Anyone diabetic before pregnacy

lol good luck Capel in getting everything! Makes me glad I've been sorted since I was 17 weeks...Ha!
lol good luck Capel in getting everything! Makes me glad I've been sorted since I was 17 weeks...Ha!

I am not that organised. And DH doesn't help. He still needs to fit the cot and I ask him everyday. At least my mum is coming today and he listens to her. I can spend a month nagging and nothing gets done. She says it once and he does it. Actually he woke up and he is doing lots of little jobs around the house before she arrives in the afternoon. Better still would be if my grandfather would come. He would work non stop day and night to have everything sorted. I don't know why he is scared of him. And he is 82 and very frail... But in his culture you have to respect your elders so when he says jump... I love having him here :)
lol good luck Capel in getting everything! Makes me glad I've been sorted since I was 17 weeks...Ha!

I am not that organised. And DH doesn't help. He still needs to fit the cot and I ask him everyday. Last time I got fed up and started so he had no option but finish. At least my mum is coming today and he listens to her. I can spend a month nagging and nothing gets done. She says it once and he does it. Actually he woke up and he is doing lots of little jobs around the house before she arrives in the afternoon. Better still would be if my grandfather would come. He would work non stop day and night to have everything sorted. I don't know why he is scared of him. And he is 82 and very frail... But in his culture you have to respect your elders so when he says jump... I love having him here :)
Yay for mums :) lol... Glad your Oh is getting some jobs done for you hun x
Haha Capel that's funny!! Nothing like having OHs who are scared/respect mothers!! Mine is the same! He acts like an angel in front of my mum!

Hope all the pregnancies are going well. Jaybear what you said was so true and I agree with others Pink, if you're ready then go for it! Going back on pill is a bit harsh I think as it takes a while for the pill's affects to ware off. But I guess docs have your best interests at heart. I would like to start my second one soon as I feel I am getting old and I want another one while my parents are still young as they were amazing help!!

My little one is well. He right now seems to be sucking on anything he can so I am wondering if I should buy a soother. My mum is very anti dummy and didn't give it to any of us.

Also can I ask you guys a silly thing. I think this may just be me and it is driving me nuts but I really want to check my baby's blood sugar level. Have any of you ever been tempted? I am just so paranoid and scared he will be diabetic. At 6 weeks he was drinking a lot, like every 2 hours and I was sure he was a diabetic and hungry!! Then I read that at 6 weeks they go through growth spurts and do drink like that. I feel that I will go through this for the rest of my life - always worried. Is it just me?
Haha Capel that's funny!! Nothing like having OHs who are scared/respect mothers!! Mine is the same! He acts like an angel in front of my mum!

Hope all the pregnancies are going well. Jaybear what you said was so true and I agree with others Pink, if you're ready then go for it! Going back on pill is a bit harsh I think as it takes a while for the pill's affects to ware off. But I guess docs have your best interests at heart. I would like to start my second one soon as I feel I am getting old and I want another one while my parents are still young as they were amazing help!!

My little one is well. He right now seems to be sucking on anything he can so I am wondering if I should buy a soother. My mum is very anti dummy and didn't give it to any of us.

Also can I ask you guys a silly thing. I think this may just be me and it is driving me nuts but I really want to check my baby's blood sugar level. Have any of you ever been tempted? I am just so paranoid and scared he will be diabetic. At 6 weeks he was drinking a lot, like every 2 hours and I was sure he was a diabetic and hungry!! Then I read that at 6 weeks they go through growth spurts and do drink like that. I feel that I will go through this for the rest of my life - always worried. Is it just me?

aww glad he is doing well.

I always worry about my daughter but she has grown up to me checking her blood every once in a while. I would do it hun but do remember babies seem to have lower sugars. I remember they tested M when she was born and she was 3 something each time but they said that was normal xx
Haha Capel that's funny!! Nothing like having OHs who are scared/respect mothers!! Mine is the same! He acts like an angel in front of my mum!

Hope all the pregnancies are going well. Jaybear what you said was so true and I agree with others Pink, if you're ready then go for it! Going back on pill is a bit harsh I think as it takes a while for the pill's affects to ware off. But I guess docs have your best interests at heart. I would like to start my second one soon as I feel I am getting old and I want another one while my parents are still young as they were amazing help!!

My little one is well. He right now seems to be sucking on anything he can so I am wondering if I should buy a soother. My mum is very anti dummy and didn't give it to any of us.

Also can I ask you guys a silly thing. I think this may just be me and it is driving me nuts but I really want to check my baby's blood sugar level. Have any of you ever been tempted? I am just so paranoid and scared he will be diabetic. At 6 weeks he was drinking a lot, like every 2 hours and I was sure he was a diabetic and hungry!! Then I read that at 6 weeks they go through growth spurts and do drink like that. I feel that I will go through this for the rest of my life - always worried. Is it just me?

I think its only natural to worry. I do with my son...BUT have never tested his sugar...I just could'nt bring myself to hurt his little finger :( As it doesnt run in our family I am not too worried that he will get it...But obviously keep an eye out for any symptoms etc!

If he is thirtsy give him boiled cooled water hun as the milk can make them very dry, so that may be the answer..

But try not to worry, he will be just fine and our kids probably have as much chance of getting diabetes than any other child from a none diabetic mum... xx
Girls I was wondering if I could 'compare' my 20 week scan measurments just to get an idea of my babies size already...They said her belly measurment is a big biger than they would of liked(tho still within range at that time) Am now 25 weeks and have my first growth scan at 28 weeks on the 11 August...

FL~35.2mm(shes off the scale in length lol)
I've been Type 1 since the age of 9. I'm now quite ancient 35, so I've lived with for almost three quarters of my life thusly.

Most of my life, I used Actrapid and Monotard, but as Monotard has now been discontined, I'm having to use Lantus and Apidra. The nurse at the clinic was quite sniffy with me, and said that using Actrapid and Monotard for diabetes control in this century was

hideously old fashioned, and it's time you came into the present to manage your disability

An actual quote from her there. She's lucky she didn't end up with a few syringes thrown at her by me :growlmad:

I never had any troubles on the old stuff. Since coming nto the 21st century *eyeroll* I've had to have laser surgery in one eye, my cataract (which to be fair I've had for many years) is growing, and to boot I now have a patch of nerve damage on my left thigh, and suspect there may be another on one toe on my left foot, which only two nights ago I noticed was feeling a little bit numb.

I'm not properly in control on Lantus/Apidra. I've told the clinic that countless times, and am patronised/corrected every time. "It's not the insulin, it's you not using it properly". Well, try telling me how to do that then, instead of brushing me off like an annoyance :growlmad:

Needless to state, I am now in overdrive monitor mode. Anything up to 8 blood tests per day, injections aplenty, never more than a step away from the sugar bag, just in case.
Glad it's not just me Lincoln Girl. Thing is, diabetes DOES run in my family and recently hubby had a blood test and they thought he was borderline too which scared me like anything.

Jaybear regarding measurements have you seen this website, it can give you rough idea how on track she is measuring. Not sure if that's what you wanted to know. Scroll to bottom, they have an estimated chart. I don't have my notes anymore so don't know what he measured at 20 weeks.

Hi daisy dee! OMG the nurse called diabetes a disability??? I would have slapped her then and there!! Please don't put up with them treating you this way. It's shocking!

I use Lantus and Novorapid which I think most of the ladies here are on. Before Lantus I was on a different long acting one which I can't remember the name. When I was put on Lantus it did take me a while to get used to it, I used to wake up with severe highs in morning. I then changed the lantus injecting to AM from PM which sorted my highs. But I never gave the dose the docs suggested. I experimented and then came to the dose I thought was best. It suited me well for ages until I got pregnant then everything went haywire!! After a few months into pregnancy I settled again but now after birth all gone crazy!! I'm just waiting for the settling time to come!
Jaybear, my consultant said they worry if the abdominal cirfunceference is much higher than the others measurements. My baby is just bellow the 50th centile for the others measurement but her abdominal circunference is just above. They said it is due to the diabetes (speacially because is the measurement that grew faster). But as the difference is not so great it is ok. But she is big compared to DD. She was 6lb10 when she was born and this one was 6lb10 on the 36weeks scan. So let's see...

And I am on humulin I and humalog. I was on lantus before pregnancy but was advised to change before TTC. And I am glad I did because I take 3 times more insulin at bedtime than in the morning. And I know that with lantus my hypos would go crazy duriing the day, even worse than they were. At one point I wasn't taking any insulin in the morning because of my daytime hypos... I am so pleased with humulin I that I don't know if I want to go back to lantus... And I had no problems with lantus just I like the flexibility of having two diferent doses...

And Nemo I worry all the time about DD. Specially because she already has so many problems (she has a learning disability, physical impairments and epilepsy). And I would feel SOOOO guilty if she was also diabetic... Just to think she would not be able to tell me she feels funny and I would never know if she was hypo... I would go crazy!!! I already worry so much. When she was a baby I would watch her all day to see if she was having a seizure and would not leave her alone with anyone else, not even DH. Now I am more relaxed because we are 3 years seizure free so I don't expect one so soon.

Oh and I read somewhere that it is more likely you would inherit diabetes from dad than from mum. They don't know why but statiscaly more people have diabetes if their dad has it.
I have been tempted nemo but have stopped myself. Caleb still drinks alot no but other than that is fine. I did get him checked out but I was asked to get a wee sample and couldnt because i kept missing it. I think if it does worry me again I will probably ask for a blood test.
Jaybear- I cant find calebs measurement but he was 13oz approx at 20 weeks.
daisy- I had a dr tell me I shouldnt of eat a donut yet I was having a hypo . dr's never understand fully.
Hope everyone else is ok. Im waiting for af but am 4 days late but bfn yesterday. Will probably get a blood test if nothing by friday xx
I feel like I have been on loads of insulins - Actrapid/Monotard, Novorapid/Protophane, Lantus/Apidra, Humalog/Humulin N and one other combination I can't remember. To be honest I think I had the best levels on Actrapid/Monotard but that was maybe because my mother was feeding me and I was still a kid. Lantus never did work that well - they say it is 24hours but I am sure I'd have done better with it twice a day.

As for watching my daughter - I do try to keep an eye on how much she is drinking and also how often she runs to the bathroom - if it increases I'll worry, but at the moment she is fine and my baby girl doesn't drink all that much - I keep worrying she may not be getting enough but she is growing and has enough wet nappies without it being too much. I remember how I was when I was getting diabetes (they took months to diagnose it) and I know for sure I'd never miss those kind of changes.

Pink good luck, hope the tests go positive or AF arrives soon. Have you decided what to do next cycle if you are not pregnant?
For those who are on 4 injections a day how many units are you on? I can't help thinking I am on a hell of alot.....
Before Breakfast~ 22(Novorapid)
Before lunch~ 14-16(Novorapid)
Before tea~ 24(Novorapid)
Before bed~28-30(Insulatard).

And they will probably up them when I go to hospital tomorrow as my levels are still running a tad higher than they should...I know they say your insulin doubles if not more in the 2nd tri but can't remember being this much with my son?! x
At the moment I am taking around 40 units before breakfast, I used to take 6 for the same amount of carbs... At the same gestation I was taking more or less the same as you. I don't think there is something like too much insulin, only the right dose for you. If you are not hypo it is not too much. And there are some people that are so resistant that they take like 300 units per day...
Thankyou! I will often inject more than that if I'm having a big meal or carbs etc! Will see what they say tomorrow :)
Hope you are well hun xx
Girls I was wondering if I could 'compare' my 20 week scan measurments just to get an idea of my babies size already...They said her belly measurment is a big biger than they would of liked(tho still within range at that time) Am now 25 weeks and have my first growth scan at 28 weeks on the 11 August...

FL~35.2mm(shes off the scale in length lol)

at 21 + 1 my measurements were

hc- 180.2mm
ac- 166.8 mm
fl- 35.9 mm

they were most inbetween the 50th and 90th centiles. now my baby is growing past the 97th centile at last scan a week a go x
At 20 weeks my baby was measuring spot on at 50% (don't have the measuerments - by 28 weeks she was 2 weeks ahead and stayed that way til 36 weeks by which point she was 3 weeks ahead and born at 8lbs 7oz.

As for the insulin - I was at 3x my normal dose by the end of third trimester. Can't remember the actual amounts though.
just checked my log book from pregnancy and I took,
lantus was 40
breakfast- 18
Looking at begining I only had half the lantus though, i was definately taking more xx
Ive got clinic friday with diabetic nurse as the dr was worried I was coping. Its the good nurse so I dont mind and it takes ages to get an appointment xx

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