I don't think you should offer a bottle until the baby gets the hang of breastfeeding. Bottle feeding is quite easy for a baby since most time the milk just drips out from the nipple without any work from the baby. Breastfeeding requires technique from both mother AND baby. Also, the baby will stimulate your body into making milk more so than anything else. The more he/she's on your boob, the more milk your breasts will make and the quicker it will come in! Some take to latching correctly straight away (like my son, didn't even have to use anything other than a bit of breastmilk on nipples every once in a while, no soreness at all) but others must learn the proper way (like my daughter
my poor sore, cracked, blistered nipples). It was roughly 2-3 weeks before she truly got the hang of breastfeeding.
You have to be careful what bottle you offer when you do decide to introduce one. Some have faster flows than others. We went with the Playtex Drop-ins, stage 1 nipples. With my son, I didn't know any different and had several different type of bottles and it wasn't long before he became a lazy nurser and would scream his head off instead of nursing from me when I came home from work. He'd gotten used to milk just dripping from the nipple and didn't want to work for his milk anymore (breastfeed
) Since I was working and couldn't pump at work, I just went to formula fulltime when he was 4 months old
I wasn't able to pump when I was breastfeeding my son. Not sure if it was just a bad pump or what but I was able to hand express more than I could get out with the darn pump hubby got me. This time around I have a Lansinoh manual and LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE it.
It does take some getting used to, learning technique (using compression while pumping, placing your nipple just so-so in the "cone" for example among other things) and with time and continued use, your body will respond better to it.
I hope you don't have any troubles and are able to do well. In the beginning you will be feeding every couple of hours and sometimes even more frequently than that. Don't worry about input or how long he/she's eating as long as you're having to change dirty diapers, you know baby is getting something
I love breastfeeding and HATED when my son had to go fulltime to formula. It's so much easier in the middle of the night to just whip a boob out! With son, I had to stagger into kitchen in the middle of the night to mix and warm his bottle all to the tune of his SCREAMING.
I was determined to breastfeed longer this time around, especially since I'm not working. I hate washing bottles
Good luck
EDIT: I agree with Luna 19, I was told by DD's original dr that I needed to give a bottle of formula so that DD would sleep through night better. At 8 weeks old she was sleeping 5-7hr blocks at night. My son didn't sleep that well until he was about 8-9 months and he still work up frequently some nights! Needless to say, I switched drs. Make sure to do lots of research. Be prepared because even though a lot of drs and hospitals say breast is best, their actions (pushing formula) say differently
Be well informed!!