Any Cysters? TTC #1. Today is CD 1, looking for a buddy!

To get your chart to display in your signature, log into FF, find "Sharing" at the top, select "Get Code", copy everything in the box under bbCode Code, and then paste that puppy in the signature box for BnB!

I did find ONE ovulation kit at the pharmacy... Seriously, I took the last box they had. The kit comes with only 3 tests, so I'll probably wait 'til tomorrow to take one then skip a day. I think they're the same kind as the equate ones- the "how to identify a positive result" instructions were like three paragraphs long. Should be exciting!

I'm starting to feel some twinges on my right side. Last cycle, it was my left ovary. I can't remember for the life of me which is my better side, but I'm hoping it's my right!
To get your chart to display in your signature, log into FF, find "Sharing" at the top, select "Get Code", copy everything in the box under bbCode Code, and then paste that puppy in the signature box for BnB!

I did find ONE ovulation kit at the pharmacy... Seriously, I took the last box they had. The kit comes with only 3 tests, so I'll probably wait 'til tomorrow to take one then skip a day. I think they're the same kind as the equate ones- the "how to identify a positive result" instructions were like three paragraphs long. Should be exciting!

I'm starting to feel some twinges on my right side. Last cycle, it was my left ovary. I can't remember for the life of me which is my better side, but I'm hoping it's my right!

Thanks for that info! Also, I too have started to feel some twinges on my ovaries. Not sure which one, but I think it was my left. Your chart is looking nice so far! Let's pray for a great month! :)
Thanks ladies! And I have no idea how I'm able to hold out lol. But I tested again yesterday and got a neg in the opk so.... Hopefully when I take the preg test I will get my BFP! my goodness, I will be so happy! I've been having a bit of cramping since Thursday. On and off, and just been wanting water and veggies.. (Shrugs shoulders) could just be the meds and a late period. I guess we shall see in 5 days! :) FX'd

Btw.... On a random note,My face is breaking out horribly! :( idk what's going on, I haven't had a breakout like this in about 11 years! lol I just had to get that off of my chest. I woke up this past Saturday morning and dh was like "what the heck, is your face okay!?" Lol I was like omg how rude haha he was just caught off guard because my face never does this it was funny to really
Thanks ladies! And I have no idea how I'm able to hold out lol. But I tested again yesterday and got a neg in the opk so.... Hopefully when I take the preg test I will get my BFP! my goodness, I will be so happy! I've been having a bit of cramping since Thursday. On and off, and just been wanting water and veggies.. (Shrugs shoulders) could just be the meds and a late period. I guess we shall see in 5 days! :) FX'd

Btw.... On a random note,My face is breaking out horribly! :( idk what's going on, I haven't had a breakout like this in about 11 years! lol I just had to get that off of my chest. I woke up this past Saturday morning and dh was like "what the heck, is your face okay!?" Lol I was like omg how rude haha he was just caught off guard because my face never does this it was funny to really

I am so excited for you Yoshibelle! FX'd for you! We are just waiting to confirm ovulation to begin our excruciating TWW. I certainly do not look forward going through that because it consumes me alive, lol. But I hope this month is what we've all been waiting for. :baby:
Yoshi, so how many days total did the OPK read positive? I don't want to wish days away, but I'm really eager to find out what your preg test in 5 days will say!!! Fxed!

Brenda, your chart looks great, too- Hooray for us! Praying for a nice, clear O and a comfortably long luteal phase with a BFP at the end!

I think I have a sinus infection, and I'm miffed about it. The doc tried to get me to take antihistamines, but I thankfully read up on that before taking them. Weirdly, the doc did not prescribe me antibiotics. Antihistamines are a big no-no when you're TTC, especially as close to O as I (hopefully) am. UGH. Time to break out the Netipot, hot tea, and get some serious napping.
Yoshi, so how many days total did the OPK read positive? I don't want to wish days away, but I'm really eager to find out what your preg test in 5 days will say!!! Fxed!

Brenda, your chart looks great, too- Hooray for us! Praying for a nice, clear O and a comfortably long luteal phase with a BFP at the end!

I think I have a sinus infection, and I'm miffed about it. The doc tried to get me to take antihistamines, but I thankfully read up on that before taking them. Weirdly, the doc did not prescribe me antibiotics. Antihistamines are a big no-no when you're TTC, especially as close to O as I (hopefully) am. UGH. Time to break out the Netipot, hot tea, and get some serious napping.

Hey Linzalora, how are you feeling today? Currently on CD 12, and my opk today looks like it's progressing but still a negative. I hope you get over your sinus infection quickly. It looks like I should get a positive opk in the next day or two. Then just wait to confirm Ovulation through BBT.

How are you holding up Yoshibelle? Anything new yet? Still praying for your :bfp:!!!

I haven't even ovulated yet and I already feel like this is taking forever... I can't even imagine the TWW... ugh. This is my 2nd month since I began TTC and I was thinking to myself, I need a break... lol. I'm so pathetic.:dohh:
Yoshi, so how many days total did the OPK read positive? I don't want to wish days away, but I'm really eager to find out what your preg test in 5 days will say!!! Fxed!

Brenda, your chart looks great, too- Hooray for us! Praying for a nice, clear O and a comfortably long luteal phase with a BFP at the end!

I think I have a sinus infection, and I'm miffed about it. The doc tried to get me to take antihistamines, but I thankfully read up on that before taking them. Weirdly, the doc did not prescribe me antibiotics. Antihistamines are a big no-no when you're TTC, especially as close to O as I (hopefully) am. UGH. Time to break out the Netipot, hot tea, and get some serious napping.

Just referred back to my calendar, so I got 5 pos opks over a span of 8 days. Took them On the 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th and 14th. Lol and I am really eager to find out too. I just hope it won't be too soon, or that I get a BFN

And I hope you get better soon darlin! Another thing that will help is, if you can stand it, put some onion in your tea. And I know this may sound weird, but chop two slices of onion and sleep with them in your socks (that draws out toxins in your body)
Hey Brenda! :) thanks! And I'm okay girl, just hanging in there lol. This waiting is excruciating :( I can't wait until Sunday. I'm just like super scared that it may be a BFN. But, I still haven't seen any sign of my AF. So, I'm keeping my FX'd too.

What does tww mean? Lol and you are not pathetic! Girl, this process is crucial. It can take a toll on you. Because honestly I have been trying to have a baby for over two years. Only difference now is that I'm tracking and taking metformin to help. But dh and I haven't used protection for almost 5 years! (But have only been trying for 2..make sense?) lol and sorry if that was tmi
Hey Brenda! :) thanks! And I'm okay girl, just hanging in there lol. This waiting is excruciating :( I can't wait until Sunday. I'm just like super scared that it may be a BFN. But, I still haven't seen any sign of my AF. So, I'm keeping my FX'd too.

What does tww mean? Lol and you are not pathetic! Girl, this process is crucial. It can take a toll on you. Because honestly I have been trying to have a baby for over two years. Only difference now is that I'm tracking and taking metformin to help. But dh and I haven't used protection for almost 5 years! (But have only been trying for 2..make sense?) lol and sorry if that was tmi

Hi Yoshibelle, glad to hear you're holding up good :). TWW means two week wait after you ovulate to see if you get your BFP or AF.

Also, I know exactly what you mean. I haven't used protection either in like 2 years and nothing. Like you, only difference now is I am tracking my ovulation and taking metformin religiously and it seems to be working its magic. I've been taking my BBT (body basal temperature) upon waking since December (Check out BBT, it's great, especially through FertilityFriend). I noticed I never ovulated since I really wasn't taking merformin like I should've of of a higher dose. I was on 1500 but it wasn't enough. Since I started truly and wholeheartedly trying, I began taking 2000 mg of metformin and last month I confirmed ovulation! So yes, I completely understand. It took me 6 years to conceive my son!!!

Let's not give up hope and if AF isn't here yet, then that's always a good sign. Sending baby dust your way!! :dust:
I'm a seriously irritated sniffly ball of snot. Ugh. It's going around work and I caught it. Thank goodness it's finally the weekend and I can hopefully get over this bug!

I hear ya on the needing a break thing. The waiting is excruciating. I feel like my timing of everything- testing, monitoring, BDing, medicating is so important that if I slip up even a little I'll mess up the whole cycle! Everything is "hurry up and wait." I'm going to need things lined up to distract me for the TWW.

In other news, got some awesome EWCM today! Almost went to show out off to DH but then thought better off it. Haha!
Just referred back to my calendar, so I got 5 pos opks over a span of 8 days. Took them On the 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th and 14th. Lol and I am really eager to find out too. I just hope it won't be too soon, or that I get a BFN

And I hope you get better soon darlin! Another thing that will help is, if you can stand it, put some onion in your tea. And I know this may sound weird, but chop two slices of onion and sleep with them in your socks (that draws out toxins in your body)

That's a lot of positive OPKs! FXed for you. Onion socks do sound weird, but I'm miserable enough to give anything a try! Thanks for the tip!
Today I woke up with a sore throat?! Weird. But what's odd as well was that close to ovulation last month, and after it, I had a sore throat? Maybe a coincidence, but we'll see. Hope you feel better Linzalora.
Today I woke up with a sore throat?! Weird. But what's odd as well was that close to ovulation last month, and after it, I had a sore throat? Maybe a coincidence, but we'll see. Hope you feel better Linzalora.

How strange! I've never heard of a connection between sore throats and ovulation, but, hey, it could happen. Our bodies are so weird sometimes. I'm getting a dull ache in bbs now and that happened around O last cycle.

Thanks for the well wishes. I'm doing everything I can to get better. Can't wait to sleep in tomorrow!
Feeling SOO much better today! Sleeping in was divine, too.

Got some real ovulation pain today and a positive OPK. It's a great feeling to make progress. You have any other O symptoms, Brenda?

Has it been five days yet, Yoshi?
Hi Yoshibelle, glad to hear you're holding up good :). TWW means two week wait after you ovulate to see if you get your BFP or AF.

Also, I know exactly what you mean. I haven't used protection either in like 2 years and nothing. Like you, only difference now is I am tracking my ovulation and taking metformin religiously and it seems to be working its magic. I've been taking my BBT (body basal temperature) upon waking since December (Check out BBT, it's great, especially through FertilityFriend). I noticed I never ovulated since I really wasn't taking merformin like I should've of of a higher dose. I was on 1500 but it wasn't enough. Since I started truly and wholeheartedly trying, I began taking 2000 mg of metformin and last month I confirmed ovulation! So yes, I completely understand. It took me 6 years to conceive my son!!!

Let's not give up hope and if AF isn't here yet, then that's always a good sign. Sending baby dust your way!! :dust:

Wow, that's a long time! But it's wonder that you got your son! :) and I think I may start tracking my bbt (if I didn't conceive) but still no sigh of af. So keeping FX'd

And as far as the metformin, I'm taking the 500 twice a day. Idk how you handle 2000 a day! :nope: you are a good one! Lol because the total of 1000 a day gives me diarrhea (lol so sorry. Does it do the same for you?) my ob wanted to give it to me before my wedding last year, but she said she would wait because she didn't want me to have an accident on the big day! Haha
That's a lot of positive OPKs! FXed for you. Onion socks do sound weird, but I'm miserable enough to give anything a try! Thanks for the tip!

Thanks and Ikr! That's what I thought, because most ppl ovulate for like 6 days right?
But I know it sounds so weird, but when I was younger my mom made me do it when I would get sick, and it worked for me. Still does. Lol I thought she was crazy when I was younger, but my mothers & grand parents old native remedies work. I have no idea where they come up with this stuff lol
Feeling SOO much better today! Sleeping in was divine, too.

Got some real ovulation pain today and a positive OPK. It's a great feeling to make progress. You have any other O symptoms, Brenda?

Has it been five days yet, Yoshi?

I'm so glad you got some good/well deserved rest Linzalora! :) but no girl, I use the ovia app to keep track of everything, and it says to take it tomorrow, but that technically wouldn't be the 10th day after O. Because the last test I took I didn't put it on the chart because it would have thrown it off . So I think I may actually have to wait until Wednesday. :sad:
Feeling SOO much better today! Sleeping in was divine, too.

Got some real ovulation pain today and a positive OPK. It's a great feeling to make progress. You have any other O symptoms, Brenda?

Has it been five days yet, Yoshi?

Wow Linzalora, by looking at your chart, it looks like you've ovulated on CD 14! You just need another 3 more days with a sustained temperature rise to confirm it! Fertility Friend will mark it for you once it finds the pattern!!! So happy for you! Also, glad to hear you are doing much better after some much needed rest :sleep:

As for me, no fertile CM (cervical mucus), still looking creamy :blush:, negative opk's for me, and no sign of ovulation pain today, I am a little bit nervous and worried. I may be ovulating late this month, not sure, but I don't really care when, as long as I do! That's what's important, and BD'cing at the right time. I hope you get your BFP this month! GL!
Hi Yoshibelle, glad to hear you're holding up good :). TWW means two week wait after you ovulate to see if you get your BFP or AF.

Also, I know exactly what you mean. I haven't used protection either in like 2 years and nothing. Like you, only difference now is I am tracking my ovulation and taking metformin religiously and it seems to be working its magic. I've been taking my BBT (body basal temperature) upon waking since December (Check out BBT, it's great, especially through FertilityFriend). I noticed I never ovulated since I really wasn't taking merformin like I should've of of a higher dose. I was on 1500 but it wasn't enough. Since I started truly and wholeheartedly trying, I began taking 2000 mg of metformin and last month I confirmed ovulation! So yes, I completely understand. It took me 6 years to conceive my son!!!

Let's not give up hope and if AF isn't here yet, then that's always a good sign. Sending baby dust your way!! :dust:

Wow, that's a long time! But it's wonder that you got your son! :) and I think I may start tracking my bbt (if I didn't conceive) but still no sigh of af. So keeping FX'd

And as far as the metformin, I'm taking the 500 twice a day. Idk how you handle 2000 a day! :nope: you are a good one! Lol because the total of 1000 a day gives me diarrhea (lol so sorry. Does it do the same for you?) my ob wanted to give it to me before my wedding last year, but she said she would wait because she didn't want me to have an accident on the big day! Haha

Well, TBH when I first started taking metformin, it was only 500mg and at that dose, I had major diarrhea problems :haha:, but I eventually got over it. Also, I use to take it on an empty stomach. BIG mistake. I learned to take it just after a meal, and voila. Furthermore, eating fatty foods made it worse. Once I got used to the 500 mg, I upped my dose to 1000, and so forth, each time getting the diarrhea, but getting over it rather quickly. When I made it to 2000 (2 pills 2X a day), I didn't get any side effects. Just make sure your body adapts to a new dose, before going up. Honestly, I got the prescription for Metformin because of my PCOS, but when I was fixing to start a fertility treatment before I had my son, I learned how it could help with fertility and aid in ovulation. More than likely, you Gynecologist will up your dose if she seems fit.

Anyway, sorry for making this too long. And please update us as soon as you get your BFP or BFN. FX'd :)
Oh, and Linzalora, I forgot to add that all your ovulation signs look really great as far as your temp rise, and CM. Awesome!

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