Any Cysters? TTC #1. Today is CD 1, looking for a buddy!


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2015
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I'm 30 years old and have PCOS. I'm going to be taking 100 mg Clomid CD2-6. (Tomorrow! Yikes!)
Hey Linzalora, I'm 29 and TTC #2. I'm on CD 2, but in a couple of minutes it'll turn to CD 3 for me. I too have PCOS, I'm taking 2000 mg of Metformin and just stated the herb Vitex. Plus I'm also charting my BBT temps. Are you charting as well? How many cycles since you've started TTC?
Hey Brenda! I haven't taken Metformin, but I'm familiar with it. Vitex is new to me. I'll have to do some google research.

I haven't been temping. I'm a zombie in the morning, and I can't imagine being conscious enough to record a number... or stay awake long enough to wait for the silly thermometer to read. How do you manage it?

We've been "not-not-trying" for years now, but my body was so messed up that it was never gonna happen. I had resigned myself to not having a biological child until last year when I was able to naturally regain a normal menstrual cycle through Primal/Paleo living. So officially, we've been TTC for about 5 cycles, 2 with Clomid 50 mg.
Hey Brenda! I haven't taken Metformin, but I'm familiar with it. Vitex is new to me. I'll have to do some google research.

I haven't been temping. I'm a zombie in the morning, and I can't imagine being conscious enough to record a number... or stay awake long enough to wait for the silly thermometer to read. How do you manage it?

We've been "not-not-trying" for years now, but my body was so messed up that it was never gonna happen. I had resigned myself to not having a biological child until last year when I was able to naturally regain a normal menstrual cycle through Primal/Paleo living. So officially, we've been TTC for about 5 cycles, 2 with Clomid 50 mg.

I'm going to be honest, BBT is not fun, but it is very rewarding to see your fertility's actions. I put an alarm to wake me up everyday of the week at the same time. I always have my BBT thermometer nearby, temp, and record it.. Then I go back to sleep! Most bbt thermometers have a way to keep your last temp on record so you could also input it into your chart at a Later time. Check out this neat app and website called Fertility Friend. That's what I use! It allows me to see my most fertile days and when and if I've ovulated.

I take Vitex in order to help elevate my natural progesterone levels, since my last cycle was only 23 days long. Fertility Friend showed I did ovulate, but my luteal phase was too short in order to conceive. In comes the Vitex, to be fair last cycle was my 1st cycle TTC and it was only on Metformin, this will obviously be Cycle 2 on Metformin and adding Vitex. My fingers are crossed in hopes Vitex helps me since I will probably ovulate early per fertility friend.

Glad to hear your cycles have somewhat normalized, when I got pregnant with my son, it was through weightloss that helped me conceive him naturally. I've always had periods, They were just a anovulatory. It took me 6 years, but he's here!

Here is a link to my FF chart
Okay, that is a pretty nifty chart. You're right, it clearly Highlights what's going on- no need for guesswork! I think I'll give it a go. I'm embracing that TTC is not for the faint-hearted.
I'm super impressed you were able to keep such good data, enough to identify the shortened luteal phase. Fxed that the vitex does the trick for you!
That's wonderful that you were able to conceive your son naturally. Did you use a program/plan for your weight loss?
I need to get my butt back into gear- I am having a super busy couple of weeks at work and cooking good nutritious food has just not been happening. My all time favorite is stuffed bell peppers (with cauliflower rice). I should make a ton of that and freeze it so I have something to grab after a tedious day.

Took my second day of 100mg Clomid today. I'm really anxious about the upped meds. Hoping things go smoothly.
Hey Linzalora, when I lost weight I did the HCG diet and took the HCG drops, but I gained all the 40 lbs that I lost back after my pregnancy. After my weight loss, it took me 3 months to conceive without any meds, or charting. It just happened. The diet was monitored and prescribed by my fertility specialist in order to begin my fertility treatment. Only, by the time I was ready to begin treatment I was already pregnant thanks to the weight loss alone. My Doctor told me that loosing at least 10% of your body weight can do wonders!! It truly was an OMG moment!

I will let you know when I ovulate since I'm on merformin and Vitex, good luck with Clomid. FX'd that this is our month!!
Got my thermometer today, and DH is getting results from SA on Friday. His preliminary tests came back normal.

Thank you for the good news about the 10%. Gives me a definite goal to work towards.

Good luck!
Hi! I Have pcos. Got diagnosed when I was 16. (Currently 26) hubby and I are currently Ttc with the help of metformin. I've only been taking it for a little over a month, but within that time, it regulated my cycle and helped me ovulate (hadn't ovulated in over 4 months) I have been tracking my ovulation with the clearblue ovulation tests. Odd though, because I started ovulating on the 6th of this month, I've been testing every 2 days, (and of course doing the grown up dance lol) but, while it's currently the 15th, I took another test for the heck of it, and it says still ovulating. Anywho, I was a little curious as to if I could get a pos ov test if I'm preg, googled it and all results said yes. So when I take my preg test, hopefully it will have the results I want!! �� (sorry, I rambled)
Heya, Yoshibelle! Welcome to BnB!

Wow, wouldn't that be awesome! It's great that metformin worked well for you. What CD are you on now?

Fxed for you! Keep me updated!
My FF chart:
Hi! I Have pcos. Got diagnosed when I was 16. (Currently 26) hubby and I are currently Ttc with the help of metformin. I've only been taking it for a little over a month, but within that time, it regulated my cycle and helped me ovulate (hadn't ovulated in over 4 months) I have been tracking my ovulation with the clearblue ovulation tests. Odd though, because I started ovulating on the 6th of this month, I've been testing every 2 days, (and of course doing the grown up dance lol) but, while it's currently the 15th, I took another test for the heck of it, and it says still ovulating. Anywho, I was a little curious as to if I could get a pos ov test if I'm preg, googled it and all results said yes. So when I take my preg test, hopefully it will have the results I want!! �� (sorry, I rambled)

Welcome Yoshibelle! I'm glad to see that you too saw a definite ovulation with the metformin! Isn't that great! I wish you the best and will keep my FX'd that you get a :bfp:!! It is possible to be pregnant and get a positive ovulation test, just need to get an hpt to confirm. Otherwise, if you get a bfn it could mean that you really didn't ovulate after all on the 6th when it geared up to and instead geared up to ovulate again on the 15th. However, I rather you be pregnant, how exciting! Keep us updated!
My FF chart:

Glad to see you got your chart going on Fertility friend! Awesome! Here's a link to mine too:

Thanks, Brenda. Yeah, BBT is easier than I feared it would be! Thanks for the tips- FF is definitely the way to go with recording the little numbers. It's very satisfying to connect those dots.
Thanks! ;) and I'm new to the abbreviations lol is CD cycle day? If so, I'm on day 34. (Not quite sure how long my cycle is because it's quite unusual. But when taking any type of meds for assistance, it normally makes it 28-30 days) so, if the metformin not only helped with my ovulation, but with cycle length as well, I may very well get a BFP in about a week when I take my test!!! :) I'm so anxious to find out. All I know is, I keep getting pos ovulation tests... It's a little weird. And I def will keep you updated... Any clue on how to maybe turn on notifications for specific forums?
Thanks so much Brendaj! :)

And yea, I'm not sure what that's all about, all I know is I'm still doing the grownup dance to increase my chances lol. Btw, hat does FX'd mean? Sorry, I'm new to all of this :))
Yup, CD is Cycle Day, and Fxed is Fingers crossed!

To get email notifications, go to the top purple bar on this thread, click thread tools, click subscribe to this thread, then select email notification from the drop down menu. I'm glad you asked that, because I didn't know either!

I have a terrible sore throat today and DH is sneezing and coughing all over the place... EWW. Nothing like BD with the sniffles... Here's hoping we kick these colds soon!

What type of ovulation kit are you using, Yoshibelle? I've never tried one before.

Here's the compendium of TTC forum lingo:
BabyandBump Lingo & Abbreviations
Lol thanks Linzalora! And I hope you guys kick the colds too! :( and another thing, how in the heck do I start a now thread!!?? Lol

And I like them. I've used them for only about a few months. But I seriously can't wait to take a preg test. Ive been doing some google-ing lol and some ppl say when you have pcos you can get false pos on opk. But when I first started, I was getting negs, now I'm getting pos. (shrugs shoulders) they say if it's a false pos this, theyll start out that way.... the suspense is killing me!!!! Lol
How are you guys holding out? I'm on CD 8 soon to be 9 like in 15 more mins. Lol! Still taking my BBT temp daily. I'll update once I've confirmed ovulation.

Yoshibelle, I hope you get your BFP soon! So excited for you. I've been doing opk's since CD 6 and so far negatives, so far no ovulation, but I think it'll happen around CD 14 or 15 for me. PCOS can be tricky, but if you're pretty sure you've ovulated, then your positive opk's are looking more like a real good chance at a BFP!! You should test already! I read that if you're getting positive opk's when you are indeed pregnant, should most definitely yield a BFP on an hpt! Let us know :). Sending sticky baby dust your way and tons of prayers! <3
I'll probably ovulate CD 14-15, too. Feels like an eternity from now, but I think it's really just this upcoming weekend!

Start a new thread by going to one of the main forums, like Trying to Conceive and then click the purple button, "New Thread" on the top left side.
I'll probably ovulate CD 14-15, too. Feels like an eternity from now, but I think it's really just this upcoming weekend!

Start a new thread by going to one of the main forums, like Trying to Conceive and then click the purple button, "New Thread" on the top left side.

Yay! That's so awesome! I am doing opk's but I got the walmart equate brand and they stink! Do not buy!!! They are hard to read and I just don't like them. I'd rather buy the Answer brand opk's. I'm sure the digitalis are great too but I didn't want to shell out $35+ for them. I like how you can see the progress on your chart at the bottom of your signature! How did you do that. Lol!:winkwink:

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