Any Cysters? TTC #1. Today is CD 1, looking for a buddy!

Well Linza, I got a phone call from the doctor and he said my HCG Quantitative test was Negative, less than 1. I was only 8 dpo then, but I've been testing daily and still BFN. I'm feeling pretty much out. On the plus side, Femera (Letrozole) is at the pharmacy waiting for me to pick it up, and just waiting for CD1 to order the trigger shot Novarel along side progesterone suppositories! Yay!

How are you?
Hey Linza, just an update: CD 1 for me today, I got my fertility meds ready, my u/s appointment ready, and I feel ready to tackle this new step in my life. Will update after my doctors appt which is schedule for 12 days from today! FX'd!
I'm glad you were able to get those meds. My temperature has dropped back to pre-ovulation levels, so I'm hoping my body bounces back quick. It's been crazy hectic visiting all the family. I'm on the last leg of vacation and I'm looking forward to going home.
Glad to hear you'll be going home soon! Hope your vacation was full of support and love!

I am on my last day of letrozole, it's like clomid. But man oh man does it make me drowsy. I will be going to get an ultrasound on Tuesday to see if the follicle(s) are ready so I do the trigger shot! It'll be just in time for BDing because my hubby leaves to Alaska Aug. the 10th!!! Not even sure if he'll be here for my BFP or BFN :(. Will update you after Tuesday. Best of luck and hope you are feeling better! Hugs!
Your temps are looking good, getting lower and lower! That stinks that your hubby has to go to Alaska. Boo. Hopefully you'll have some good news waiting when he gets back! You could even set up balloons and stuff to surprise him when he gets home! Oooh... I wanna do that. The subtle approach doesn't really sink in with my DH.

I'm frustrated that I can't shake this weight that I gained, but people keep feeding me! I think I could not eat for a week after all the amazing meals our family has prepared for us. (I know, tough life, right? Haha!) But DH promised to help us eat clean when we get home. I found some new crock pot recipes I wanna try. I'm afraid my hormones won't be good till the extra weight is gone. I've read that you have better fertility for six months after a mc, so the clock is ticking louder. Eep!
Hey Linzalora, thank you for the BFP reveal to my hubby. I like doing slideshows on my computer, so I was thinking I'd create a short one with pics ranging from when we first started dating, prom, wedding, our first born, and towards the end, my ultrasound pic of baby #2 with my son wearing his BIG BRO shirt!! Just found out that my Pregnancy test will be Aug. 12, 2 days after he leaves for Alaska and my specialist will continue to see me for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy! He does ultrasounds at 7 weeks and 9 weeks! It'll be perfect for my slide show and for when my hubby returns :). If I do get PG i'll be closer to 8 weeks pregnant by the time he's back! His schedule will be 1 month of work, 2 weeks off, another month of work, 2 weeks off, and so on.

As far as my appointment this morning, it went well!! I have one follicle measuring 18.5mm on my right side, and none on my left :(, but that's ok, letrozole is suppose to minimize the chances of multiples. I am taking my trigger shot tomorrow because by tomorrow my maturing follicle is likely to be closer to 20mm! I am so excited! I have plenty of IC HPTs to start testing as early as 8 dpo. August 12th, my appt for blood test, will actually be 12 dpo if I ovulate on July 31st. FX'd!

Your temps are looking good, mine are very erratic, I hope that's not a bad sign for me! Will update soon!
That is wonderful news about that follicle! Hooray! Trigger shot sounds no fun, but sounds like you have a really good chance this time around.
I did the trigger shot today! I will be BD till I confirm "O". I'm nervous but excited at the same time. Anyway, how have you been? Also, if you don't mind me asking, are you going to start TTC this cycle?
Yay for trigger time! FXed that you catch that egg.
Yes, we are trying this cycle. Concerned that we don't have a very good chance cause my weight is still up, but I think I just got AF today so maybe there's hope. I don't know. I'm not taking clomid this cycle, though. I think my body needs a chance to reset naturally.
I agree with you that your body needs to reset naturally, and I am glad to hear that you are ready to try again! Hope your cycles regulate soon! Will keep a record of my symptoms in my Journal, will update with you when the HCG trigger shot is out of my system!
Linza, I have not ovulated yet?!? I took my HCG shot on Wednesday, July 29, but here we are Saturday, Aug. 1 and nothing? No thermal shift yet. I will call my doctor Monday because I was to start progesterone today, but if I haven't ovulated it will delay or stop ovulation all together... I'm so confused.
Yeah the temps are a little weird but don't worry- I'm sure your temps will rise here on out. CD 15 looks like a nice low O temp.

AFM, I've had brown spotting but no real flow yet. Hoping everything's fine.
I'm confident your body is trying to readjust, but I also understand how frustrating not knowing what your body is doing, is. I will update you on Monday since I'm calling my doctor to try and get some reassurance as to my ovulation.

From my research and asking on the "Assisted Conception" forum here on BnB, many women say they saw a delayed shift in temp, while others saw none, and another group of women saw what they normally see on any other ovulatory cycle. I'm going to try and not stress, at this point there isn't much I can do anyway! FX'd.
Linza, I have manually input an override on my Ovulation date per research and info. I found on FF. I will call my Doctor on Monday still, but for now, this will do. Based on this info, if I in fact ovulated, then I am 2dpo. I feel more confident now and am so happy! :happydance:

Take a look at what I found, and this is basically what I have been getting through research. What do you think? I know it was a different scenario with you, but I guess it can go both ways!


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Yeah, that looks great! Keeping you in my prayers and FXed you caught that egg!
That is an excellent temp hike! Yippee!

AFM, I have no idea what all this spotting is about. It's getting old. Wondering whether to just call it AF and be done with it.
Hey Linza, I hope all that spotting stops soon, I know how annoying and uncomfortable that can be. Try calling your doctor, see if they have some info on the matter or maybe they can help you out by prescribing something?

In respect to my medicated cycle, I never called my doctor. I didn't muster up the courage to do so :(. I don't feel to bad though, soon we'll get an answer this Wednesday coming up! I will update you then, I will test with a Wondfo at 10 dpo.

I tested my trigger shot at 5dpo which is 7 dptrigger shot, and it was almost completely gone. The line was so microscopic and didn't even have color anymore! Will test again tomorrow morning just to make sure it's out of my system so that I can test by 10 dpo. Today I am 7 dpo and 9 dpt!
I caved and called it AF. Makes sense given the timing, and now I'm noting better CM. Maybe I'll ovulate?!? That would be nice.
That'd be grand! Hope it all works out for you, I truly do :). I tested today at 9 dpo and BFN. I feel so sad thinking that this cycle might not have worked out since I just dropped off my husband at the airport. I am so anxious!
Hi Linza! I got my blood work today and I just got the call... Sadly it was BFN! Ugh, I'm crushed, only because my hubby is in Alaska now and I won't be able to continue TTC. I wish you the very best and I hope you get your lil miracle soon!

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