Hey ladies, I'm back from my cruise, just trying to catch up. Don't think I'll be doing a cruise again soon. So glad to hear all the good news.
Jess congratulations, Ashley is beautiful.
Manda and kdk congrats on the BFP, it's about time, we were needing some BFP's.
Krystina, glad things are looking up, I am so happy your taking this next step.
May, your b-ding sounds good, I think you covered your basis.
I still need to read what I've missed but just thought I'd fill you in on my re appointments. Unfortunately the bad news keeps coming. Looks like dh's SA showed low count and motility. Re has suggested some supplements to help increase the count and motility (COq10, maca and conception XR). Dh is devastated. Also looks like I have mild pros. He prescribed femara but unfortunately I got AF 4 days early and when I got back from my cruise it was too late to start. I'll have to wait until next cycle now. I've just been doing cycle monitoring this cycle and looks like I'll be o from my tubeless side again. IUI or IVF may be my best options at this point but not sure dh is ready for this yet. Only good news is I am ovulating and lining has been good. I have 10 follies on each side this cycle. Medication would help follies to mature better as last cycle it matured but follies should be bigger for better quality egg. I have another ultrasound tomorrow on cd 13. I'll keep everyone posted, I just hope I don't get anymore bad news, I'm so tired of all these tests.
Sorry for the rant.