Happy 12 weeks, Krys!!Oh, I'm SO SO sorry that you feel like crap, completely understand!
My all-time record was throwing up 9 times in one night....of course that had to be the night that I was sleeping away from home, too!
Are you on anti-nausea meds? Did you announce your pregnancy yet, or are you still holding off?
Lisa: I'm completely jealous that Kellan started sleeping through his nights at 12 weeks, haha!No, seriously, that's WONDERFUL!!!! I'm still getting up every 3 hours consistently. I'm hoping that she'll start sleeping through soon! So cute about Kellan getting into everything and crawling around, Ana just learned to roll over from her back to her belly...only she hates being on her belly so she screams once she's rolled...only to roll again right after I roll her back onto her back! Funny girl!
I tried attaching a pic, we'll see if it works!
Krystina-so excited for You Hun. What a great valentines day gift!! Hope you feel better soon!
Tasha-she's adorable! Getting so big!
Well I delivered baby Cobin Tuesday morning at 5am, he was 3 weeks 6 days early. My watt had broke 1130pm Monday, and so we left for the hospital without packing anything. Turns out I developed an infection in my uterus and so he was born with a fever, so they took him for additional testing but he seems to be doing well! I had went to triage the past Friday thinking I was leaking but they did a test and said I wasn't, however I wonder if the test was wrong. Anyway, He was 7lb 14oz, 20.5 inches long. I can only imagine how big he would've been if he made full term. But we're doing good, was able to deliver vaginally! He's so gorgeous and looks just like dh!
Stacer: WOWWW!!!!!!! Congrats!!!! That's huge for being so early!! You're a mom now!I hope you recuperate well and are enjoying this special time...it flies by! Can't wait to see a pic of baby Cobin!!!
Brandy: Are you scheduled for a C-section? Or are you going to be induced early because you're having twins? I think I remember you having said something along those lines!
Krys: YAY for a Valentine's announcement! That's so nice that you'll have a new ultra-sound pic! Let us know how it goes!I really hope the nausea does subside for you without meds!
Brandy: I'm praying for you, girl! I had a lot of pain at the end of my pregnancy...I can't imagine what it would be like to carry twins!I really hope your rainbows come soon!
Do you have anyone to help you take care of the twins after your delivery? Does your DH get time off work? Sending positive vibes your way!
And do you have names picked out??? Are you keeping them secret or are you sharing them?