I was, once while pregnant and once just after Sprout was born. He actually confessed to me both times, but only when pushed. He's begging for another chance now; can't do enough to please me and to be there for our daughter. I'm torn...just, who does that while their OH is sitting at home growing their baby? I found dirty messages to a woman on his phone a couple of weeks ago which he swears were a joke between him and his friends.
As Kate said, it's such a shame as this life is here, trusting in them with all of the possibilities but these guys just can't put their d*cks on hold even for their children.
In my case, I'm not sure what our outcome will be but I can see now I've written down the facts how its looking to end up. The only reason I'm even thinking about another chance is as Sprout is so young, and won't understand for the time being. But what you need to try to remember hun is that you are the better person, while you were pregnant and ever since, you've had your child's best interests at heart and put them before your own; something he is obviously not capable of.
I think it really helps me to think that there's really nothing so bad about it being just 'the two of us', I have her and she has me. Anybody else is a plus, but the mother-baby partnership is the most beautiful bond you'll ever find. That combined with the strength and resilience of any single parent is something amazing. Try to remind yourself of this when things get you down hun. You'll be alright.