another newbie here


New Member
Nov 5, 2006
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Hi folks
I joined a couple of days ago and only just got around to posting(sorry)
I am single dad with my teenage daughter ruling the roost............. she's a good kid really.
I am here now so feel free to hassle, I mean contact me for a chat. Love the freebies section by the way!
:lol: How old is she?

I was a scarey teenager :shock: now I look at my teenage cousin (16) & feel like an angel compared :lol:

Welcome to BabyAnBump :wave:
Wobbles said:
:lol: How old is she?

I was a scarey teenager :shock: now I look at my teenage cousin (16) & feel like an angel compared :lol:

Welcome to BabyAnBump :wave:

She will be 14 this friday..............I was scarey teen too but in my day we just had wild beach parties and got it all out of our systems!

Thanks for the welcome xxx
Think mine was peach concorde at the end of the street :rofl:
Hiya and welcome to the forum

Seeing as we were all Scarey Girls at some point( i still am)

I am sure we can scare you, sorry mean give you advice if needed :D

Wobs mine was Thunderbirds behind the youth club :rofl: :rofl:
Hello and welcome!

Just to add my tipple was 20/20 and white lightning :oops: down the park! :lol:
welcome johnbouy...

i still am a terrible teen (as Tam and Wobbles will tell you :wink: )
im 19 and due with my first baby 7th December!!

hope you have fun chattin to us all!!

ello mate

get your arse in the men section we need the bodies!
Oh yer will tell OH when hes up :D
Hi mate ~ Great to have another bloke on the scene.


P.S. Given you access to the Mens Section.
Hello and welcome. I take it girls don't get any better as they grow up then. We're just going thru the terrible twos
Hi Johnbouy.......Love the name!

Welcome to the forum!! x

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