliment (despite really not wanting to, we had to for her) in order to get her weight back up.
My milk still hasn't fully come in but it is getting better. My doctor has prescribed me domperidone to help bring it in and it seems to be helping quite a bit. Hopefully soon we can stop supplimenting with formula.

So she is now 15 days old and doing wonderfully. As of Monday she was 8lbs 8 ounces and they were finally able to measure her and she's 21 3/4 inches long :)

I had to stop in the middle of that and feed her so I hope I didn't miss anything!

So here she is, Amira Marie Linde :) :cloud9:


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:hugs: Congratulations again, she's gorgeous.
Wonderful that she's doing well! I'm so glad you had attentive and caring nurses, they make all the difference!

Welcome to the world Amira!!!! :cloud9: She's gorgeous!
Thank you! :cloud9:

The nurses were amazing! There were a few things we were completely stumped on, they helped us out so much!

OMG Cuz!!! What a touching story!!! She is so beautiful!!!! There is so many parts in your story that made me cry!!! I love you so much, and give her tons of kisses for me!!! xoxo
Congratulations hunnie!! She is gorgeous and I am glad she is doing so well now :) Kayleigh hit her birth weight at 2 weeks old thank goodness and has been growing good! Miss you!! xoxo
congrats Rachel - she is so precious! Sorry to hear about all the complications - you're a strong woman! Glad everything turned out ok and Amira is healthy. I hope your recovery is smooth and fast! :hugs:
Utterly gorgeous baby girl you've got. So proud of you mama!
OMG Cuz!!! What a touching story!!! She is so beautiful!!!! There is so many parts in your story that made me cry!!! I love you so much, and give her tons of kisses for me!!! xoxo

:hugs: I'll give her hugs for now, but you'll see her soon and you can give her hugs yourself! Love you crazy xoxoxo

Congratulations hunnie!! She is gorgeous and I am glad she is doing so well now :) Kayleigh hit her birth weight at 2 weeks old thank goodness and has been growing good! Miss you!! xoxo

We're figuring by next week she'll be up to her birth weight again! She is doing SO much better now :hugs:

congrats Rachel - she is so precious! Sorry to hear about all the complications - you're a strong woman! Glad everything turned out ok and Amira is healthy. I hope your recovery is smooth and fast! :hugs:

Anything for Amira! She's worth anything I have had to deal with and I'd do it all over again for her.

Thank you guys! :hugs:
Yay for your beautiful little girl!! Great story, I really enjoyed it and am so happy for you guys! :hugs: Great to hear she's putting her weight back on like a champ!
yaaay congrats! Amira is so pretty! She has very feminine features! C-sections are hard, your a star and your doing so well!
Shes gorgeous your hubby looks so proud in the 1st piccy
Thanks guys!

And he is so crazy in love with her, it's amazing. I love watching them :cloud9:
Great birth story hun! :cloud9: I can't believe she's already 2 weeks old! Wow time sure does fly!!!

Love you!! :hugs: Hope you're doing great and recovering awesome!! :)
<3 <3 <3 :flower:
just read all of your story!
congrats on your little girl! and well done for it all too sounds like you went through a rough time but im glad everything was fine in the end and your alright and so is your LO.. shes such a gorgeous little girl! :cloud9:
Lovely story Rachel! So glad you have your precious bundle!!! :cloud9:
Ive already said congrats! But CONGRATS! I have been on dom. for 10 months now and its like a wonder drug! I hope it helps you the same way its helped me maintain my breast milk supply. I would feel like a bad friend if I didn't warn you that it can cause weight gain. But who cares long as it does its job for baby!

She is beautiful!

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