Still feeding my 26 month old (disregard my sig, I haven't been on here in a while haha)! She's no where near ready to wean, she comfort feeds at the drop of a hat (literally, she gets upset about weird things). Usually I'm perfectly fine with it, the only time it bothers me is if she's distracted and she gets a lazy latch because it feels uncomfortable or if we're in public and she gets upset and starts crying for "boobies". Usually in the latter situation I just try to find something to distract her with and move on and everything is fine. But if she really needs the comfort, IMO, she comes first so everyone else can just avert their eyes if they don't like seeing a toddler being breastfed lol. Since before she was born, I always planned to follow the WHO's recommendation of continuing on until at least 2 years old and then after that just letting her wean herself. She sleeps in our bed so she's not night weaned either but she only rolls over and nurses a couple times a night (unless she's sick or something) so it doesn't really bug me at all. If anything, I love the morning cuddles

I'm definitely gonna cry and miss it when it's gone.
Right now though I'm thinking about night weaning because I'm back in school and it'd be nice to be able to put her to bed without boobies so I can do my schoolwork at night and be able to spend more time with her and her dad during the day. As she is now, if I crawl out of bed, she usually tosses around after anywhere from a half hour to an hour and a half and notices I'm gone and starts crying.
But, like pp said, I don't notice her being a tiny human because it just feels regular and, to me, she's still the "baby" until I look back on her old pics and see how big she's gotten. Teeth and words don't matter, she's still a tiny, helpless thing that just wants my comfort and closeness and the sense of security that feeding provides.