Anybody on their last baby?


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2013
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We already have 2 boys and we will 100% be finished once their sister arrives in July. I like being pregnant for some reason and am really sad that this will be my last time ever experiencing it. I definitely know that I don't want more kids, but it's sad/strange to say goodbye to this time in my life forever. Anyone else feel the same?
There's a good chance that this will be our last baby, OH has said he doesn't want anymore after this one and if we did have another I'd want to wait until he was 3. Even then I'm not sure we'd want to start all over again as my son is at a lovely age where he's more independent and I am a bit scared about going back to having a tiny baby.

That being said, I will be sad that I'll never get to experience being pregnant again, feeling kicks and all the excitement that comes with getting your bfp etc
I was exactly the same as you when i was expecting baby 2 and even 3! It physically hurt me at the thought of that chapter of my life closing. This time, number 4 due in July and i have completely had enough ive detested the whole pregnancy and it has completely knocked me for six if I'm honest! Now all i can think of is how im soooo happy I've never got to do any of this again. I can't wait for him to be here and i always love the small baby stage but my god NEVER again. OH is getting the snip in August and no going back. Strange how this time round has felt the complete opposite for me i don't quite get it really! X
My fourth baby was supposed to be our last. My DH was due to have a vasectomy in December and we literally had just found out we were unexpectedly pregnant again in November. He did end up getting his vasectomy so at least we won't have to worry about another accidental pregnancy when this baby is born but like you I was torn at first that I was ending this chapter in my life when I first found out. However, this pregnancy hasn't been easy in any sense of the word for me. Between 20 weeks of nausea and then nearly crippling SPD, I've had enough. It's going to be hard because my last born won't even be a year old when this one comes so it'll be like taking care of twins on top of having the other kids to look after, and the fact that we have little outside help from family because they aren't understanding of accidental pregnancies and the fact that DH works long hours, I feel like I'm doing it all alone. I'm sure once everything settles down and this baby is more independent, the hardest part will be seeing a pregnant woman in public... I think I'll always get a pang of envy whenever I come across that even though deep down I know I'll never be able to do this again.
This is our third and last baby for medical reasons. I was extremely sad about that but this pregnancy has been so hard mentally and physically I don't Think I'd want to do this again
Our second was supposed to be our last. We had absolutely no plans of having another baby. I was kind of sad that part of my life was over and I was coming to terms with it, losing weight, my body was becoming my own again then bam I was pregnant with #3 lol. I was really happy and so grateful to be able to have a 3rd because I never thought it would happen because it wasnt part of the plan. But now I feel like I’m ok with this baby being our last. I feel like maybe there was something missing before and now our family is going to be complete. I feel it is sad in a way, but there’s so many milestones and different stages of my kids lives to look forward to.
I thought I was done after my second, but here I am pregnant with my fourth :blush:

I have relatively large age gaps between all my kids, so starting from 'ground zero' this time was a big decision to make since my oldest will be very nearly 13 by the time this baby gets here. But my situation is a bit different in that I have a blended family.

I have three children from my first marriage (12, 8, 3) and my now DH has one from a previous relationship that is the exact same age as my youngest. They are only 10 days apart, so it's exactly like having twins. I've been in his child's life since before our babies' first birthdays so I've been here for all of it.

I was done, done, done when I met him and he didn't feel like he wanted to have more than one himself. I mean, together we already have a large family! But the longer we have been together, the more the idea of 'one of our own' had begun to plan itself in our heads. I didn't have baby fever, but I constantly wondered if I would regret it, 10 years from now, not ever having one with him. Eventually we decided we would regret it and it was time to go for it. I'm older than DH so it was more imperative to me that we do it sooner rather than later as I did not want to be in my late 30's by the time we decided to complete our large family.

All of that to say, I do not think I will miss this stage of my life. I already felt done before I decided to give it one more go :lol: I do have very easy pregnancies and deliveries (so far!), so I have no complaints in that regard.. but I know I will not have any more pangs once this is all said and done.
This is our 3rd and my husband keeps saying that 3 is a good number. I am asking him not to talk about it now because i dont see the point. We can evaluate how we feel once this baby is here. This pregnancy has been slightly more challenging (maybe because im chasing around a 1 as 4 year old or maybe cuz im older this time) i am trying to mentally prepare myself for this to be our last.

It makes me sad to think we wpnt experience that bfp excitement or the kids hearing the heartbeat again. We have a 3 bedroom house and with no guarantee we would have an even gender split, we could potentially run out of space. Im just not ready to say outloud that this is the last even if its true lol
I thought we were done after #2 because we had to go through fertility treatments and were told it wouldn't happen on our own. I had no desire to put myself through that emotional journey again. 13 months after #2 was born we found out we were pregnant. This is our last. I physically cant go through another pregnancy again and 3 was always our max. I'm getting a tubal ligation after baby is born. It does make me sad, but at the same time I'm so happy and blessed to be completing our family. Others ask if we will try for a boy and there's just no way. I think it'll hit me hard when we start selling our infant items.
When I got my iud out My husband and I were definitely going to be done after 2. Turns out #2 turned into #2 and #3 lmao. Twins completely surprised us so trying to change our whole game plan was stressful. I am definitely done and have a tubal planned during my csection. I’m totally ok with it. Not sure how I’ll feel in a couple years but right now I know I’m finished and know 3 will be a struggle as it is. There’s no way we could afford a 4th lol
There's a very real chance that this little one is our last. I always saw myself having 4 but DH always wanted just 2 and it looks like he is going to get his way - unless there is an oopsie in our future. At the moment I alternate between being absolutely fine with stopping at 2 and having a longing for at least 3. It does make me sad to think I may never experience pregnancy again and that this little boy will be the last baby I have. We went through a lot to get DS1 here (several first tri losses) and whilst this pregnancy has been pretty good going neither of us wants to go through the anxiety again. Then there is just the logistics of having more than two!

Anyway, right now I am treating this as my last pregnancy and trying to enjoy it as much as I can. Loving the bump and the wriggles. I'll be lucky to have my two boys.
This is my second and last pregnancy and I’m not at all devastated about that tbh. I get really really bad pelvic, leg and back problems which causes incredible amounts of pain, so we’ve decided to call it a day after this baby. I’m even opting for sterilisation.
I know in a few years I’ll feel differently - when DD hit 2, I really wanted another so can imagine I will feel the same when DD2 gets to that age
100% our last as husband is getting a vasectomy. This one was a surprise. I'm so glad I'll never have to be pregnant again but it's a huge chapter in life to say goodbye too. So it's bittersweet.
I'm on my second and I will be finished after this one.
24 years old with a six year old little man and this little lady due in August. Pregnancy and me do not go well together, plus I think having two is just the right amount financially, attention wise and I can have a three bedroom without the kids needing to share :haha:
Plus I'm a single mum once again :nope:
Im on my last hopefully gonna get my tube cut or at least clamped but because off my age we have to put a case as to why its in our favour not the fact that we i have 3 boys and a girl on a way but because we have a collective family of 5 boys and a girl so where on 6 and thats a more then enough kids before this pregnancy i was dead certain on not having anymore went two years on the injection and it failed and we were in a situation we are christians and were stuck in two minds but decided to keep but karma struck and we sadly miscarried at 12 week but at that point we knew we wanted another one so planned on having just one more so happened she is our first and only daughter and it will complete the family can now consontraight on life my carer and everything after this one as was middle of rebuilding my carer in the two years so been pushed back but i wouldnt have it any other way now xx
2nd and last. From a financial and over population stand point, I only wanted 1. But once DS turned 4, I wanted another. Plus my sister is my staple and couldn't imagine letting DS go through life without a sibling to have that bond with.

I would request getting my tubes tied but I highly doubt they will allow me (26) to have it done without a medical reason.
2nd and last. From a financial and over population stand point, I only wanted 1. But once DS turned 4, I wanted another. Plus my sister is my staple and couldn't imagine letting DS go through life without a sibling to have that bond with.

I would request getting my tubes tied but I highly doubt they will allow me (26) to have it done without a medical reason.

I'm the same lovely I would love to get my tubes tied but when I mentioned it to the midwife she basically laughed in my face and said they wouldn't dream of it as I'm only 24 :growlmad::growlmad:
I'm surprised your drs are giving you issues. I understand you're in your 20's, but it's your decision. I'd think after having 2 kids they'd be understanding and willing to listen.
Hi all! We have two boys and have been ttc what will most likely be our final baby for 3 years. Hoping for a girl, but would still enjoy being a boy mom =)

My friends have told me you just "know" when you're done having kids, and I don't feel that way yet! I feel like there is more yet to come- so praying it happens soon! It's so weird to think this chapter of our lives will be over soon.
This is also our last. We've already discussed with my OB to tie my tubes. I'm honestly not sure how I feel but oh goodness, things are pretty much expensive in South Africa, from school to everything. I don't think we can afford more than 3 kids. We expecting our third boy

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