Any Cysters? TTC #1. Today is CD 1, looking for a buddy!

Yoshi, okay Wednesday- can't wait to hear good news!

Brenda, I bet you'll O soon! Looks like FF wanted to place your O on CD 15 last time, so here's hoping your body repeats the pattern! Are you doing OPKs once a day or twice?

My temp dipped back down this morning, and OPK is still reading positive. Freaked out a little (okay, a lot) last night worried about ovarian hyperstimulation due to Clomid, but I think I'm okay. DH told me to stop googling things that scare me, and he swore to take care of me if anything went weird. Other women have said that they experience stronger ovulation pain on Clomid, so that's probably what I'm noticing.

I gotta make a plan for my TWW. If I don't have projects/goals/rewards spaced out during that time, I'll lose my mind. Any ideas? How do y'all cope?
Yoshi, okay Wednesday- can't wait to hear good news!

Brenda, I bet you'll O soon! Looks like FF wanted to place your O on CD 15 last time, so here's hoping your body repeats the pattern! Are you doing OPKs once a day or twice?

My temp dipped back down this morning, and OPK is still reading positive. Freaked out a little (okay, a lot) last night worried about ovarian hyperstimulation due to Clomid, but I think I'm okay. DH told me to stop googling things that scare me, and he swore to take care of me if anything went weird. Other women have said that they experience stronger ovulation pain on Clomid, so that's probably what I'm noticing.

I gotta make a plan for my TWW. If I don't have projects/goals/rewards spaced out during that time, I'll lose my mind. Any ideas? How do y'all cope?

Linzalora, I got ahead of myself and spoke too soon about you ovulating on the 14th. Firstly, your temp going back down is totally normal, your two positive opks ARE totally normal, they usually indicate the best 2 days to baby dance prior to ovulation!!! So if you see a noticeable temp shift soon then you are good. Don't worry yourself, it is looking totally good for you :)!! Keep on baby dancing till ovulation is confirmed! (If you go to Community Galleries on FF and check out ovulatory or pregnancy charts, you can see that a lot of ladies had a temperature dip before ovulation!)

As for me I doubt I'll ovulate on the 15th!!! I am so upset because I should've. What I mean is, I just found out that Vitex can interfere with your cycle if it is already normal :(. Last month, I wasn't taking it, I was only taking metformin and BAM I ovulated just fine. I had decided to add vitex this month because of a short luteal phase, but I am having more problems instead... My CM is scant and creamy. No signs of fertile CM or positive opk to indicate ovulation is near :(. I discontinued the Vitex just today, which I'm sure that alone without the metformin, it'd me great, but since my cycles normalized through metformin, it affected me. Ugh, I barely found out yesterday, so now I will stop the Vitex, keep the metformin and pray for a delayed ovulation. Ouch!

I was already impatient, now this is going to really stink. Please pray for me guys, it truly is a downer. As far as TWW ideas, none :(. I have such a hard time getting away from checking into everything. Lol. But it'd probably help to keep busy!

Yoshi, how's it going?
Oh no! I'm so sorry, Brenda. How frustrating! All these things that we keep having to figure out as we go along... Gah! Hope it works out okay. FXed that you O before the end of this cycle. There's still time!
Yeah, I just looked at your last cycle, and I can see what you're talking about with the O symptoms. I'm really glad the metformin is working well for you. I'm so sorry that Vitex didn't. :nope:
Keeping you in my prayers and sending warm wishes. :hugs:
How's it going girls, anything new? Yoshibelle, did you get your BFP!? Linzalora, your chart looks great :) (My CM is looking better!!). Best of luck!
Heya, Brenda! I'm glad your CM is shaping up.

I had three days of gradually intensifying O pains, then yesterday, it stopped suddenly, and now I'm just a little achy. DH had to be really careful with me last night when we BD'd cause I was sore.
I am so thankful that my temp went back up today (although I don't think it could've gotten any lower with getting into arctic range!). Praying that it keeps rising and stays there!

I found a cute idea for TWW project- write a letter to DH each day. We haven't written notes to each other since we were in high school! Would be cute to leave them where the other will eventually find.
Heya, Brenda! I'm glad your CM is shaping up.

I had three days of gradually intensifying O pains, then yesterday, it stopped suddenly, and now I'm just a little achy. DH had to be really careful with me last night when we BD'd cause I was sore.
I am so thankful that my temp went back up today (although I don't think it could've gotten any lower with getting into arctic range!). Praying that it keeps rising and stays there!

I found a cute idea for TWW project- write a letter to DH each day. We haven't written notes to each other since we were in high school! Would be cute to leave them where the other will eventually find.

Your chart is looking very promising, I hope you wake up to another high temp! And soon your :bfp:!! As for me, no sign of ovulation yet, my cm is still creamy but is a little more abundant. All I can do is wait and keep my FX'd for a strong ovulation!

Thanks for the TWW tip :). What a great idea! I think I'm going to try and go for nice long walks, as soon as it stops raining here in Texas. Seems like we have a couple days of rain headed our way.
DH and I have family in Oklahoma and Texas, we've been watching the news carefully. It's nuts how much rain y'all have gotten in the past 24 hours! Also, tornadoes! Everywhere! So crazy. I hope you and your family are safe.

I had a migraine today, but I think it was because of the weather. Plan on getting to bed early tonight anyway just to make sure I recover fully.
Okay, it's Wednesday, Yoshi! FXed you have some good news for us!

Successfully recovered from the migraine- no symptoms today aside from paranoia resulting from my weird BBT chart... In my mind, I understand that I need to give it time- at least complete one cycle of temps before analyzing it, but I find myself obsessing anyway!

My recent concern is that my progesterone levels won't be high enough. However, I did some research, and if that ends up being the case, there are treatments that work to fix that.

If I conceive next cycle, the due date will be right when I know I'm going to have a major project due at work. It's quite a dilemma. I don't know if I can afford to wait, and I probably wouldn't conceive anyway... but... Should I avoid it just in case? I know some women choose not to get due dates near Christmas... I wish I could just say I'll leave it to fate or whatever, but I know that I have to work at it if I want to conceive at all. What would you do?
Okay, it's Wednesday, Yoshi! FXed you have some good news for us!

Successfully recovered from the migraine- no symptoms today aside from paranoia resulting from my weird BBT chart... In my mind, I understand that I need to give it time- at least complete one cycle of temps before analyzing it, but I find myself obsessing anyway!

My recent concern is that my progesterone levels won't be high enough. However, I did some research, and if that ends up being the case, there are treatments that work to fix that.

If I conceive next cycle, the due date will be right when I know I'm going to have a major project due at work. It's quite a dilemma. I don't know if I can afford to wait, and I probably wouldn't conceive anyway... but... Should I avoid it just in case? I know some women choose not to get due dates near Christmas... I wish I could just say I'll leave it to fate or whatever, but I know that I have to work at it if I want to conceive at all. What would you do?

Linzalora, I know it's a stressful time. But give it another couple of days, your temp can still rise. Try and relax, stress is never good.

Low progesterone levels are not good, but they sell over the counter creams to help with that! In fact, I went out to GNC and purchased some. Where are you currently living?

As far as work, due dates, and a baby, please follow your heart! I promise you won't regret it. I can tell that you want this more than anything in the world, and as long as his journey has been for you, what do you have to loose if you went ahead and became pregnant next month (if it doesn't happen this month)? Look at the bright side, however, you would gain eternal happiness and a lifetime of memories with your lil' one.

I made a lot of sacrifices and a lot of changes in order to stay home and raise my little miracle child. I had faith that God would work things out for me because he gave me this child. I prayed for my son for many years before I had him, I cried my eyes out countless nights, and when I finally had my BFP, I didn't let anything get in my way. He was finally here. (I worked up until I was due, then came back after my maternity leave was over and gave my 2 weeks notice.)

Of course, only you can decide wether you are ready, and what is best for your family. But again, follow your heart, if this is what you truly yearn for, don't wait another minute, it'll be the best feeling in the world.
Linzalora, by no means am I saying for you to quit your job. I was just sharing my experience :). Don't give up hope, you've come a really long way to give up now!
Linzalora!!! Yay!!! 3 dpo!!! As for me, I never got a positive opk, but I am pretty sure I ovulated on Tuesday CD 17, I am experiencing ovulation pain today, but that can happen before, during or after O. I had a temp rise today so just hoping it stays up. Fx'd for the both of us. As far as CM I think I was misinterpreting it, I just wish I would've had positive opk's to baby dance more and use my pre-seed. Oh well! Here's to us!
Hooray for your temp hike and O pains! :happydance: So excited for you- this could be your month! Hoping you catch that egg! Those darn OPKs are fickle from what I can tell.

I totally fiddled with my chart a little. On the two days I was super sick, I told FF not to count those temps, and then I got crosshairs. Woot! Yeah, you're right, I need to relax a little... I love swimming, and I haven't gone to the pool in months. I should make it a priority to do that this week.

I live in Malaysia, so some things are easy to find, and others are harder or impossible to find. We don't have Pre-Seed, for example, and some medications have really weird names or labels that I have to research before determining if they're what I need or not. I have to stock up on prenatal vitamins 'cause I never know when the stores are just going to run out and not get shipment in for another 3 months. (I also stock up on Miracle Whip and IBC root beer, my guilty pleasures, that only appear in the country once in a blue moon...)

Thanks for your comforting words. It's so great to have a compassionate friend who understands! :flower: You're right- I want a baby more than anything. That project is fleeting, and a child would be a lifetime! God does provide.
Ooooh nooooo! My temp went way down?!! I wonder what the heck is going on!! I am so sad, but then again, I haven't had a positive opk. The only thing was that I truly had O pains yesterday. They were deep in my left ovary, no doubt about it. But I know that alone is a guarantee. :'( I hope my temp goes back up tomorrow!
:growlmad: This cycle is just messing with you! Ugh! What is that all about? Well, hopefully that progesterone furnace will fire up again. This cycle is being mean, but you're not out until AF!

I gotta look back and see when you stopped taking Vitex. Maybe there's a correlation there?
Looks like you were gonna stop Vitex on the 24th, but that doesn't seem to explain things unless your body is just working to balance itself.
Looks like you were gonna stop Vitex on the 24th, but that doesn't seem to explain things unless your body is just working to balance itself.

Earlier, I meant to say that ovulation pain alone isn't enough to know I actually ovulated. All I can do is wait.

I did stop the Vitex right away, so there is nothing else I can do other than bite my nails and pray. All I know is that, like you said, it's not over till the witch shows her ugly face. This cycle can go either way, anovulatory or ovulatory. Please keep your FX'd for me. All I wanna see is a nice temp shift, even if I don't conceive.... I feel so dumb for taking the vitex and not putting 2 and 2 together :dohh:
Hey Linzalora, got my crosshairs today!! They are not solid because I don't have positive opk's, so FF sees my signs and temp shift as conflicting info, but the temp shift is there. That's all that matters!! I had a fallback rise temp pattern that had initially made me think I had not ovulated, but that was not the case!! I might have missed my lh surge with the opk's, but we'll see what happens. Officially in the TWW!!! Btw, your chart is looking so nice :)

I discarded a temp on CD 14 because I took it an hour early since I had to get up for the day, and I had made notes my throat was really hurting and sure enough my crosshairs came on!!!! So happy I ovulated!! If I don't conceive, I'll be ok, im just glad to see my temp hike up again :)
That is wonderful!!! Yay for beautiful crosshairs! I'm glad you noticed O-pains, too, that gives you more confidence about when you O'd.

Yes, I'm in the same boat. I really hope we get our BFPs this month, but if not, it's just so nice to know that real things are happening. I almost want to frame my chart, I'm so proud of it! I have been mad at my body for so long, it's so hard to trust that it might actually know what it's doing occasionally. Also, it gives me more determination to continue the Primal lifestyle, since it is definitely helping!

We're only one day off from each other on DPO. *TWW dance party!*

Felt weird twinges today inside my hips and had some lower back pain this morning. I hope that's a sign that things are moving around down there. I read that 1 DPO-5 DPO is when the egg moves through the fallopian tubes, and some women can feel it. Have you gotten any twinges or light cramps?

DH's sinus infection came back, and he had to go back to the doctor for strong antibiotics. Poor guy. I hope the meds work quickly, he's pretty miserable.
That is wonderful!!! Yay for beautiful crosshairs! I'm glad you noticed O-pains, too, that gives you more confidence about when you O'd.

Yes, I'm in the same boat. I really hope we get our BFPs this month, but if not, it's just so nice to know that real things are happening. I almost want to frame my chart, I'm so proud of it! I have been mad at my body for so long, it's so hard to trust that it might actually know what it's doing occasionally. Also, it gives me more determination to continue the Primal lifestyle, since it is definitely helping!

We're only one day off from each other on DPO. *TWW dance party!*

Felt weird twinges today inside my hips and had some lower back pain this morning. I hope that's a sign that things are moving around down there. I read that 1 DPO-5 DPO is when the egg moves through the fallopian tubes, and some women can feel it. Have you gotten any twinges or light cramps?

DH's sinus infection came back, and he had to go back to the doctor for strong antibiotics. Poor guy. I hope the meds work quickly, he's pretty miserable.

I was feeling dull, lower back pain yesterday, and today I feel some discomfort, but nothing much. I don't want to give it too much thought because I'm afraid of a another short lutheal phase. As far as twinges, not really.

I hope your husband feels better soon!

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