I would say that it is a definite positive and that you may O anytime today or in the next few days. If I remember correctly, you are taking soy this cycle. Soy could be the reason for earlier O.
I know you are temping and haven't had much luck with doing it at the same time, but I wonder if you could just temp the next few days and see if it is higher than the previous ones. I would assume that with a positive like that, you would get a definite temp spike and it would be noticeable. Keep temping hun and see if it stays up for at least 3 days.
Hi Coutney...thanks so much hun...Actually its the first time i ever got a darker than control line in an opk.
Always faint lines.
Not sure soy worked ...but will see in the next couple of days.Fx'd for u too....all that bding should work..
Btw - with my constantly elevated LH levels that's what I get on these tests every day You'd think it's great to see a positive opk but not when it doesn't actually mean anything
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