Another day without seein my daughter!

had a call from the csa this morning... i had contacted the csa previously advising that i would like to make payments thro them so that everything was logged and the mother could not dispute payments i give her. now the mother has had sevral letters from my solicitor and two from the mediation service... each letter has had no reply..... back to the phone call... the man on the phone told me they had sent a letter to the mother stating that i had been in contact and wanted to set up a payment arrangement for my daughter if she agreed to accept the payments to get in touch with the csa to set this up.... surprise surprise within two days of this letter being sent out she was on the phone confirming she was happy to recieve the payments.. i gave the man from the csa my bank details etc so it could all be set up....... all my solictors letters and mediation letters have been ignored but when it comes to money there is no hesitation in replying... very frustratin but ive just got to keep pushing forward.

Im sorry but she is being a right bitch. She is more than happy to accept your money while she is stopping you seeing your daughter. What a disgrace she is. :nope:

:thumbup: Agree, i hope you get to see her soon.. Your ex don't realise how lucky she is to have a man who actually cares and wants to be a dad to his child... x
thank you for your comments. i have no problem what so ever paying the money because i want my daughter to have everything she needs and dont want her missing out on things because her mother may not have the money to buy certain things.... i have to laugh to myself or ill probably break down and cry.. all the letters have been ignored apart from the one that concerns money. the best thing is its all legal and she does not have to respond to solicitor or mediation letters if she chooses not to... i just have to wait till court so theres another two months or so without seeing my daughter. i miss her so much and just want to hold her and take her for a ice cream (she loves ice cream) .... i will one day soon. i just need to be patient in the meantime which i am struggling to do !
thank you for your comments. i have no problem what so ever paying the money because i want my daughter to have everything she needs and dont want her missing out on things because her mother may not have the money to buy certain things.... i have to laugh to myself or ill probably break down and cry.. all the letters have been ignored apart from the one that concerns money. the best thing is its all legal and she does not have to respond to solicitor or mediation letters if she chooses not to... i just have to wait till court so theres another two months or so without seeing my daughter. i miss her so much and just want to hold her and take her for a ice cream (she loves ice cream) .... i will one day soon. i just need to be patient in the meantime which i am struggling to do !

Well it cant be easy. I am sure of that. I think it must make it worse that she is purposely ignoring letters regarding visitation and contact but will willingly accept a letter regarding money. :nope: thats really annoying for me and I am not in your situation.
It will one day work itself out. I hope you can get it sorted sooner rather than later and you will then get to take her for ice cream. :)
Dave mate.. just keep doing what you're doing. You are a credit to your daughter and even more so when you read most of the stories on this forum. I feel every ounce of your pain. Havent seen my son in 7 weeks now though I will see him in a contact centre on xmas eve. Its the first time I will be 'alone' with him. I'm in tears thinking about it. Some people are just bitter and alot of the hurt comes from not being able to do anything when we all know you've done nothing wrong.

If you read my last post my ex broke the contact order, her father was abusive when I pointed this out and then they tried to guilt trip me by saying I should try harder..WTF??

Just to have a little selfish rant and let you know about the court's workings and the lengths some people will go to in their spitefullness.... be warned!

We had a pre-arranged date for court last week for xmas contact until this drugs allegation was sorted. The whole day became about the previously broken court order. My ex and her dad accused my solicitor of forging the previous court order by inserting a line that all vists were to be away from her house. Nice one! The judge laughed it out of court and told my ex (who was crying at the thought of going in front of the judge) that she clearly couldn't read. I was to take a drugs test for cannabis but the judge decided to give me unsupervised instead but collecting my son from a contact centre so I could be quickly checked if I was smoking.

He knew I'd given up my two joints a week months ago but he had a duty to investigate any allegation, however absurd. When her solicitor complained the judge decided I was to have 3 blood tests for the next month until Feb when I'd get unsupervised. That would only show if I had smoked in the last 2-3 days. He didnt even want to consider the allegations or anything from my past among another zillion things thrown at me... but her solicitor insisted. The judge made my ex stand up and say I would have unsupervised if the test were clean. Since he knew they were, there was nowhere else for my ex to go. My ex's solicitor was also told off for basically being crap. The child welfare officer/mediator decided my ex was still too hostile for me to have unsupervised and since they carry alot of weight with the judge it was decided a half way house in a contact centre until Feb was best for all involved. This leaves no room for my ex to put up any further obstacles for unsupervised. They protected my son's right to have an independent relationship with his father..and they WILL do the same for you. I have to pay 200 for taxis for the next month to get my ex and her son to the centre but its a small price to pay. Money that would have been better spent on my boy.

But its never the end when you're dealing with intrinsically bitter people. I contacted my ex about what i should get my son for xmas. I don't know what he's got already. She already had my suggestion so I left it until the next day and asked if she had any other suggestions. Cue a nasty message saying not to bother..he had all he needs but she'l have 100 quid for her oil bill and how big of me it was not have given her it already. I did say I would help her but I decided not to after her poor attitude the last month or so. Before the previous court date.. back in Nov we were getting along ok during supervised visits and I offered her more financial help. I got a load of nappies, milk etc and said I'd give her 100 for oil from a freelance job I was doing in a few weeks. This is on top of the 165 I pay her each month. Since then we had court, mediation, I was blocked online for nothing, she wouldnt give me her dads number to arrange contact, her father was abusive, they broke the order, tried to guilt trip me for pointing out their error, and I was ignored 3 times when I tried to keep in touch with her and asking about my son. And I'm the one with the problem for not giving her more money after that??? Who really cares about my boy here? Just watch out... and never react. Chin up mate.
Its really sad...i cant even imagine the pain you are going through.Its very very painfull for any mother to spend even i single day without her child.I will pray for u.
being a difficult christmas this year.. still have not seen my daughter and missing her so much.. all i can do is keep my fingers crossed wherever she is and whatever she is doing she is havin a lovely time. roll on 5th january when i see my sol next and hopefully i might get some progress
I'm sorry you havent had the best Christmas and that you havent seen your daughter yet. I hope that when you get to see her soon.
Just read this all the way through, so sorry your ex is being so obstructive. It really isn't fair on your daughter. She deserves a relationship with you. As a previous poster said, your ex is the one who have to answer those difficult questions when she's older. Hope your case makes quick progress.x
Dave i hope you get somewhere on the 5th, its bloody stupid... She is so lucky to have a man who actually cares about his daughter... My FOB has ditched our daughter and no longer wants her...

Makes me mad that there are some women (and men) that use their children as weapons...
Fingers crossed you get to see your daughter soon

Good luck to you, some women think they have all the rights in the world =/
Hi Dave I must say I wish a lot of men where like u.... Trying soooooo hard to achieve your outcome... Your daughter is one special girl and lucky to have u. My ex is sooooo different and I've Reyes so many time for him to see out girl and when he actually does he messes about calls us name threatens up and then contact goes back a few steps just wish he would behave and it would be grand but he never learns. Hope u get what u are so desperate to have!!! U deserve it. X
Hi Dave :flower:
I just want to say that although it's a long haul, one day your daughter will be asking the questions of her mother and why she has not been able to see you!
My dad did not see his children for 10 years as their mother took them 400 miles away. She also made some very harsh accusations about my dad when he applied for full custody. She was an alcoholic and beat the children, but would not allow my father to take them, so they were in foster care for a year.
Fast forward to this year and just after xmas my sister came to stay with me. Within an hour of being here, she asked to meet our dad. He met her the next morning and they spent a lot of time together while she was here.
My father is now the happiest man on the planet.

So although it may take time, just remember, you'll have all the proof that you fought to see her, and the mother won't have a leg to stand on when your daughter starts asking questions xxx
I've just read this thread from the beginning and I just wanted to say that you're an amazing person and your daughter is so lucky to have a Dad like you.
I really hope everything goes your way and you get the contact you deserve regardless of your ex. :hugs:
thanks for everyones kind words of support :) ... went to my sol on thurs to get the forms submitted to the court... family courts apparently are very busy tho so my case will be heard any where in the next 6 weeks to 3 months so just a question of being very patient again! ... just hope my lil girl is alright and happy in the meantime.

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