Anyone bleeding/spotting on Fragmin/Clexane?

hey hun,

So glad for you :) Must have been such a relief to see the heartbeat. Could they see where the bleeding is coming from? I hope it stops soon and you go on to have an uneventful boring pregnancy!! (I mean that in the nicest possible way!)

I got my bloods results and they did rise but she was concerned they hadnt doubled. Back again tomorrow for more bloods and another scan. The consultant struggled to find my uterus because it was tilted and retroverted? I dont really know what it means or if it can change but I hope im not doing acrobatics tomorrow just to have a scan!

I'll keep you posted.

Thank you! It was a massive relief I've got to say. We are both just so happy everything was OK and feel like I can relax now. The bleeding eased off big time as well. fingers crossed. Next scan booked for Wednesday next week.

I can't believe you are still waiting for your news though. It must be nerve wracking for you. Your HCG is slower to double once it reaches 1200 and then again at 6000 so it won't quite double, mine didn't and all is well. What was your latest HCG? I hope you will get some better news tomorrow hun. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!! xxxx
Hey hun,

went for another scan - they are still struggling to get a good view of my uterus - they think they are seeing a pregnancy but want to get a better look so I've been referred to EPU on Sunday for a better scan.

I had more bloods done so that will also give a better ides.

Glad ur beeding is almost gone - thats good news. I've had no more bleeding either.

Wish this saga would end!
Hey hun,

went for another scan - they are still struggling to get a good view of my uterus - they think they are seeing a pregnancy but want to get a better look so I've been referred to EPU on Sunday for a better scan.

I had more bloods done so that will also give a better ides.

Glad ur beeding is almost gone - thats good news. I've had no more bleeding either.

Wish this saga would end!

Wonderful news, fingers crossed!!! :) And what a roller coaster, gosh!!! Hopefully on Sunday they will be able to see everything clearly and put your mind at rest!!!! :) Have you got any symptoms etc? I will be thinking about you on Sunday and hope it will go well. I'm so relieved about my bleeding :) I've been feeling really nauseous today, too! :) xxx
Thanks hun.

I've got really sore boobs, they are aching, i'm also peeing constantly :) Im so tired and had the odd wave of nausea if I've not eaten for a while. I hope it develops into full on morning sickness!

take care hun - i'll update you after Sundays scan where I'm hoping they can see something more conclusive although the slow rising hog does not fill me with much hope

hey hun,

quick update, I had a scan at the EPU clinic this morning and they found my baby and even seen the heartbeat! Can hardly believe it! Im still keeping my feet on the ground for now, still very early days! but things are defo moving in the right direction and still no more bleeding.

How are you doing? any bleeding?

hey hun,

quick update, I had a scan at the EPU clinic this morning and they found my baby and even seen the heartbeat! Can hardly believe it! Im still keeping my feet on the ground for now, still very early days! but things are defo moving in the right direction and still no more bleeding.

How are you doing? any bleeding?



I'm so happy for you!!! Wonderful news!! :happydance: You must be soooo relieved! I know it's early days but these are the best news you could have hoped for! :) I'm made up for you :) My bleeding has now stopped, too!! :) And since yesterday I feel totally crap lol I feel nauseous ALL DAY, it's driving me mad. My hubby laughs at me that a week ago I was complaining I had no symptoms, and now that I finally have them I'm not happy either lol I just feel soooo crap! But I suppose this is a good sign lol We have a scan tomorrow, fingers crossed our Bean has grown nicely! :) xx
Thanks hun, I'm over the moon but still so scared. I'm so worried about the slow rise for a few days. The consultant said there's reasons that can happen but didn't really expand on it! The last tests showed it had doubled and went up to 3800.

Glad ur feeling crap! :) I feel a bit unwell if I don't eat for any length of time.

I'm back for another scan on the 29th just to check the growth as it was measuring a couple of days behind, I'm hoping its just been a slow starter!

When are u back for ur next scan?
Thanks hun, I'm over the moon but still so scared. I'm so worried about the slow rise for a few days. The consultant said there's reasons that can happen but didn't really expand on it! The last tests showed it had doubled and went up to 3800.

Glad ur feeling crap! :) I feel a bit unwell if I don't eat for any length of time.

I'm back for another scan on the 29th just to check the growth as it was measuring a couple of days behind, I'm hoping its just been a slow starter!

When are u back for ur next scan?

Hiya, sorry for a delay, I've been feeling crap & not been on my laptop as much :) Seems like we both have slow starters then! I had my scan yesterday when I thought I was 7w4d, but my consultant estimated that I'm only 6w5d (+/- 5 days) as the Bean was only 0.75cm (I've uploaded a picture as my avatar so you can see :). Maybe our Babies are late implanters! :) We saw a strong heartbeat again, and the consultant had no concerns at all. Next scan in 2 weeks when I will be nearly 9 weeks. I'm so glad you had good news, hun! And don't obsess about HCG, I stopped checking mine altogether. If the baby is OK, heartbeat and everything, then just try to relax and take it easy! :) I had some bleeding again today but it could have been due to the yesterday's scan, I hope. Keep me posted, thinking of you!! xxx
just typed up a response and lost it!!! Soooo annoying!

I wonder if FET's are just a bit slow to start off?? The sonographer told me there is always a margin for error at this stage because its so tiny. We are talking millimetres so very easy to make a tiny error that could potentially mean days in development!

I had another massive bleed on Wednesday, the blood was dripping out - was like i had cut an artery! I called EPU and they wouldnt see me, the midwife said they leave a week between scans so she has booked me in for another scan on monday. She told me to lie down and take paracetemol for the pain!! EEK!!!! thankfully i had no pain but there were a couple of clots :-(

It was exactly the same as the bleed I had last week so im hoping that since I saw the heartbeat after that I will see it again on Monday. I still feel pregnant and my boobs are really sore still, I'm also getting waves of nausea and I pee constantly!

I think we are just going to have awkward pregnancies! Its so worrying but i'll take an awkward pregnancy over none!

PS ur ickle baby is lovely!! they didn't give me a piccie - i'll ask for one on monday :)

Take care xxx
just typed up a response and lost it!!! Soooo annoying!

I wonder if FET's are just a bit slow to start off?? The sonographer told me there is always a margin for error at this stage because its so tiny. We are talking millimetres so very easy to make a tiny error that could potentially mean days in development!

I had another massive bleed on Wednesday, the blood was dripping out - was like i had cut an artery! I called EPU and they wouldnt see me, the midwife said they leave a week between scans so she has booked me in for another scan on monday. She told me to lie down and take paracetemol for the pain!! EEK!!!! thankfully i had no pain but there were a couple of clots :-(

It was exactly the same as the bleed I had last week so im hoping that since I saw the heartbeat after that I will see it again on Monday. I still feel pregnant and my boobs are really sore still, I'm also getting waves of nausea and I pee constantly!

I think we are just going to have awkward pregnancies! Its so worrying but i'll take an awkward pregnancy over none!

PS ur ickle baby is lovely!! they didn't give me a piccie - i'll ask for one on monday :)

Take care xxx

Hi hun. How are you doing? I'm so terribly sorry for yet another delay. I've not been online, I've been feeling crap 24/7 for 2 weeks now. I'm so tired and fed up, I just want the first trimester to be over with so that I can enjoy this pregnancy!! :) I think FETs may be slow to start. This would definitely be the case for us! :) How is your pregnancy progressing? Did you have another scan? Hope everything is OK. This bleeding must have been so scary, gosh! :( I really hope all is going well for you. Please let me know, I;m keeping my fingers crossed for you. I've got my 3rd scan in 3 days when I will be nearly 9 weeks (I'm 8w2d today). I can't wait. Sending you loads of hugs xxx
hey hun, great to hear from you! glad everything is going well apart from the nausea.

my scan went well, bubba has caught up a bit and was now measuring correct for my dates. I'll be 8 weeks tomorrow so we are only a few days apart unless ur dates change too.

I am feeling so awful too, I feel fine when I get up but my nausea gradually gets worse throughout the day. Its so bad, just want to go to my bed!! I've just finished work for 2 weeks and I'm so glad I don't need to get up early and go to work! I bought crystalised ginger yesterday but hasn't really helped.

How is ur bleeding going?? I've not had any more thankfully, the midwife said she thought it was likely to be coming from my cervix as she couldn't see anything likely to be causing bleeding in my uterus.

I've got another scan on the 12th August. Cant come quick enough!!! Let me know how ur next scan goes!
hey hun, great to hear from you! glad everything is going well apart from the nausea.

my scan went well, bubba has caught up a bit and was now measuring correct for my dates. I'll be 8 weeks tomorrow so we are only a few days apart unless ur dates change too.

I am feeling so awful too, I feel fine when I get up but my nausea gradually gets worse throughout the day. Its so bad, just want to go to my bed!! I've just finished work for 2 weeks and I'm so glad I don't need to get up early and go to work! I bought crystalised ginger yesterday but hasn't really helped.

How is ur bleeding going?? I've not had any more thankfully, the midwife said she thought it was likely to be coming from my cervix as she couldn't see anything likely to be causing bleeding in my uterus.

I've got another scan on the 12th August. Cant come quick enough!!! Let me know how ur next scan goes!

Ahhh how exciting!! I'm so happy your scan went well and your Bean caught up!! :) I'll see in two days whether mine did, too or whether it was just a late implanter :) And how lovely that we are only a few days apart!! :)

My nausea is a bit better today, I feel more like a human being. I think this is thanks to the antisickness wristbands I've bought last Friday. My friend recommended them, she used them for morning sickness when she was pregnant and I think they have now started to help. I feel much better and miles happier today! You should try them, too. You can buy them at the local chemist or online

On Wednesday I'll let you know how our scan went, only 2 more sleeps now! :) xxx
I wondered if they bands worked! I'll try anything just now. Feeling so awful. I wondered if the prognova contributed to the yukky feeling?? Ur lucky to be feeling better, I wake up feeling fine, then I panic because I don't feel ill, then I progressively feel worse throughout the day. :(

Good luck for tomorrow. Let me know how u get on.

I wondered if they bands worked! I'll try anything just now. Feeling so awful. I wondered if the prognova contributed to the yukky feeling?? Ur lucky to be feeling better, I wake up feeling fine, then I panic because I don't feel ill, then I progressively feel worse throughout the day. :(

Good luck for tomorrow. Let me know how u get on.


Hi hun! how are you? did you get the bands? give them a go! I feel miles better, although I did feel proper sick this morning - it got better later on though. Not sure whether prognova is contributing to this crappy feeling, I think the more drugs we are on, the bigger chance we will feel crappier. But then, I'd do anything for my little baby! :) I bled a bit yesterday again, a day before the scan! Thankfully the scan went well and the baby is doing great!! I was amazed to see those little arms and legs!! The baby is really active, too and even waved at me and my hubby!! And kicked around a lot, too!! It was sooo funny to watch!! Considering it's only 2cm big it's a proper giddy little baby, no wonder I feel sick!! I'm sooo in love with our Lil Bean! We got to hear the heartbeat as well and been told it was really really strong, yayyy!! Attached is the picture of our Lil Bean, sorry it's upside down but it looks better this way!! My next scan is in 2 weeks and I can't wait already! :) xxx


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Aww that's amazing!! I can't wait for mine now although I'm still so nervous! I didn't get the bands yet, I tried to get them this morning because we had a day out today and so wish I'd made more if an effort because I felt dreadful all day. Feeling better now but I still have that underlying nausea feeling. Yuk!

I've got my first midwife appointment tomorrow, exciting stuff :)

Hope ur bleeding doesn't come to anything and stays away for good. Xx
Hey hun,

Just an update, had my 10 weeks scan and all was well, baby was jumping about and waving its teeny arms about!

Was amazing, feel so lucky :)

How are u keeping??

Hey hun,

Just an update, had my 10 weeks scan and all was well, baby was jumping about and waving its teeny arms about!

Was amazing, feel so lucky :)

How are u keeping??


Awwww how cute!!! wonderful news, I'm so happy for you!!! :) Have you got a picture? I'd love to see it! I've got a scan in 2 days when I will be 10w3d (or more, I hope the baby will surprise us and they will tell me I'm 11 weeks lol One can be optimistic!!) and I can't wait :) How is your morning sickness and stuff? I got signed off work for 2 weeks last week as I was struggling so much. Last week was horrid but today I feel a bit better (fingers crossed, don't want to jinx it but wouldn't mind saying bye bye to the nasty nausea!!) I'm so glad everything is progressing so well for you especially after the bumpy start!! :) xxx
How do I add a picture? I'm on my iPad and can't see any option to add one. The scan isn't very good to be honest, it wouldn't stay still then kind of went into a bum in the air position! Was amazing and could actually make out it was a baby!

I've not been too bad with nausea, I'm still fine in the morning but gets so much worse in the afternoon and right now I'm feeling pretty yucky. All worth it tho! Especially after today's scan :)

I've got my booking appointment tomorrow so need to chase up my 12 week scan, can't wait now! Getting so exciting!!!



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As u can see I managed to edit the post and add the picture. It's rubbish tho. Its hard to work out what's what! The head is the lump at the bottom. Xx
How do I add a picture? I'm on my iPad and can't see any option to add one. The scan isn't very good to be honest, it wouldn't stay still then kind of went into a bum in the air position! Was amazing and could actually make out it was a baby!

I've not been too bad with nausea, I'm still fine in the morning but gets so much worse in the afternoon and right now I'm feeling pretty yucky. All worth it tho! Especially after today's scan :)

I've got my booking appointment tomorrow so need to chase up my 12 week scan, can't wait now! Getting so exciting!!!


awwww this is so cute!!! I'm made up for you!!! :) :happydance: Btw good job you told me the head was at the bottom as I thought it was the other way round lol :)))) Glad your nausea is not too bad! I now tend to bloat at the end of the day big time :) Can't wait for my scan tomorrow, will post a picture for you, too. I've been to see my GP nearly 2 weeks ago but haven't had a phone call from the midwives as yet? And no 12 week scan date yet either, weird.. xxx

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