Anyone diabetic before pregnacy

Funny you should say about the heat nemo.
Does it effect everyone else. I find it makes me have more hypos if its hot. I mentioned it to the doctor last year and he said It doesnt.
Just started weight watchers yesterday and struggled with hypos. luckily I mananged to get lucozade in my points.
Other than that I had a good reading this morning so hoping the lowered insulin and maybe new diet is helping the sugars xx
sorry to jump in, my consultant is constantly telling me to watch my sugars more closely in the heat because it does have a huge effect on your sugars, insulin gets absorbed quickeer in the heat resulting in more hypo's. im finding it extrememly hard atm its crap...
sorry for butting in again :)
Thats interesting about the heat - I just came to visit my parents yesterday and moved from the freezing weather in my home town to much warmer weather at my parents house 1000kms away and have been having mild hypos all day.
Oh yes Lincoln Girl it's you next!!! Exciting stuff!!
Regarding heat, I always have loads of hypos and more severe Not only because the heat makes me hypo but my first symptom of a hypo is feeling hot and sweting loads. In the heat sometimes I don't notice the hypo because I am hot and swety anyway...

Today I had a bad one just as I finished feeding Samira... I put her down in the cot, she was crying and I was afraid to pick her up. I was calling dh but he could not listen to me. I managed to find a small can of Ginger ale in my unpacked hospital bag. I don't know who was crying more, me or baby. I felt awful because she needed me but I was in no condition to care for her...
oooo I think its me who's next, I'm 32 + 5.

Its 4 am and I can't sleep!

Had a growth scan today (well yesterday now!) and the baby is still measuring big (over the 90th centile!) and the estimated feotal weight at the minute is just under 6 lb!

the consultant has said that there isn't really anything else I can do as my sugars have been ok ish, my last hba1c was 6.2 but now the consultant is talking about maybe inducing me at 37 ish weeks.

The baby is also lying breech so if nothing changes then its defo gonna be a section!

I have another scan at 34 and then at 36 weeks and then they'll decide what we are gonna do!

I'm guessing that this is playing on my mind and that is why I am up and wide awake at this time!

Lesley x
Heat has ALWAYS affected my blood glucose. They are always lower in the heat. Whether its to do with eating less or using more energy to cool down etc I don't know. There seems to be conflicting medical ideas about why this can happen. During the warmer summer months my insulin requirements drop. If I am abroad somewhere particularly hot I often find myself taking very little insulin indeed!
Lesley and LincolnGirl - not long now to go then. Will be waiting to hear any news - enjoy the last of your pregnancies.
I've cut down a lot and now just have water but it's really hard, midwifes are always saying to expected mums to eat more calsium haha and when you're a diabetic they tell you to cut it down ;)! Can't win!!

On the heat front my bloods go sky high and i've got to take double my usual insulin intake, it's really odd!! :\... plus with the insulin pump, it's hard to keep the actual pump cool and out of direct sun with the small wire attachement :\ haha
how is everyone doing?

I am getting so big and so tired at the minute. Sugars aren't being too bad, have the odd high and always seem to hypo at around 3 ish but other than that I tend to run at around 6 -7 mmol.

Consultant is happy with my hba1c and says that there isn't really anything else that I can do.

I have to have fortnightly scans now to check on growth but hoping that baby slows down a bit as its measuring quite big for my dates.

Lesley x
Got DSN & DSM on thursday and I've not written any of my bloods down! Even though my monitor saves 3 months worth of bloods, they are really picky about me writing in my pregnancy blood book but I just cba!!! Haha
Nervous about new Hba1C too ;) x
i have diabetic clinic thursday to and not looking forward to the wait. not getting hba1c done hade it done a month ago so dont think i need one yet because will have one in september for the preconception clinic. I need to write down sugars to but i hate it xx
im always really sarci when i go and see them...

im usually on the ball have my bloods written down, urine sample and monitor on me or some weeks are usually...

i let them take my bloods and ive written a few or my bloods are crap and i dont cooporate ;)!

Just depends on the day and how im feeling ;)!
Feeling crap about the whole diabetes thing now. Working really hard which is extra exhasuting but just get so frustrated. Want everything to go well but terrified it won't.

Just had another night time hypo despite all the symptoms pointing to being high- extreme thirst, headache and needing a wee ( oh wait thats just pregnancy lol)
Hope everyone else is feeling more positive.
Feeling crap about the whole diabetes thing now. Working really hard which is extra exhasuting but just get so frustrated. Want everything to go well but terrified it won't.

Just had another night time hypo despite all the symptoms pointing to being high- extreme thirst, headache and needing a wee ( oh wait thats just pregnancy lol)
Hope everyone else is feeling more positive.

hope it gets better :)..
Ive had many days like that usually a Thursday after Ive been to see the Diabetic Team who don't see my efforts and how much I've tried, so I ususally have a few 'lazy' days on friday and sat then get back on it! :\..
I'm totally understanding when it comes to hypos at night but your body is acting like your bloods are sky high besides the weeing which im sick of peanut thinking it's fun and games to move around on my bladder at night, at first i was always checking for ketones i was that nervous about going to toilet!
All you can do it try your best and shove off the negatativity that your diabetic team give you...
what type are you?
Hawalkden- I'm type 1. Have been for 20 years. not often do I get down about it as I'm generally a positive person and there isn't anything I can do about it- but right now I'm pretty irritated with it. Eg 8.3mmol this morning due to not one but two hypos in the night. (rebound) I will also probably hypo this morning as once they start they don't stop ! LOL! Have to smile or else I'd cry (blaming it on the hormones)

(I'm going to tell all a secret- If sometimes my Bg goes a little high its a relief high like 9 as it means I can sleep and not worry for a bit without having to guzzle lucozade or eat biscuits- clearly I deal with it but it gives just a moment of respite from low sugars) oh having said that if I go to bed under 7 I hypo yet MW wants me to increase lantus which I take at night..... go figure. Oh and if I "correct" at snack time for raised BG I get told off!! I've been told to stop testing pre-snack... lol, I've been told I'm testing too much apparently I'm excessive!! (thought they'd be glad- I think it makes my results difficult to understand!!)Don't you just love being diabetic, our own special little club....:hugs:
Hi girls just wondered if I can have some advice, I'm 26 weeks and currently stuck in hospital as I have a previous condition, however my blood sugar has been 3.6 at it's highest is this a sign of GD? I see my consultant Friday but just wondered from girls who know? X
I was diagnosed in March '09. Was in hospital Feb '10 (on my birthday!) with DKA & they put me in a medical induced coma for 8 days. Before they put me in the coma they found I had pneumonia in both lungs; hence why I was so ill. They still had the cheek when I woke up that it was my fault for my bloods being 'outrageous!'

literally few days being admitted into hospital I asked my DSN if I could go on the DAFNE & she said no; even though I still would have been admitted attitudes with the Diabetic Team all of the from Type Two specialist to the stupid consultants. If their attitude is crap towards us them what we expected to react towards them?!

Me & OH suffered a missed miscarriage in November 2011 (in my personal reason, I think it was like 9 out of 10 ladies who get pregnant first time round and their body doesnt understand the changes and tired to get rid of whats happening) and my Diabetic Midwife blamed it because my bloods weren't in the 'pregnancy normal range' I went mental at her and because of this I asked if I could change my Diabetic Team and when I did I was about 8 weeks pregnant and they offered me a Insulin Pump and not my bloods have been ace.. not everyday! I think whatever Diabetic Type anyone is they will never in my eyes a perfect week.. yeah a few days possibly at a push but the 'normal' bloods never last that long!!

I've always said that I will never go to bed with my bloods being below 10.0 my dad is Type One he got diagnosed in early '90s and he never and still doesn't let his bloods go below 9/10.0 before bed but the consultants arent happy with him and me when we explain we don't want OH's to be giving us a glycogen pen every month because we're going into a deep coma..

When I feel down about any area of diabetes; either affecting myself or other people, I just type it all down and date it and when I feel I can come to terms with reading it I make sure OH is with me and he's really understandable and always there for me when I end up in tears (even worse now with being hormone central!!! adverts I cry at at the moment!!) but I think because we've been together before I was diagnosed he saw how bubbly and outgoing I was and then literally overnight when I was in hospital on a sliding scale everything changed from then on...

I know GD are going to be reading this and I dont want to feel like i'm blaming them for the condition they'll have for a few months and then in a few years time possibility developing Type Two.. I just get frustrated when I say 'woo 8.2% result :D' and a GD says it's not good enough.. ha they honestly dont understand fully unless they have loved one whos are Type One in their lives how bloody hard it is to get from before I was pregnant a 11.1% to every two weeks having a test done and it going down 0.2% that is one huge achievement I feel that any Type One can relate too.. fair enough my basal and bolus rates have been upped a unit but makes me smile so much thinking that 8.2% is the lowest it's been so far and I want to keep going at that to get it down to the 6.5% the consultants rave about all the time..

I think Type Twos & GD should live in a Type Ones shoes for a day and that day being a good day and they soon realise that its hardwork controlling your bloods and carb count rubbish!

People say when they read my negativity about diabetes I'm in denial; I'm not I'm just frustrated and sick of other people expecting Type Ones to just do what the consultants say and get on with your day. Yes I understand full well that other people who are seriously ill or cancer patients dont complain about their conditon everyday and it seems like ive got the world on my shoulders. I havent it's just frustrating when people who dont live with the condition day in dya out and the challenges you've got to deal with dont listen :)!

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