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Any veg gardeners out there?


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2013
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If so, we can talk about gardeny things here!

I just harvested my first lot of potatoes...55 in total, not bad at all for 2 small pots :thumbup: I'm obviously very excited with no-one to share these things with...I'm 25 for goodness sake :haha:
Ooh exciting! I'm currently waiting on some tomato and strawberry plants, hoping they grow as I've been letting my toddler water them- they probably drowned long ago :haha:. DH has promised to dig me a vegetable patch, we have a veg bed all ready, I think I'll have to take it into my own hands! Did you find it hard to do your patch?
Are you waiting on anything else to come up?
A lady at work has a veggie patch and she grows everything possible. She shows me pictures of her crops and i get really jealous. Our garden is really tiny and wasnt really looked after by previous tenants so its going to take A LOT of work to get it growing ready
Hope your strawbs and toms haven't been drowned Eleanor! You'll have to let us know if anything comes of them. Strawberries can survive pretty much anything 9better hope they make it now that I've said that! :haha: )

Our garden is tiny and we're in a rented house, so all we've done is rip everything out of the one flower bed that was already there, dig it out to make it a bit bigger and squash everything in there (a bit too tightly!) Landlord hasn't seen since winter...wonder what he'll make of it!

I do a lot of growing in pots too, like all my potatoes I just shove in those plastic squidgy tubs you can buy in places like Pound Stretcher. My FIL did make us a raised bed on the patio. We did radishes in that.

At the moment we've got peas (hundreds!) herbs (all kinds) and lettuces
Waiting on: Runner beans, broad beans, strawberries, courgette, carrots, French beans, a couple of onions, more potatoes and parsnips. Most of these are in flower at the moment. Got a bit carried away :haha:

I windowsill garden too, got mint and tea plants that we make tea from. Not sure how practical this is with children/pets though!
I want to do an organic garden. We have a yard big enough to do this but we also have a dog who destroy everything (fenced yard)
I want to do an organic garden. We have a yard big enough to do this but we also have a dog who destroy everything (fenced yard)

There's quite a bit you can grow indoors if you have any sills high enough for the dog not to get to! I know tomatoes do quite well on a windowsill, and herbs. Oh, and peppers.

Potatoes from one pot :happydance:
I want to do an organic garden. We have a yard big enough to do this but we also have a dog who destroy everything (fenced yard)

There's quite a bit you can grow indoors if you have any sills high enough for the dog not to get to! I know tomatoes do quite well on a windowsill, and herbs. Oh, and peppers.
I can see what I can do. I have one basil plant indoor. I took my herbs outdoors one time and it killed them! So this time I kept them indoors for good and they have been ok since.
we have a small patch on my inlaws allotment and are currently growing broad beans, carrots, celery, beetroot and sunflowers
and at home we have some carrots and strawberries growing
i love it at the allotment, and the kids got stuck in planting too. i think we will be better prepared next year and try and plant alot more
At the moment, I have growing:-

Orange Carrots
Purple Carrots

Thinking of growing some potatoes.

I just got some plastic veg planter bags from Amazon for a couple of quid for 2.
Fab! :)

This year I've not done so much as things have really been hectic but have strawberry plants, potatoes, herbs and chilli peppers. Also got an apple tree and a pear tree :)
I can't see your potato picture :(.
To those with limited space, I used to grow tomatoes and strawberries in hanging baskets, worked a treat! Just choose a tomato variety where the vine trails down. AI bet there's other stuff which can grow in baskets too.
We dug our veggie patch, planted our seeds then ended up moving so we havnt been able to start again this year as its getting too late and we need to dig our patch up. We did manage to rescue our tomato plants and they are doing well and I have mint started In the kitchen and also seeded some pots with corgette, oregano and lettuce so hoping they all come out. Also thinking about doing some potatoes in a bag.
We do have big plans for next year as we have plenty of room for a decent veg patch.
Ours is a new veggie patch - first year growing in it but we're very excited. We have loads of Jerusalem artichokes, kale, beans, alpine strawberries, beetroot, cardoons and a couple of fruits - honeyberry, thornless blackberries, apricot tree.

Oh we have rhubarb, garlic and horse radish too.
ive got 4 large pots on my patio bit, one with potatos, one with rhubarb, one with peas & the other one did have radishes but now has green peppers (think LO drowned these though). :haha:

havnt dug the potatos yet as theyve not flowered although the leafage is taking up the whole patio, i wont be able to open the door soon :dohh:

peas have pods on now, im sooo excited! and rhubarb is getting there although you arnt meant to harvest them the 1st year.

i might try carrots next time. xx
Well done on your potato harvest :)

I have a veggie patch-OH made it for me. It's only about 8 foot square so not really big enough but it does.

I have a corner in it that has my raspberries and this year have also planted some rhubarb. These obviously both stay where they are.
The rest of the patch I grow things in rotation. So this year I have carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, beetroot and leeks growing. I've had potatoes in there the last couple of years so my potatoes are in a tub this year.
I also have strawberries in a hanging basket and 6 tomato plants in 2 grow bags.

DS is growing his own pumpkins which I need to plant out. And he also sowed about 200 carrots for me the other week which I'm hoping I'll be able to actually rescue some of them!

Oh - also got a few herbs growing too. I think I have chives, mint and rosemary.
Oh - I also have two apple trees too. One is for eating and one for cooking.
I am so excited to have found this thread! This is the first year I have grown my own veggies and I am loving it!

I have carrots, spinach, blueberries and peas in pots in my garden, tomatoes, peppers, cucumber and a chilli plant in the greenhouse at my parents and havejust sown my seed trays of swede, broccoli, cabbage and brussel sprouts to plant out over autumn in my veg patch which is under construction! I have gotten a bit carried away!
My dad and I share two allotments between us. We have just harvested our first early potatoes and lettuces. We're also growing runner beans, broad beans, carrots, beetroot, radishes, onions, shallots, sweetcorn, peas, courgettes, squash, raspberries, gooseberries, blackcurrants, redcurrants, rhubarb and probably lots of other things I've forgotten!

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