Hi ladies,
I think I’ll join your group. We have three kids and recently experienced our second loss a few weeks ago. We really want to add another baby to our brood. My body has been all over the place since having the implanon removed a few months back which resulted in a pregnancy that turned into a loss at exactly 6 weeks. I bled for 18 days and am now on the first ‘cycle’ of ttc since that loss. Needless to say it is now day 47 since the day of my miscarriage and have had no other period, ff says I ovulated 13 days ago (I temp) had some spotting last night and a bit this morning, but now nothing. I thought af was on her way due to a huge temp drop but nada.
Sorry for the long winded story there. So here I am ttc my fourth viable pregnancy. I really hope we all get to see that wonderful bfp real soon.