Hi ladies!!
Snow-I thjnk the chances of everything being okay are really good! Think positive, sometimes medical is too advanced that it freaks us out for no reason!! Hoping the best for you!!
Krystina-that's hilarious about your mother in law! Hope everything between you guys is okay now! I think by the scan your LO looks like a boy too!
Tasha-that's funny you guys are trying to be careful-we are thinking the same! Even though it took us so long to get pregnant it wouldn't be a good time to get pregnant agsin right now! I would like to wait at least 2 more months-bc as you know I have low egg count so definitely don't want to wait too long! Dh wouldn't mind getting pregnant again now-so I told him he's more than welcome to if he can! Lol
Hope everyone else is doing well!
I've been Mia with a lot going on! Baby boy is 2 months today!! However 2 days after his 1 month bday, we took him to the ER for a high fever (ladies make note: if your infant has a fever greater than 100.4 that you need to take them to the ER). Well when we got there his leg was swollen and the attention was drawn there. They did a spinal tap, urine/blood culture, tried to drain the leg but nothing came out, did 2 ultrasounds and a sedated MRI before they then did orthopedic surgery. After the surgery we thought all was well but while in icu that night his vitals weren't stable bc he went into septic shock. so he had to have a blood transfusion. He was sedated for 2 days and on a breathing machine. Apparently he had a MRSA infection and we have no clue how he got it!! Basically the doctors said I saved his life by bringing him in. Well then after 6 days he was released, and I went to the doctor thinking I had an ingrown hair but it was MRSA, so 3 doctors visits and 2 trips to the ER later I ended up getting admitted for 2 days for IV meds. So that was about 2 weeks ago and things are finally starting to settle down! I'm hoping thiß is behind us and trying to enjoy the last 4 weeks of my maternity leave with my cutie!!