Anyone diabetic before pregnacy

Being diabetic is tough and I understand what you are saying. As a teenager I was always " why me? what did I do? wrong" I stopped asking why me when I had a what seemed like a million other medical issues completely unrelated to diabetes. Then I was like- why not me? When I was diagnosed as a child I was so glad!! I felt awful for so long I was just pleased they'd doscvered what the problem was. They took 6 months to diagnose me as thought it might settle I was only 17mmol at diagnosis BG having slowly krept up.

I think that how you feel about your diabetes can be directly related to the team who are there to support you. I am incredibly happy with my consultant and my nurses are brilliant. They never ever preach they just advise and understand that sometimes it goes wrong. Never have they blamed me for things going wrong, they've just tried to help me work out why its gone wrong. I also feel that one's team are guided by how busy a unit is. I'm orginally from London and going to St Georges hospital every 6months was miserable- hardly ever saw the same doc so it was like starting over, it took a whole day as it was so busy and I just felt negative and lied all the time about how I was doing just to escape, they knew that I was lying but had neither the time nor resources to chase me up. Felt like they were just checking I was still alive every 6 months!! LOL

That all changed when I moved to Brighton- I know its silly but I'd be reluctant to move anywhere else as my team are so very supportive. I hope that you find a team to support you and who don't tell you off but who assist, recommend and advise. At RSCH I went on the diabetes education course which really was a week of counselling accompanied by tears, relief and education that should be given to each diabetic a couple of months after diagnosis. I suddenly felt that I wasn't alone anymore and that there were people who understood how I felt and that there are people who don't get 5.5 Hba1cs every month but not for lack of trying.....really we all wanted the elusive 5, but in reality thats difficult. My doctor told me I had to live my life. That is what I am trying to do whilst obtaining a modicum of control..... ( only thing they bang on about is getting enough exercise- I don't mind even though I'm a fatty!!)

You are over half way which is wonderful.:happydance: I cannot help much with advice but I think I've learnt how to deal with doctors. I often say "so what can we do about this? What is your advice? don't tell me anything unrealistic, lets start with the small things" What I love most is my team always great me with a smile ( despite the fact that they know the results of my Hba1c test!!)Hows that to start off an appointment ??

Oh by the way I do get down and cross and there have been times when I've tried to ignore my diabetes- only trouble is it has wonderful ways of reminding you that you still have it!!
Big hugs and wishing you success and happiness with pregnancy and motherhood. If you want to PM me to talk you can.... in fact anyone can. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hawalkden I totally understand what you go thru. I am the same. Diabetes has chnaged me and made me a bit bitter. I wish I was the girl with the "million dollar smile" again! I love my life, don't get me could have been a worse illness... but I just dislike people around me thinking it's easy to live with (my parents). During pregnancy 1st tri I hypoed all over the place and lost conciousness. Didn't really get much support from parents other than lectures. "Why didn't you do this" "why didn't you do that" BLA BLA EFFING BLA!!! It's like I cause the hypos!!

My hubby was amazing. He'd be up EVERY night for 4 months treating my hypo. I'd be totally unconcious and would come round to have coke poured down my top as he tried to feed me!

I have an amazing diab team but sometimes they piss me off too. They give all these advice...which are sometimes crap. My view is that they haven't a clue what to do as they aren't diab themselves.

Life is so tough. Right now I am running highs and I feel so depressed every time I test.

Never mind! I have a beautiful healthy baby boy and he's my motivation to stay healthy!!

Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!
no one will ever understand how diabetes effects you other than another diabetic.
Dont get me wrong i love my dad to bits but sometimes i wish he would loosen the strings and understand hypos arent easy and no how hard you try to stop them they are always there.
Like the others my oh is fab and wouldnt change him. He's has seen me through some pretty bad hypos and feel bad for the constant 999 calls when i was pregnant.
I wouldnt even ask a day without diabetes unless it went away forever. A day wouldnt be enough i would still worry.
I love my life and even if i have diabetes it wont control me.
Week 2 of weight watchers for me and i lost 4 1/2 lbs last week even if did use majority of my points fighting hypos but this week im learning it a bit better.
Its not easy loosing weight as a diabetic i really struggle especially having a sweet tooth. I will get there in the end. xx
I agree with shellshocked. My attitude to diabetes was improved with my diabetes team. My consultant is a darling and I LOVE my DSN. When I get really frustrated she was always reminding me that if my bloods were perfect I would not be diabetic. Not to worry with the individual results if hba1c was ok. And apart from first tri that I rather be high than hypo. The midwives were always worried about my level during the appointments. But they were normally 1h after my breakfast, my worst level of the day. I always was annoyed with them. I was forever telling them I am type 1 diabetic, that's the best I can do. If my DSN and the consultant are not worried,then I am not. I think they are so used with GD that they panic with real diabetic levels...

Anyways, I never had a level within the range they wanted me, my hba1c was good and my baby girl was perfect. The hypos were horrible but at the end I was more high than hypo... The only thing I say is that I won't get pregnant again without a pump... The difference in basal needs during the day were incredible.

Now I Amin hypoland of breastfeeding... I eat the whole day, cut morning background and still hypo many times... Dh is joking that ieat more chocolate than anondiabeticperson now... Got to keep these levels up :)
grrrrr!! 2.9, sweating buckets and that wide awake feeling after going to sleep at 10! I know I'm thankful I wake up but I just bloody hate hypo's!!!!

Lesley x
Can't get my sugars below 8 at the mo....Not looking forward to the telling off I Will no dobut get later at the hospital....Aaaarrgh!!!
Lesley-Three during the day and then I had two last night and then woke up with a 10.2 this morning..... ggrrrrrrrr... what to do?

- Tell them that telling you off won't help, and just stresses you out but that what would help would be advice on how to help you reduce them!!:hugs:

Jaybear at this stage it is very hard to not be high. And I was luck that the diabetes team never told me off. Just offered support and advice. The midwives were less supportive, but what do they know about diabetes anyway. The amount of times that I heard that there is an awful lot of glucose in my urine... Criticism at this stage is not helping, just makes us feel guilty, and I have plenty of that without their help :)

I am on strike for two days. No tests, not much insulin.. I know it is wrong but I needed a break... Only testing now if I feel hypo, but as I am taking half the insulin it won't happen... Back on track tomorrow...
Good for you Capel, we all need a 'day or two off' now and then :-) x

Growth scan went well and they are happy with her so far, on the 86th percentile and weighing 3lbs 1oz :) So bigger than average but not huge! They have just told me to keep increasing my insulin and were actually very nice about it! Gotta wait for results from my eyes and bloods etc plus they think I may have a UTI! Back again in 2 weeks, scanned again in 4!! X
Oh dear... high today. :-( Have just given myself a huge "correction" dose. Not even worried about hypos- they were that high an hour after breakfast. BGs have been good for the last 2 weeks with 4 readings at 10 (hypo rebounds) and the rest 7 and under so no idea where this came from!

Does this ever get any easier?? Oh well I can only do my best. Really wanted a "treat" today as well. Was going to have a crunchie or 1/2 a one :winkwink:: Thats really why I'm so disappointed- Not going to panic just looks like insulin needs nay have increased. Has anyone else had this? What did they do?
Forgot to post in here. Had my scan yesterday and this is what i wrote in my journal as im too lazy to write it again!! :haha:

So im 33 + 1 and Had my growth scan. Mia is now measuring 38 + 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​!!!!! so 5 weeks and 2 days ahead!!!!! and they still say they wont be getting her out until 39 weeks!!!!! Do You think i will go into labour myself before hand because she is so big????? Im scared she could come now at anytime :-/ Im hoping 4 weeks max Had really weird backache on the bus and thats what got me thinking. Im totally ready for her to be out but i dont want her to be ill if early. They didnt give me a weight (as per usual) but by the chart in my notes im guessing she weights about 7lbs already!!!
Also got a telling off about blood sugars. My HBA1C (tells you how good your blood sugars are over past 3 months) was 7.8 and for me thats fantastic (should be 4-6 ish), before pregnancy i was nearly 12!! but 7.8 is still not good enough for them. Then hubby is telling me off for eating at the clinic as it will raise my sugars!! I needed a snack i was starving!!!! So went to the toilet and had a little cry Im just fed up now, I want her here, roll on 6 weeks (if it really has to be that long!!) xx

I feel okay today and blood sugars have be great today x
Forgot to post in here. Had my scan yesterday and this is what i wrote in my journal as im too lazy to write it again!! :haha:

So im 33 + 1 and Had my growth scan. Mia is now measuring 38 + 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​!!!!! so 5 weeks and 2 days ahead!!!!! and they still say they wont be getting her out until 39 weeks!!!!! Do You think i will go into labour myself before hand because she is so big????? Im scared she could come now at anytime :-/ Im hoping 4 weeks max Had really weird backache on the bus and thats what got me thinking. Im totally ready for her to be out but i dont want her to be ill if early. They didnt give me a weight (as per usual) but by the chart in my notes im guessing she weights about 7lbs already!!!
Also got a telling off about blood sugars. My HBA1C (tells you how good your blood sugars are over past 3 months) was 7.8 and for me thats fantastic (should be 4-6 ish), before pregnancy i was nearly 12!! but 7.8 is still not good enough for them. Then hubby is telling me off for eating at the clinic as it will raise my sugars!! I needed a snack i was starving!!!! So went to the toilet and had a little cry Im just fed up now, I want her here, roll on 6 weeks (if it really has to be that long!!) xx

I feel okay today and blood sugars have be great today x

:hugs: Sorry you are having a bad day hunnie, not all measurements are accurate though, even scans/weight estimates can be totally wrong! I was induced at 39+1 with DS, all turned out fine he was 8lb 6oz, not very big at all and i was measuring far ahead.
Its important to snack, if you go for long periods without eating (+3hours) there is a chance you could get ketones which is dangerous for you and bubs (even more so than high blood sugar), so keep snacking (healthily though when possible)

I have recently undertaken a diabetes course with the open university, and from what i understand, even if you don't meet the specific HBa1c 6.5 - 7.5% range, any reduction from your previous is really good! So you are doing really well especially since your pancreas is under more strain than if you were not pregnant.

Your LO will be here before you know it :hugs: :hugs:
Can't get my sugars below 8 at the mo....Not looking forward to the telling off I Will no dobut get later at the hospital....Aaaarrgh!!!

When you say high. What's high to you? 8 to
Me is a dream!!!! Been all day between 8-12 and that's a huge improvement from two days ago before my doses were upped!
They had been running 8-9 pre meal and 11-12 post meal....But luckily all has calmed down a bit now x
I was having problem with Keytones for the last week and a half was having 0.2 in my blood at night and in the morning even had a 0.3. my overall blood thing was 5.6 then a week after was 5.4 the diabetic clinic are impressed with this but they also think the reason for the keytones was I wasnt eating enough carbs! cause I had been having alot of hypos too! then they done another one this week and it was 5.0 they said my diabetes is to tightly controlled and that I should be eating more carbs as I am trying to hard and they dont want it dipping to low they also said my bloods could be low cause of all the hypos I hardly ever get double figures 2 hours past meal part from the odd 1 which is like 11 no higher than 12. Im pleased to say that eating more carbs did help its even taken away the 0.1 keytones that I always seem to have in my blood although had two days where my bloods were running a we bit higher 2 hours after meals 11 and 9 but now it has sorted its self out as I have ajusted insulin to make it fine
blood sugars 14/08/11
Before breakfast 5.2
2 hours after Breakfeast 6.8
Before Lunch 2.7
2 hours after lunch 5.8
before dinner 5.4
2 hours after dinner 6.7

that was yesterdays blood sugars pretty good considering. only one thing I would say is had a hypo before lunch but that was due to walking!

a couple days before this blood were between 4 and 6 with no Hypos!!!! what so ever a day without a hypo is very rare to me lol

sorry about talking about this just thought I would share. I was very concerned as to why I was having keytones if my bloods were good but ahwell just shows sometimes its more carbs that can make the difference :D

also wanted to ask have my first growth scan next week whats that like? and how often do we get them xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
What perfect sugars! Wish mine were like that!!!
Glad you've sorted the ketones out too, carbs are a must no matter how much we think we should go without them...carbs hate me tho :( but I love them lol

Your growth scan is just like a normal scan, they will take measurements from babies head, belly and legs then estimate a weight and percentile! You'll b given graphs/chats each time, but don't freak out if baby is measuring bigger than average cos as a diabetic that is totally normal :) you'll get them from 28 weeks till birth, hospitals vary with them tho, some offer weekly, some every 4 weeks etc! I had my first at 25 weeks, then again at 28, next one is at 32 weeks then will be 34&36 weeks!

Good luck x
What perfect sugars! Wish mine were like that!!!
Glad you've sorted the ketones out too, carbs are a must no matter how much we think we should go without them...carbs hate me tho :( but I love them lol

Your growth scan is just like a normal scan, they will take measurements from babies head, belly and legs then estimate a weight and percentile! You'll b given graphs/chats each time, but don't freak out if baby is measuring bigger than average cos as a diabetic that is totally normal :) you'll get them from 28 weeks till birth, hospitals vary with them tho, some offer weekly, some every 4 weeks etc! I had my first at 25 weeks, then again at 28, next one is at 32 weeks then will be 34&36 weeks!

Good luck x

Thank you :D much appreciated just wish I could budge these hypos anyway looks like your nearly there lol:P you getting induced early or that?:kiss:
Im trying for a VBAC so will be getting a sweep at 37 weeks and they are hoping I go into labour naturally that week(fingers crossed), if not a planned induction will be booked for 38 weeks. So yeah won't be allowed past 38 weeks regardless of how she is born :) x
Mysticalrain those are very good levels. I had loads of hypos but never managed post meals levels that good. /and my hba1c was ok. I don't know now that I relaxed a lot.

Just to share, my section incision got infected... The GP says it is because I am diabetic. I don't know... I keep having lots of hypos and he did not know my levels anyway. Just because I am diabetic everything will be caused by it. I mean, many people can get a incision infected and they are not diabetic. I hate this that doctors like to blame everything on the diabetes... Anyway, the infection got me higher levels... But after 3 days of antibiotics I am better...
Glad you're better Capel, my scar got infected with my son, it was awful so know how you are feeling...My friend (non diabetic) has an infected scar too! So middle fingers up to the GP's!!! xx

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