Any1 put baby rice/porridge in bottle, If so how much ??


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Jan 26, 2011
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I don't want the whole should/shouldnt debate. Just want to know if anyone has put baby rice in LO's bottle. If so how much? And was it rice or porridge? I have heard about putting rusk in but not sure about that as it contains sugar and wheat.

Thanks in advance ladies :flower:
Its not really advised as its such a major choking hazard. Whats the reason your wanting to put porridge in the bottle, we may be able go give you an alternative to doing that.

I was just going to say something similar to charlotte. Not only is it a choking hazard, it's really not advisable to give any form of solids before 17wks unless on the advice of a doctor because LO's digestive system just won't be developed enough to process it.

If you are thinking of doing it because your baby seems hungry all the time then perhaps you could try a hungry baby formula?

If you are determined to try baby rice then it's definitely better to spoon feed it rather than put it in a bottle.
I saw your post yesterday. There is a massive growth spurt at your Lo's age right now. It does pass. Believe me I was so tempted to put a bit of rice in his bottle but I didn't cus I realised it was just a growth spurt and my baby needed milk not anything else. i couldn't bring myself to do it. I just fed my baby as much milk he wanted as and when. Just ride it out xx
if you really feel the need to do this why not buy hipp organic goodnight milk at least youll be giving the correct amount or hungry baby milk
I suggest asking your doctor.

You have asked about giving juice in another thread and now baby rice in a bottle for a baby that is barely 3 months old, you need to speak to a pediatrician for more information. Perhaps they can help you understand infant growth spurts and nutrition requirements because it sounds like you don't realize that there is a standard growth spurt requiring high milk intake/nursing at 12 weeks. If there is a legitimate reason to do so then they will advise you on proper amounts, it's not wise to base that decision on internet recommendations.

My doctor advised the same at 6 weeks, we waited until 15 weeks (this was to help deal with acid reflux disease), I'm not knocking you for wanting to do so (although your baby's growth spurt is 100% normal!!!) but you really have to be careful, it's bad enough putting anything non-milk in the body of a 3 month old so you shouldn't do this without expert advice from a qualified doctor.
Honestly you will look back at this particular time in the next week and realise alls your baby needed was extra milk to help them through this big growth spurt xx
i dont think anyone knows how much to add to a bottle because most ppl simply dont do it. its very dangerous.
I agree with lianne, your not going get an answer cus your not supposed to do it So no one does know the answer. Honestly, its a growth spurt thats all. I had tons of people saying he needs more than milk give him some rice and im so glad I didn't cus it was just a spurt. I since brought the wonder weeks book and its fantastic and helps you understand what to expect from all the growth spurts and development leaps. It's a brill book x
Jaiden feeds every 2 hours in the morning because he sleeps 10 11 or 12 hours at night, so he tries to make up for it but i dont start puttin cereal in his bottle i just feed him when hes hungry :shrug:
like soph says maybe try the hungry baby milk for a few months till its time to wean him :thumbup: GL hunny i know it seems hard as you probably think your being a bad mummy but im sure it will pass xx
at 2 months of age, you should never give anything other than milk, I would up the amount of milk rather than trying to put cereal in a bottle, which is a choking hazard! Especially at 2 months of age, your babies digestive system is not matured enough to digest it!!

To answer the question though, NO I would never think about putting cereal in my babies bottle.
Here is a piece of info I found...

"Many parents have been adding cereal to their babies bottles with the hopes that baby will sleep better through the night or because they feel the baby is not getting enough to eat.

If you've heard the statements, "Add cereal to your babies bottle and he'll sleep for 5 hours" or "If your baby constantly wants to nurse or seems hungry, add cereal to the bottle," know that those are myths and not facts.

Your baby gets enough nutrition from breast milk or formula for the first 6 months of life. In fact, many medical experts agree that introducing cereal before 4 months of age can cause food allergies. Additionally, adding cereal to your babies bottle is a bad idea. Period.

Experts like Dr. Alan Greene, M.D. believe that the sucking and swallowing actions are not fully coordinated in some children, which can lead to pulmonary problems because they can inhale small amounts of rice cereal in their lungs.

The American Academy of Pediatrics also advises against feeding a baby cereal from a bottle. The only time feeding a baby cereal in a bottle is when your Pediatrician recommends it to help with reflux, under close supervision of the Pediatrician.
My baby is actually 14 weeks old. Don't know whats going on with the ticker. Have had a few private messages from people on here who don't want everyone to see their comments. Quite a few people actually do it. Ive tried it with LO and he hasn't choked and is more settled than ever. Don't see how they can choke when it dissolves fully. He only has it one a day. 2 spoons in a 6oz bottle and he loves it. He is much more happier. Whats good for one baby might not be good for another. They are all different just like us.

Like i said i didn't want a debate (or smart ass answers) Just wanted feedback from people who have actually done it. Thanks for all the advice that was actually helpfull and answered the question i originally asked. :flower:
'Immature gut'

Maybe you should research early weaning and the terrible effects it can have.

(Edited to correct my spelling :haha:
It used to be recommended to wean at 3 months. Babies were put to sleep on their front. I let my baby sleep on his side. Theres so many do's and don'ts that change all the time. He also has reflux and it helps him alot and he vomits alot less too. Maybe i should just accept all the meds from the dr. What a terrible mother i am.

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