Any Clomid Round 1 buddies? - Now with testing dates!

Hi Mamawannabe

All the tests I have had have come back normal although they are a little confused as to when I actually ovulate. The main reason behind our trouble is my DH, he has poor sperm morphology. Im trying to keep thinking positive thoughts but we'll see tomorrow if its working like it should be.

Just nice to have people to talk to about it all to be honest.

Oh it is definitely nice to have people to talk too... although I think I might be the only person on this thread who is unexplained - unless somebody can tell me otherwise??

I know it must be really difficult for everyone with a diagnosed problem and I am not saying that it is any harder for me but I just wish I had something actually wrong with me they could try and treat. Instead they have just thrown clomid at me to make me do something I already do... its really frustrating.

I have decided to try IUI if nothing has happened in the next two cycles - anybody have any experience of this? Its all we can afford really but its still going to cost £1,200!!!
Hey mama,
I'm sooo sorry. First day of BFN is the worst! Especially when everything seemed to have worked out soooo well. Hugs. I kept thinking of the image of my 22.5mm follicle! And it felt like a pre-carriage not miscarriage, cos I wasn't actually PG, but before that. I found it easier when AF actually came. Like closure for me.

Welcome to a new cycle dear.

They havnt said the word unexplained to me but nothing has turnt up in investigations either! xx

Have had some spotting so feeling really peed off now! Wont be happy if when I go for my scan tomorrow my lining is thin as that would be the same problem I reckon I had before the clomid so why bother!! arrggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
Hi ladies :nope: just been reading through this post and im so sorry cheerios about BFN.. i hope your feeling better soon.. and torilou im sorry i know its annoying not knowing isnt it, i wasnt sure what was going on with me until i was sent for a scan showing my PCO's.

I began my 1st clomid cycle this month so thought id update... I went for a scan yesterday (wed) and my left ovarie has produced 2 13mm follies at day 9of my cycle so they are happy with that, they have asked for me to go for another scan tomorrow as day 11 (fri) to double check they have grown to 15-16mm and should be releasing this weekend :happydance: my fingers are so firmly crossed we catch this one.. not that i have time to think as i will O in between sat-wed and then im flying to marbella on thursday for a hen weekend, when i come back im having bloods taken and then im off to centre parcs.. by this point ill be at 28days of my cycle... its so exciting, im hoping and praying but dont want to get my hopes up too much.

Sorry if this is too happy im just excited my follies are growing and i know im actually about to ovulate and to which ovarie... :)

xx :dust:
Hi ladies :nope: just been reading through this post and im so sorry cheerios about BFN.. i hope your feeling better soon.. and torilou im sorry i know its annoying not knowing isnt it, i wasnt sure what was going on with me until i was sent for a scan showing my PCO's.

I began my 1st clomid cycle this month so thought id update... I went for a scan yesterday (wed) and my left ovarie has produced 2 13mm follies at day 9of my cycle so they are happy with that, they have asked for me to go for another scan tomorrow as day 11 (fri) to double check they have grown to 15-16mm and should be releasing this weekend :happydance: my fingers are so firmly crossed we catch this one.. not that i have time to think as i will O in between sat-wed and then im flying to marbella on thursday for a hen weekend, when i come back im having bloods taken and then im off to centre parcs.. by this point ill be at 28days of my cycle... its so exciting, im hoping and praying but dont want to get my hopes up too much.

Sorry if this is too happy im just excited my follies are growing and i know im actually about to ovulate and to which ovarie... :)

xx :dust:

everyone's talking about scans and follicle sizes that have been taking, or taken clomid. i've finished it for my first month, i'm on cd 18 right now, and i haven't had any scans done. i'm going for bloodwork i assume on cd 22 which is the 27th of this month to see if i ov'd. will they do some kind of scan then, or should they have done that before i ov'd? i'm confused and freaking myself out now because i haven't had this done! someone help me! haha
I'm not having scans, at least nobody mentioned scans to me at the clinic, I was told just to go back on day 21 for bloods! Don't worry you aren't the only one not getting scanned! I think it's quite common and there are a few people across other threads not getting scanned!
Scan didnt go well, have to find out next week after theyve spoken to the consultant about what steps to take with me but am actually feeling really calm about it all now although shed a few tears at the clinic but like the nurse said its our job to look after you so stop worrying, googling and trying to find things that you have no control off as its our job to sort you, so in one way feeling sort of wierdly relieved that nothing it going to happen this month so now dont have to worry if that makes sense, maybe its a good thing that I have a break this month as think its been doing more harm than good to me lately xxx
hi keepsmiling are you asking me or torilou? haha...

i went for my 2nd scan today and both my eggs seem to have released, so im thinking on cd9 that the follies were 13 nearer 14mm (UK) and then they have grown and released either yesterday or this morning before my scan.. they are meant to be 15-16mm when they are released.. but she did say she thinks they would have been ok... so looks like iv O'd :happydance: i do hope i catch it this month :)

as for scanning, alot of people are not having them done.. i just have a really good doctor who is very much looking out for me and my mentality lol! xx

hope your all ok xx

Lining was only 4mm! There were about 7 or 8 follies and 2 dominant at about 9 and 10mm, so either Im going to ov late this month or im not going to, lining isnt good either, the nurse rang me this afternoon as she managed to catch my consultant and it may be a eostrogen (sp) problem so dependant on what my bloods say about ov this month is dependant on what they will do, the consultant did say that I may be highly sensitive to the clomid and may have to go down to 25mg but I cant remember if she said if thats if I ov or not so will have to wait and see but have already decided that I am not actively trying this month and just enjoy my hubby as and when we want to and not do any opk's, cervix checking, mucus fiddling or anything either as think this is beginning to drive me slightly potty! lol xxx

Great news about your scan results! Heres hoping for you! I know what you mean about being looked after, really do feel after today that they do feel what were going through and would say she went out of her way for me today so for that im very grateful xx
Hey girls!! Really having a down day today! Was feeling really hopefully that I was ovulating, got a pos opk on Wednesday, had all the signs of ovulation, ewcm, back pain and strangely sore gums that I usually get, but I've had no temp rise! Haven't updated my chart yet but my temp have remained about the same! :(

Feeling really sorry fo myself, doesn't help when I saw on fb that one of my brothers friends gf is pregnant, they are just kids, she is at uni, only been together about 18 mth, it's just not fair! Came home from work and just broke down in tears today, really lost all my pma!
Hey girls!! Really having a down day today! Was feeling really hopefully that I was ovulating, got a pos opk on Wednesday, had all the signs of ovulation, ewcm, back pain and strangely sore gums that I usually get, but I've had no temp rise! Haven't updated my chart yet but my temp have remained about the same! :(

Feeling really sorry fo myself, doesn't help when I saw on fb that one of my brothers friends gf is pregnant, they are just kids, she is at uni, only been together about 18 mth, it's just not fair! Came home from work and just broke down in tears today, really lost all my pma!

I'm sooo sorry SmileyKez

I had the EXACT same thing yesterday! One friend announced her BFP story in front of everybody during a monthly leaders' meeting and I had to break down later (when I was by myself). I was like asking God "Of all times, why does it have to be today??? Just one day after my BFN?"

I really don't know about temps dear. I had superb temps and I still got a BFN. So I really won't read so much into it. I don't know if its possible to ovulate without a temp rise. But really, your other symptoms sound awesome! Put it this way, I never ever get EWCM, but I'm sure I ovulate, because I got sore boobs. So, I think every body is different.
Hi Mamawannabe

All the tests I have had have come back normal although they are a little confused as to when I actually ovulate. The main reason behind our trouble is my DH, he has poor sperm morphology. Im trying to keep thinking positive thoughts but we'll see tomorrow if its working like it should be.

Just nice to have people to talk to about it all to be honest.

Oh it is definitely nice to have people to talk too... although I think I might be the only person on this thread who is unexplained - unless somebody can tell me otherwise??

I know it must be really difficult for everyone with a diagnosed problem and I am not saying that it is any harder for me but I just wish I had something actually wrong with me they could try and treat. Instead they have just thrown clomid at me to make me do something I already do... its really frustrating.

I have decided to try IUI if nothing has happened in the next two cycles - anybody have any experience of this? Its all we can afford really but its still going to cost £1,200!!!

Hey mama

I've thought of your problem before. If its better to have "unexplained infertility" or unending problems one after the other. I really don't know dear! I think both are just as bad!!!! On one hand, I can "envy" you that you don't have to pump your body with medicine. I'm taking like 3 different pills everyday and including Clomid, its 4. And there's been crazy side effects with Metformin (which I'm on too). On the other, you can "envy" me, because maybe once my problems are "solved" we might get our BFP quickly.

But both ways, we have our own issues to deal with on this TTC journey. I keep reminding myself that God has a personalized plan for each and everyone of us - even if I may not like my not-so-nice parts of my journey.
That's cheerios! I think temp rises are the only symptom that confirms ovulation. The annoying thing is last month I had a great temp rise when I ovulated without the clomid!
Hi ladies :nope: just been reading through this post and im so sorry cheerios about BFN.. i hope your feeling better soon.. and torilou im sorry i know its annoying not knowing isnt it, i wasnt sure what was going on with me until i was sent for a scan showing my PCO's.

I began my 1st clomid cycle this month so thought id update... I went for a scan yesterday (wed) and my left ovarie has produced 2 13mm follies at day 9of my cycle so they are happy with that, they have asked for me to go for another scan tomorrow as day 11 (fri) to double check they have grown to 15-16mm and should be releasing this weekend :happydance: my fingers are so firmly crossed we catch this one.. not that i have time to think as i will O in between sat-wed and then im flying to marbella on thursday for a hen weekend, when i come back im having bloods taken and then im off to centre parcs.. by this point ill be at 28days of my cycle... its so exciting, im hoping and praying but dont want to get my hopes up too much.

Sorry if this is too happy im just excited my follies are growing and i know im actually about to ovulate and to which ovarie... :)

xx :dust:

everyone's talking about scans and follicle sizes that have been taking, or taken clomid. i've finished it for my first month, i'm on cd 18 right now, and i haven't had any scans done. i'm going for bloodwork i assume on cd 22 which is the 27th of this month to see if i ov'd. will they do some kind of scan then, or should they have done that before i ov'd? i'm confused and freaking myself out now because i haven't had this done! someone help me! haha


Scans are done before ovulation. Its to check if your follicles are maturing. I would definitely push to have scans if your insurance covers them. If they don't, find out how much they cost and see if you want to pay for them??
That's cheerios! I think temp rises are the only symptom that confirms ovulation. The annoying thing is last month I had a great temp rise when I ovulated without the clomid!

Really??? Before Clomid, I never got any significant temp rise.... but I knew that I ovulated - does that count??? Maybe you can ask around.... I think you know your body the best. Temp rise or not, you would be able to "feel" ovulation, can't you??
Yeah I think so, I never thought I could "feel" ovulation but the last 2 months I have felt like it was coming, grabbed an opk and got a positive result, so if nothing else, I feel like I know my own body alot better!
I have just updated my temps and maybe its not as bad as I thought, hopefully I will have a higher temp again tomorrow. Its wierd this month because my temps in general have been higher than last month, just after AF.
I have just been reading up on fertility friend and it says that temp rises is the only way that you can guarantee you have ovulated, just took this from the site...

Your temperature sign is the sign that will best help you to precisely pinpoint the day that ovulation occurred. This is because progesterone, and hence your temperature, increase quite dramatically just after ovulation has taken place.

Before ovulation, there is only a small amount of progesterone present in your body and your basal body temperatures (your resting temperatures) are in the lower range. After ovulation, when there is increased progesterone secreted from the corpus luteum, temperatures become elevated. The temperature elevation that occurs after ovulation is sufficient to be measured with a BBT thermometer and viewed on a BBT graph when a few simple conditions are met.

The rise in temperature is usually about 0.4 degrees Fahrenheit or 0.2 degrees Celsius, but the rise may be as slight as 0.2 degrees Fahrenheit or 0.1 degrees Celsius or even less in some cases. The actual temperatures are less important than noting a biphasic pattern showing two levels of temperatures. will indicate that ovulation has taken place once a sustained temperature rise is observed (at least three days).
Hi ladies :nope: just been reading through this post and im so sorry cheerios about BFN.. i hope your feeling better soon.. and torilou im sorry i know its annoying not knowing isnt it, i wasnt sure what was going on with me until i was sent for a scan showing my PCO's.

I began my 1st clomid cycle this month so thought id update... I went for a scan yesterday (wed) and my left ovarie has produced 2 13mm follies at day 9of my cycle so they are happy with that, they have asked for me to go for another scan tomorrow as day 11 (fri) to double check they have grown to 15-16mm and should be releasing this weekend :happydance: my fingers are so firmly crossed we catch this one.. not that i have time to think as i will O in between sat-wed and then im flying to marbella on thursday for a hen weekend, when i come back im having bloods taken and then im off to centre parcs.. by this point ill be at 28days of my cycle... its so exciting, im hoping and praying but dont want to get my hopes up too much.

Sorry if this is too happy im just excited my follies are growing and i know im actually about to ovulate and to which ovarie... :)

xx :dust:

everyone's talking about scans and follicle sizes that have been taking, or taken clomid. i've finished it for my first month, i'm on cd 18 right now, and i haven't had any scans done. i'm going for bloodwork i assume on cd 22 which is the 27th of this month to see if i ov'd. will they do some kind of scan then, or should they have done that before i ov'd? i'm confused and freaking myself out now because i haven't had this done! someone help me! haha

Don't panic, I am not having any scans either despite being on Clomid. xx
cheerios - dont worry about scans hun, i just have a doctor who is really good and is thinking about my sanity :lol: xxx

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