Right having a huge down day today.. sorry if it's a bit long, just need a huge cry and it written out my system (Until next time when I'm down again, I've noticed that I feel like this after a crap few days or going to clinic)
Just sick of the whole diabetes!! I think it's been inside me to long now and it can frankly burn in hell!!!
I'm currently 27 weeks preg and I've found over the last few weeks my bloods have been 'high' well what the consultants and team say aren't correct, but a few weeks ago they we're in the 'normal' ranges and I was doing well. I've not changed diet or added extra treats. To be honest I've cut down a lot on the sweets and treats. I still have odd days which I think sod it I'm finishing my chocolate! Everyone has the right too
My last hba1c was 8.4% before pregnancy it was 10.1% & then every 3.4 weeks it's gone down and everyone has been between 8.0-8.9%

. woo for me I know not 'perfect' but pfft come on ladies what Type One and Pregnant has 'perfect' diabetes??!!?!?!?!?
I'm dreading going to the diabetic team
again next Thursday! And for them to give me another lecture... I try my best every time I test and dose but they know naturally it can go high and low..
I just get frustrated with the team and I know they are doing their job and trying their best for their diabetic/pregnant patients but I think if they don't have the condition themselves and have to live with it every day they 100% don't understand. Ha whats years of 'theory' and 'test books' compared to actual people living with it?
I'm starting an Open Uni course in January and when peanut is older and I've got more flex time hopefully I want to train as a nurse then specialise in becoming a Diabetic Children's Nurse
I know I didn't get diabetes when I was a child but I got it when I was 18 and to be honest a bad time!!! Everything in my life changed and made it harder because I knew what it was like before the condition e.g. going out drinking having fun and not thinking have I got Hypo tabs, extra insulin etc!
I feel a little better now I've written it down. Sorry ladies for the rant haha