Anyone diabetic before pregnacy


I have just found out im pregnant about just over 4 weeks i am diabetic on a pump wondered if anyone could share there experiences

thanks :happydance:

I have just found out im pregnant about just over 4 weeks i am diabetic on a pump wondered if anyone could share there experiences

thanks :happydance:

Woo. Congratulations. :). hope you have a great pregnancy. My little man is 17 days old now. 5 weeks early! I was on 5 injections a day till around 10 weeks pregnant and then was given a pump. Which for me was the best thing could have happened :).

my HBA1C was 10.1% :blush: before preg and then thoughout it went to 8-9%. not great but better then it was and my bloods settled a lot. Since having him my bloods have been between 4-9 and last random HBA1C was 6.5% :happydance:.

I have found though since coming home with Isaac I've neglected my blood testing and having proper meals. I'm just living off cereal and then the meal OH makes us both for tea. Also due to me expressing dealing with the hypos ranging from 1-2.3 at the moment. Very low I know and dreading when OH goes back to work tomorrow and I'm on my own.

The only other problem I found out once Isaac was born my site sets were wasted a lot when I changed the whole thing. Due to my stomach being a little bit of jelly and not tight getting the cannula in takes 2 attempts. So wasting a lot of sets now! But hope I get the nack of it soon :)
Hi, how are you all? I am having a few problems with LO weigth. She was doing fine, then I did not check for 5 weeks and she did not gained enough. Noe I have to checj again. But I don't know what could be wring. She feeds well, she has enough wet nappies... And to makes things even worse the older one had an eye operation last Thursday, so I don't have much time to be with the little one. Not helping much...

And of course with all this going on my levels were skyrocket. The day before the operation they were around 17-20. Even taking double the insulin... On the day I did not check, I had enough on my mind...
Just wondering if diabetics get free chiropodist treatment?

I know we get free eye tests done and then the retinal eye screening.

I suffer a lot from ingrowing toe nails. Got them loads before I had Isaac due to me not being able to reach my toes so I just cut and pulled. Which now I know its bad but my toe nails just grew loads!

I've currently got an ingrowing toe nail and bathed it in soap and sugar which has helped. It just needs cutting out but nail scissors don't get to it so a chiropodist is needed but I don't want to be charged loads.

Just wondering if you guys know about whats free etc
Just wondering if diabetics get free chiropodist treatment?

I know we get free eye tests done and then the retinal eye screening.

I suffer a lot from ingrowing toe nails. Got them loads before I had Isaac due to me not being able to reach my toes so I just cut and pulled. Which now I know its bad but my toe nails just grew loads!

I've currently got an ingrowing toe nail and bathed it in soap and sugar which has helped. It just needs cutting out but nail scissors don't get to it so a chiropodist is needed but I don't want to be charged loads.

Just wondering if you guys know about whats free etc

Yes the hosptial should sort you out. Speak to your diabetic team and they should refer you, I know at my hospital there is a chiropodist in the diabetic unit you might find that there is also one in yours! Hope all is well and you are a happy Mummy!!:happydance:
Just wondering if diabetics get free chiropodist treatment?

I know we get free eye tests done and then the retinal eye screening.

I suffer a lot from ingrowing toe nails. Got them loads before I had Isaac due to me not being able to reach my toes so I just cut and pulled. Which now I know its bad but my toe nails just grew loads!

I've currently got an ingrowing toe nail and bathed it in soap and sugar which has helped. It just needs cutting out but nail scissors don't get to it so a chiropodist is needed but I don't want to be charged loads.

Just wondering if you guys know about whats free etc

Yes the hosptial should sort you out. Speak to your diabetic team and they should refer you, I know at my hospital there is a chiropodist in the diabetic unit you might find that there is also one in yours! Hope all is well and you are a happy Mummy!!:happydance:

My diabetic team are okay to a point but when it comes to feet they only sort/deal with 'older' or 'serious' problems e.g. toes dropping off or big infections due to poor diabetes control. My health centre does foot care but it's for 'older' people and 'problem' feet too.. :\.. going to get OH to pull it out when its had the 'soap & sugar' on first then ill phone quacks tomorrow for an appointment :)!
oh p.s. loving mummy hood too even tough im missing my bump a lot :\
I was going to say same thing- hospital should be able to sort out. I used to see one for free but hated my feet being messed with.
I am doing ok and lookiing forward to my next hba1c. ( that word seems so long to type lol). I have frequent lows but not ones I cant handle. I am quite pleased with mysels and shocked when it remains stable, if only it would stay like that after pregnancy, I have my 12 week scan , then diabetic review and consultant appointment to. Cant wait , im actually feeling positve xx
This was in the paper last week and just remembered about it. It made my blood boil! I know the media make titles of stories dramatises! But sorry a lot of people on her including me before my insulin pump I had to do 7/8 injections a day!

Also the second line in the article about ''she has said that her condition is serious, and that there is a possibility that ashe could go blind if her blood sugar is too high''....

also the 'chocolate' for dealing with hypos really gets to me. Any diabetic who knows the true process of chocolate. Is a crap hypo help. When dealing with a hypo carbs is what is needed!!! chocolate is a slow releasing and then a fast acting surgar boost so it's in and out your system! Carbs are slow releasing but stay inside you longer!

Diabetes has a lot to answer for and makes people see it with very large tinted glasses and gives people who have (or don't have it mainly) fault stories or wrong myths about the whole condition!!!


:happydance: pink23 looking forward to the positive update after your scan. I got nervous everytime i was due a scan.. :cry: - I miss my bump a lot it's unreal and due to being in whirlwind of being a mummy I've neglacted my sugar testing a lot. I think I've only tested in the last week 4 times :blush::( bad I know; also I think I've only given myself *checking insulin pump Bolus history* 6 times in the last 5 days and I didn't have any Bolus on the 25th :\. oooops! I know it's no excuse or reason for not testing and eating anything to have insulin but honestly I don't have the energy and when I do get a moment to myself I sleep. When Issac sleeps.. I sleep.. :blush:..
Capel I found neither of my babies gained the weight they were expecting them to gain simply because the growth curve they started on is only high because I am diabetic - they shouldn't have been born that big! If your baby is gaining even if dropping on the growth curve then I wouldn't worry too much especially if there are enough dirty and wet nappies and your child is drinking regularly. My youngest dropped from about the 70-80% line at birth to the 10th percentile at her latest check up - she has met all her milestones slightly early and is very mobile so no one is worrying.
Hawalkden CONGRATS!! How's ur little man doing? I tried going back a few pages on this thread to read when and how it all happened but couldn't get to it. So were u induced? I'm guessing he was early? How much did he weigh? R u bf-ing and if so how r the sugars now? My control was so amazing during pregnancy but after the birth I don't really check. I used to go thru 100 strips every 10 days n now these 100 have lasted more than 6 months!

That article about amelia lily, I read it b4 and was quite angry and even left a comment below. Going blind? PLEEEASE!

Hope everyone else is fine. Lots of new ppl, hope it all goes well. It's a really tough time but all definitely worth it! x
Hello :)!!
Thank you Mr issac is all good well think got acid reflux so Docs trip tomorrow if I can get him in! Bless! He was born 5 week early. Was meant to get induced this weekend just gone he didn't want to miss the bonfire celebrations was born at 11.29am weighing 6lb 14 :)! Chunky monkey :)! He was on NICU for 2 weeks due to jaundice from the forcep marks (got to 8cm on g&a after waters breaking on their own at 2.30am then he was stuck and his heart dropped! So rushed me to theatre. Lovely 2nd degree tearing!) then his breathing was a little slow but all good now been home a week with him now :)!
Becuase he was in NICU and didn't want to keep getting him out of uv light I expressed and now we express and bottle feed :)! Miles better and oh can help too. In the beginnig my bloods were really low all my rates were dropped loads but still had the 4-6am 2.5 hypo not had one since but I take my pump of whilst expressing seemin I'm daisy the cow and doing 125ml each breast after 5-10minutes every 4/5 hours! My freezer is rammed full no room for our food let alone isaacs milk! Haha.
Testing bloods now hum! :blush: twice a day at a push totally gone off the rails at the moment with just looking after myself let alone the diabetes.. Need a proper routine going on and getting proper meals inside me!
But besides that everything is all good :)! Hopefully can get his acid sorted poor little peanut seem to just be cradling him all time on a slight acute angle just so his stomach isn't full of acid all time! :(!
These last 3 weeks have flown he's a month old on Saturday! Scared next thing is he'll be 18! :(
I am just over 5 weeks pregnant type one diabetic first pregnancy and yesterday i bled red blood only when I wiped and lasted maybe 20 mins then went brown then stopped - stayed in bed all day although went to docs and he said will have to wait 3 weeks for scan pn 20th dec to find out unless i get cramps or lots more blood i will know ........ seriously can you imagine how horrid i feel ......anyone help?

Oh no hkbarts sorry can't help but I'm sure someone else here knows more. Bleeding very early on is quite common so its prob nothing, just rest. AND AVOID GOOGLING!! I would Google every little thing which turned me so paranoid!

Hawalkden hope the acid reflux problem is sorted. Have u joined the baby club section yet? So many posts on acid reflux!
I'd advice not to google neither. Cant you go to the early pregnancy clinic at your local hospital for reassurance, hope it goes okay & jellybean stick :)!

Yeah new member of baby club.. Nervous haha I miss my bump :(! He's just on my chest sleeping bless just my boobs are leaking so much need to express but don't want to desturb monster! :( x
I am just over 5 weeks pregnant type one diabetic first pregnancy and yesterday i bled red blood only when I wiped and lasted maybe 20 mins then went brown then stopped - stayed in bed all day although went to docs and he said will have to wait 3 weeks for scan pn 20th dec to find out unless i get cramps or lots more blood i will know ........ seriously can you imagine how horrid i feel ......anyone help?


In my first pregnancy I was blleding red blood for 3 days and brown for another 5 (I was 14 weeks). She was fine and she is 6 now. And 5 weeks can be implantation bleeding. VERY common at this stage. I know about 3 women that were bleeding at around 5 weeks and they were ok.
So fed up of the diabetes right now. If I'm not hypo I'm high....Grrrr..... cannot get the hour after eating sugars under 9 then 2 hours later I'll be hypo. Got hospital tomorrow too.... last hba1c was 5.9/41 but to be honest that was such hard work I don't think I'm there now. Hypos starting to make me VERY grumpy and I keep shouting at people. I almost threw the chocolate hobnobs at OH today after my 5th hypo of the day.....

Oh my.gosh u must be feeling aweful. Have they not advised you to.adjust any insulin?? I get hypos about 2 hours after meals so i have to make.sure i.keep snacking all the time its very hard work i agree. Mine was also around 9or 10 after meals and they made me.up my 1 unit each meal.time. Just means you have to make.sure.ur.havin.the snacks inbetween. I know it.horrible when people.tell you what to do as if its all so simple but its been alot of trial and.error so far with me. Just try different things and.find out what works
I have to laugh otherwise I'd cry!! today DSN says " well you sugars certainly aren't perfect" errr.... well I'm a type 1 diabetic if they were perfect then I wouldn't be diabetic....if my BGs stay at 5.9 or 6 for my Hba1c then surely they should be happy. Sometimes people say the most ridiculous things. On a more positive note, Despite all this LO is still in the 50th percentile and according to Obs he is a very happy baby!! I almost cried today he was opening and closing his mouth wiggling about and waving-and Obs said oh look he is flashing his willy at us!!
Shellshocked my mum is always yacking at me if I have a hypo and says stuff like what your OH said and my retort is always "I'm diabetic, I'll have highs and lows. If I didn't I wouldn't be diabetic now would I"!! They just don't get it. Bless them though. I had a massive hypo yday. My mum was over and left around 10pm. I was supposed to go over to hers with my son for lunch but at 2pm when I hadn't turned up and wasn't answering mobile, my parents came round. I live in flat at have the main door and my flat door. My parents don't have main door key so rang buzzer and I let them in and opened my door as well.... all in the hypo state and I can't remember anything!! I also missed my son's 11:30am feed which my mum gave at 2:30pm. I felt so guilty. It's the first time I've had a major one after the baby although I had 2 massive ones in hosp after he was born.

Re the hypos, it's annoying but try snacking around 1.5 to 2 hours after meal if you are running low. Snack could be fruit or...hey you are preggers...have a small bit of chocolate if your sugars can handle it!! I did!! I mastered the whole controlling thing at about 31 weeks. Shame it was nearly over!!

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