Anyone diabetic before pregnacy

Thanks broodyb....

People are very naive. Even people in the health care profession.

I'm sorry you're struggling....there is no easy way to do this! We're here for you! Sometimes there is no answer to why your sugar is low/high. I hope you're able to stop stressing so much about your sugars! It's important to keep them as controlled as possible, but it doesn't help to stress too much about it (easier said than done I know!)

Let us know how things are going!
:wave: Hello :).

I'm back :).

My yellow bump turned out to become a BLUE PRINCE :happydance:.

Isaac Ivor Hopson. Born 5th November. 11.29am. Weighing 6lb 14 :). Little chunky monster :D.

He didn't want to miss out on seeing the Bonfire Celebrations :).

Due to being a little early he didn't suckle straight away and then started getting few breathing problems so he's been in NICU for a week. All he needs to do now is finish a full bottle 80ml at the moment and his feeding tube can be taken out :).

Me – my bloods have been amazing :). Between 4-8 :). Never seen them so good :). Just a few hypos in the morning due to me expressing. 1.9 was the lowest the other day but I didn't get any symptoms I just stood up and thought 'oh need food'.

Hope everyone is well :).


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Awwwww adorable. How early was he????

1.9 jesus ice never seen my.blood sugar go that low!!! Can.i ask what ur hba1c was during pregnany as im currently trying to get to grips with mine and struggling a little!! Sound like you have done very well and your son is beautiful!
Hi brodyb how you geting on?
I am getting on ok at the moment frequent hypos but they are managable xx
Hawalkden- What a little stunner! So glad everything has worked out for you!! xx
Hi brodyb how you geting on?
I am getting on ok at the moment frequent hypos but they are managable xx

Not great at all. I saw my specialist last monday and have to go back again tomorrow with my testing results. This week has been so aweful and stressful because ive tried so hard and feel like ive got nowhere. Everyday its runnin on 9 or 10 which is what it used to. I try and be strict and still cant get it right. Im startin to worry that my bad control means its already gonna be too late for babys health to be good. Im devasted ive got no support from anyone as no one understands :-(

my bloods where fine up until lunch and i had enough insulin and because i had a small satsutsuma it seemed to push my sugars up too high. Its stupid things like that im gonna be living on plain slice of bread soon for lunch its only thing i know seems safe
Hi broodyb,

I know this is a totally unrealistic way to live long term, but when I first found out I was pregnant I went super careful on the carb counting thing (like only eating things that I could measure and know exactly how much was in them) for a while until I knew for sure that my a1c was 'good enough'. That and I checked my sugars literally every hour for a while just to make sure I knew what was going on, if I was up at 8 I would give a tiny amount of insulin (I'm on the pump) to make sure they stayed low.

If you're used to your sugars being 9/10 you will likely need to do something like what I described in order to make sure they're good and allow you to stop stressing. Of course, no matter what you will have highs and lows, but at least this way the highs will be less often. (I find I get a ton of lows)

keep us up to date on how it's going for you!
Awwwww adorable. How early was he????

1.9 jesus ice never seen my.blood sugar go that low!!! Can.i ask what ur hba1c was during pregnany as im currently trying to get to grips with mine and struggling a little!! Sound like you have done very well and your son is beautiful!

5 weeks :)!

Before pregnancy a hypo was 4 for me and I didn't see the symptoms. During pregnancy went to 2 and now I'm feeling them early morning and about 20 minutes after expressing at 1.2-2.9!

Hba1c before pregnancy was 10.4!:blush: during pregnancy between 7-9 most of the time it was 8.3! Had one done last Wednesday and it was 6.5 :). My bloods whilst in hospital were between 4-8 since being home after 2 days they are between 5-10 which is a little frustating but I suppose I've got bigger meals then the nhs :\. Also with Isaac being in NICU I'm worrying/stressing etc so makes my sugars high and low etc.

Lets hope when he is home they'll get better :).

Update on Isaac.. He's back under the UV lamp due to his jaundice levels being a little high but hopefully by wednesday he'll be okay so that means he's being tubed fed most of the time due to him being super tired; but he's getting there.

So touch wood by the end of the week he'll be home but the routine me and OH at home feels like he's home already!

Hope everyone is all good :) x
thats why im worried about breast feeding this time because of the hypos. and having caleb around. I think I will try and if not express what I can.
Glad isaac is doing well, fx'd he's home soon xx
thats why im worried about breast feeding this time because of the hypos. and having caleb around. I think I will try and if not express what I can.
Glad isaac is doing well, fx'd he's home soon xx

Oww loving the avatar :).. :happydance:

I know giving up is the easy way out. I just take my pump off whilst expressing and then have a few rich tea after then pump back on.. At the moment I've got OH to help me with getting food ready etc but dreading when Isaac is home and OH back at work then I'm on my own but I don't want to have ready meals or quick snacks.

I didn't have time whilst off to make the frozen meals to just get out the freezer! Due to Isaacs fast arrival!
Hawalkden Huge congratulations hun he is gorgeous xx
I went to consutant yesterday and they didnt really help much. They said baby makes me.insulin resistant so i will need more insulin. I said ok well shall i start takin.more insulin now (as im constantly running on about ten) they said no just eat less. Aparently being pregnant means i dont do insulin around the food i eat the food around the insulin now. So she said to eat less but i aready dont eat a great deal. I have a sandwich and maybe crisps or peice fruit for lunch and im not willing to just have the sandwich on its own as ill starve lol.

Anyway my point is being that im the stubborn diabetic i took matter into my own.hands and.upped my insulin a teeny bit and today is the first day my sugars have been pretty perfect!! Have to see how things go from here!!
broodyb what kind of an insulin regimen are you on? Do you carb count? I see no reason for you to starve yourself!
I have had enough if diabetes I wish it would go away. Just had a 1.4 and I went from waking up asking oh to check blood then I saw result and decided to have a fit. I know I will stop feeling sorry for myself soon but I've had enough of it :-( xx
I have had enough if diabetes I wish it would go away. Just had a 1.4 and I went from waking up asking oh to check blood then I saw result and decided to have a fit. I know I will stop feeling sorry for myself soon but I've had enough of it :-( xx

Awww im so sorry. Thre are days i really hate the world for making me have to live my life with this illness it seems so unfair!!!!

Im on novorapid before meals and a long acting before bed. No they keep asking me if i do carb counting but ive never been taught how so no. I just asjust insulin by my common sense. They said you cant use carb counting in.pregnancy anyways apparently it doesnt work work?!? They keep tellin me while pregnant i need to forget everythin ive learn about how to control my levels
my daughter is 9 weeks old and i saw diabetic team every week when pregnant. i get a letter this morning and im not seeing them till.................................APRIL!!!!!!!

takes the pee!!!
broodyb, I think you need to learn how to carb count, is there a diabetes education centre near you that can teach you? I've never heard that it doesn't work in pregnancy! How much insulin/carbs you need changes as you go through your pregnancy so it's more complicated, but I don't know how else you could possibly be expected to manage your sugars!
pink23......I so agree with you! Hope the rest of your day was better......
Pink23 :(.... Huggies :)! Me & dad still have them crap days where we just want the "normal" days..

I'm back in hospital due to Monday night my bloods being 30.4 duet my canulla not going in after I changed the sight :/! Had no dka signs though just top range ketones. So changed the sight again & my bloods dropped slowly had to wait a good 45mins till 1.15am till I could go to sleep! Then at around 8am I got a lovely 2.1 wake up call.

Then around 2pm I started feeling super cold, tired, stuff head do went for a bath and at 4pm got OH to phone midwife who told us an ambulance is comin for us due to the sympotms I was having "flashing lights, neck and headaches.

We came back to the maternity ward, oh went to see Isaac in NICU due to us not seeing him all day & :happydance: he's all pink and baby colour now no jaundice, no feeding tube just weaning him off the heated mat and trying to get his body temp stable. Touch wood he's had a good night. Just me in the wars now!

Last night doc gave me a full MOT was just concerned about me not having a wee since my 3pm bath so she put a catheter tube in a drained me which was all okay had plus one prioten & glocouse which was expected due to the iron tablets I'm on and the mini cock up of my insulin pump site. She checked my breasts due to my left one being hard and red and she said shell get the senior doc in the morning to come and check it and make sure it's not mastitis which is making it super painful when on the pump. So
She said to express on a low flow & every 4 hours. Which last night indisnt wake up at all to express only reason I'm up so early is my insulin pump fell off the bed & then i thought my Tongue felt funny (a sign for me for a hypo!) tested my blood & it was 2.4!!!!! Can't win so asked midwife for some toast & a brew. Feel okay now though took pump off for a while. Hope dsn is around today so she can see what bolus rates can be lowered.

So that's my mini update Isaac is onthe mend and looking like the weekend home which he'll be 37 weeks but correction age 2 weeks & he's doing super just tables have turned & it's me who's ill or just super exhausted and it's catching up
On me :)! Hope everyone else is okay :) xx

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