Awesome news Bev. Congrats Mommy! Awe lots of hair!
Krystina - Thinking of you today as you talk to your sister. Are you pumped for tomorrow? What time is your Appt? Update asap after! I so excited and dying to know what they recommend for you!
Army - Maybe your gearing up to OV. I'd get your man to bed. Lots of girls get a temp dip before OV - it's the extra estrogen that brings your temp down.
May - Is your mom doing the Dong Quai for you this cycle? How did the interview go?
KDK - SX's sound great!
Sunny - How are the OPK's looking?
Amy - How are you feeling? Better I hope.
Jess - Did you go for your pee sample again? Did you find out why they want it?
AFM, I survived a baby shower for one of my co-workers yesterday. I did much better than I thought I would. Still there were some hard times, I must admit. But all in all. I didn't cry after which I for sure thought I would. She got some nice things.
I called the RE in NY. I talked to the girl who manages out of town patients, she said they can do the IUI but it will require an Appt with the RE before. So I will need to go in for an appt to go over my background, and then do the IUI that same day. I will need to get something from my RE here in NC saying that it is OK for them to do the IUI. She is sending me some info to fill out in the mail. Good news is that they are cheaper than here. I pay $550 just for the IUI and they are only $400!! Good deal!
No Sx's here on 4dpo.