Announcing - How + When?


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2014
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Hey ladies! When are you all (if you haven't yet) announcing? Any ideas how? We thought we would wait until 14 weeks, this time, but I keep wanting to tell! Much harder keeping this secret than I had imagined. Anyone else? Xx
We are keeping it a secret until after our 12 week scan which should hopefully be end of feb/first week of march.

If all goes to plan, it's Mother's Day in the uk on 6 march so we are going to tell everyone then. Will get them a card/pressie saying grandma or something. Pretty boring really but that's my plan.

Completely get how hard it is not to tell. Xx
I told my mum and my best friend (like a sister), but will not tell anyone else till after 12 - 14 weeks.

I know it is silly, but I do believe in the evil eye, and jealousy is real. Plus, I am feeling super protective about this baby. Took us two years to get pregnant, do not want to jinx it.

We've told immediate family & a few of my close friends but will wait until after the scan to tell anyone else. It's a Thursday so planning on inviting people over that weekend to tell them then will probably do a social media pic the following week.
It's so exciting to tell people this time as nobody had a clue we had even thought about number 2 😊
I've told a few friends but I'm waiting to announce it properly.

We have our 12 week scan next week but all my family will be up for my brothers birthday and I don't feel like it would be appropriate to steal the spotlight, plus I hate attention. We're going to wait until the week after that once everything has settled down and everyone's went home.

No idea how though!
I've told my mom and a couple friends. I will probably announce after our first scan. I will tell work the first part of April when I'm 12 weeks and after my scan.
We haven't told anyone yet. I had a MC in Sept and everyone is expecting me to he pregnant. I think my sister knows and she constantly says so but Obviously she doesn't know for sure until we tell her.

I am thinking of telling her soon as she thinks she knows anyway but everyone else I am going to wait until nearer 12 weeks maybe once we have had our scan. I want to tell my son first and for my son to announce it in some way - I think by wearing a brother tshirt.
I'm glad I'm not the only one waiting! I've told my two best friends, but that's it. I hate disappointing everyone with another MC, so we'll probably wait until 12 weeks, too. Are any of you showing, yet? I can't zip up my jeans, anymore! I'm not sure how I'll make it without going to maternity clothes before we announce! 😳 That's not obvious.... 😂
We told our families after the dating scan was all good.

Will tell others after the 12 week scan.

We don't do anything fancy. We just told them :) And will probably do a Facebook post with the ultrasound. That's what we did last time.
I had no choice but to announce at 13 weeks because of my enormous bump! I just quickly blurted it out to my family at my grandmas house.
We are not telling anyone until easter, I'll be 14w+ then. We want to wait until after the 12 week scan, then we are going to visit everyone over the long weekend. Our families don't live close by and both sets of parents are divorced so it'll be one busy weekend! Not sure how we are going to actually break the news, DH doesn't like all the faffy stuff so prob just show them the scan pic!
I told my parents, my partner parents, brothers and sisters and close friends over the first 12 weeks then a couple days after my first scan is when we told other people

Do it when you feel comfortable too :)

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