Hey girls...It's been a while. I've been so bad at keeping in touch because I've been so damn busy & tired lol.
So last Friday I rushed to Labor & Delivery because I had some bloody discharge and cramping. The first time the entire pregnancy. I swore I was in labor but since I am 31 wks I wasn't too concerned. The doctor has prepared us since day 1 of this pregnancy that I would most likely deliver early...Well, I had no contractions and cervix was long and closed but I do have a BV infection. UGH!!! Also, I have an irritable uterus which causes bleeding. So I received antibiotics and was discharged.
So I had my follow up appt today (because of my trip to L&D) and the appt was so-so. In addition to the BV infection, I tested positive for the Group B Strep, which is the same infection that caused my preterm labor last time. It's a little unsettling I know that if Brooklyn is now soon she'll be fine but I want to limit her time in the NICU! DH tells me not to worry but it's hard not to. We will just have to be EXTRA observant...*shrugs* So DH & I have our hospital bags packed and ready...
Krystina- I am right there with you in being tired. I am tired ALLLLLLL THE TIME!! Lol
My baby shower is this weekend and I'm spur hype about it. I really hope this baby does not come before the shower.
Dove/Tasha/Button- I really hope you guys catch that egg this cycle. After this baby, I am not looking forward to TTC. I think I'm going to take a 3yr break haha