(Updated to 7 )title says it all really! going by lmp im due 29th december but my early scan put me a week behind as i o'd late but im still sticking with my lmp calculations until i have a later scan and see exactly hpw old baba is...i had a scan at 6 weks 1 day and he said the embryo measured 5 weeks 1day and i had a gestational sac of 10.6 mm..i saw a good yolk and a nice heartbeart too ...so im thinking maybr im closer to mid 5 or 6 than he thought...too early to tell really! im feeling fine and starting with slight nausea today and my boobs do feel a bit moore sensity to the squeeze but not much...i wish i had stronger symptoms lol! i want to feel preggers!! i was convinced i was having a blighted ovum due to lack of prego feeling so when i saw that heartbeat i sobbed and sobbed and sobbed...i hope its still there in a couple of weks time! my names rachel and i live n spain im 28 years old and a mad x partier living teh quiet life now with chef hubby and my 4 year old boy! who are u ladies??