Another month?


Mum to Jasmine & Peyton
Mar 25, 2008
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:cry: I can't believe it... I want to cry, that is too long! I will lose my mind if I am super overdue.

The last couple days i've been in so much pain :( My lower back, pelvis and groin hurts so much! I can't open my legs at all (lol ok that sounds bad), and it is so painful to even put my socks on... I sit in a chair and it hurts even to bring my foot up to my knee :( I feel so stiff and sore and I dont even do anything...

Plus my Oh is working overtime, which is great because its extra money, but I miss him :( and can't cry to him about my pain haha.

Well this was kinda pointless... Just felt like whining and being dramatic.. lol
I am sorry you feel this way! Hope the next weeks go by quickly for you! :hugs:
Oh honey, hang on in there, not long to go now. I know it's easy to say. Try to get your feet up and relax. xxxx
:hugs: I think the time is going to pass quickly now... well i think its passing waaaay fast!! Have you finished all the decorating in your house?? Thats obv what i'm occupying myself doing.. go for a walk in the morning and then have lunch then paint or what ever :)
Max of 6 weeks left :lol: Ok that doesnt help tee hee!! I will be right along with you counting the seconds in 2 weeks when i move in!!! Ahhhh!!
Sorry you are feeling crappy!

Not long now hon, we have 32 more sleeps until babies are due. Sounds closer than 4 weeks.

Hopefully wont be too long, but we don't want your LO to arrive too early let her be cooked first. x x x
not much longer for you now hun, just take it easy :hugs:
Aww honey, trust me when I say I'm feeling your pain! My hips feel like they're constantly bruised, and my back aches loads. Fingers crossed that our babies arrive as soon as they're sufficiently cooked, and not a moment after! lol
Sorry you are feeling rubbish hunny, I know what you mean. Try and focus on milestones over the next few weeks and hopefully the time will pass faster!

Sorry you are having a rough time. It will go really quickly, I promise. x
I know it seems far away but it'll go by quickly. Try to relax as much as possible.
Awk, the time will fly in for you! *hugs* hope the pain subsides! x
:hugs: I think the time is going to pass quickly now... well i think its passing waaaay fast!! Have you finished all the decorating in your house?? Thats obv what i'm occupying myself doing.. go for a walk in the morning and then have lunch then paint or what ever :)
Max of 6 weeks left :lol: Ok that doesnt help tee hee!! I will be right along with you counting the seconds in 2 weeks when i move in!!! Ahhhh!!

lol, my OH wont let me paint anything :( And he still has sanding to do in our kitchen and now that he is working so much its pretty slow going :(

At least the baby's room is done.

6 weeks... OMG... better not be freakin' 6 weeks lol!
I have to wonderrr Ryder, are you up EXTREMLEY late overthere?
lol... Ya I usually stay up really late... right now it is only 10:30am though :D I don't go to bed usually until 1am though since my OH is working, I wait for him so we can go to bed together.
lol no, I think you are about 5 hours ahead or so? Not sure.
I know it bites hon but try tothink of it this way; it's all for a reason. (DUH! :dohh:) I mean that the aches and pains mean that LO is moving into the right position and things; it means your body is working. :D
You could do some sanding?? Gawd i've been painting with the door open, been sanding down walls and painting them also and grouting the floor..learning to tile the bath this weekend ha ha!! Also been helping OH make the kitchen.. i could be like a DIY person soon!! Ha ha ha!! Hmmm..yea rrighht!

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