Anyone diabetic before pregnacy

Thanks, i got my 1hour down to 8mmol but it stayed put there all day, usually it comes back down, but i guess 8 is alot better than the double figures! So i'm pleased with that and hopefully tomorrow i can keep it ticking along a little lower. Does anyone really struggle with the evening meal? I'm struggling to eat carbs for dinner, does this matter as long as i get enough carbs in for bubs during the day? No matter how much insulin i have i either end up in 12's 13's etc, and it takes ages to get down, or it comes zooming back down whilst i'm getting our LO to sleep at night. I've just had some chicken with salad and cheese and BS is 5.9, no hypos or highs. I think i;ve worked out my basal now at night time, hopefully i can keep at it xxx
Thanks, i got my 1hour down to 8mmol but it stayed put there all day, usually it comes back down, but i guess 8 is alot better than the double figures! So i'm pleased with that and hopefully tomorrow i can keep it ticking along a little lower. Does anyone really struggle with the evening meal? I'm struggling to eat carbs for dinner, does this matter as long as i get enough carbs in for bubs during the day? No matter how much insulin i have i either end up in 12's 13's etc, and it takes ages to get down, or it comes zooming back down whilst i'm getting our LO to sleep at night. I've just had some chicken with salad and cheese and BS is 5.9, no hypos or highs. I think i;ve worked out my basal now at night time, hopefully i can keep at it xxx

Glad its working a little better!!
I know if mine go higher than normal it does take me ages to get it down, like all day sometimes and I'm pumping fast acing insulin all day/night.
I had to up my insulin intake per 10 grams of carbs to 4 units today, luckily I only have a couple of weeks left to deal with it and think i have been quite fortunate where resistance is concerned. xx
I spoke too soon, hypo at 3.6 but i felt rotten, a good thing since before i could be in the 1's and feel completely normal!
You are so close now, i bet you can't wait! And i bet the diabetes is abit easier to control once bubs is here, i know i'm looking forward to it being a little more simple. x
Last growth scan this morning :happydance:
I was getting lots of pains last night....thought the time had come to ring the hospital but no such luck yet, shes teasing me now :haha:

All went well today I'm pleased to say, Rosalie is growing right on target as any other normal baby :happydance:

Just a waiting game now :coffee:, vbac if labour starts early and a csection on the 28th either way.....I don't have to have the steroids either so will be better for blood sugars before section, just gotta keep those blood sugars good as possible now........was quite strange being sent away with all the leaflets and being told good luck, knowing I don't have to go back :)
All went well today I'm pleased to say, Rosalie is growing right on target as any other normal baby :happydance:

Just a waiting game now :coffee:, vbac if labour starts early and a csection on the 28th either way.....I don't have to have the steroids either so will be better for blood sugars before section, just gotta keep those blood sugars good as possible now........was quite strange being sent away with all the leaflets and being told good luck, knowing I don't have to go back :)

Sounds like a good appointment.

How exciting. Not long xx
Kellyrae-Had my last scan today and all booked in for an induction on the 29th May, very excited but sounds like a very long process and unlikely meet little munchkin until the following day. Rosalie a lovely name. xxx
Kellyrae-Had my last scan today and all booked in for an induction on the 29th May, very excited but sounds like a very long process and unlikely meet little munchkin until the following day. Rosalie a lovely name. xxx

Great news Jolm :) my induction was not slow last time even though they said it would be, pessary went in at 12:30 lunchtime and I was 6cm dialated by 6pm!!! Unfortunately I doid end up with a emcs but only due to baby moving round at the last minute, bet you can't wait :) I know I can't!!
Kellyrae not long to wait :flower: sounds like a great appointment :thumbup:

so what do you do when your sick, I have the flu so getting high numbers, I fell asleep this afternoon and DH did not wake me, he was making dinner but left it very late, then burned it, I had enough to feed the kids but not us but its way to late to start over and I am feeling so bad not up to cooking I am meant to eat at 6pm its 9pm now so I have not taken my dinner time insulin is it ok to skip a meal I am not going low any way thankfully!! I am not a happy bunny!! but say that is a mixture of hormones and feeling so crappy!!!
Kellyrae, hopefully i'll be the same. FX'd xx

CelticNiamh, when sick your blood sugars will increase. If i'm unable to eat I tend to check sugars regularly and have small doses of insulin. I'll also try to drink lucozade/orange juice instead of eating and plenty of water. In boots they also sell an own brand Lemsip (just parcetmol based) which pregnant women can have, especially helpful if you have a sore throat. I hope you get better soon. xxx
Kellyrae, hopefully i'll be the same. FX'd xx

CelticNiamh, when sick your blood sugars will increase. If i'm unable to eat I tend to check sugars regularly and have small doses of insulin. I'll also try to drink lucozade/orange juice instead of eating and plenty of water. In boots they also sell an own brand Lemsip (just parcetmol based) which pregnant women can have, especially helpful if you have a sore throat. I hope you get better soon. xxx

Thank you :hugs: feeling so much better today and I can eat blood sugars are still higher but I know that will sort it self out! that is good to know about the boots brand lemsip thanks! I got some toast in to me last night before bed so I could take my bedtime insulin :thumbup:
Kellyrae-Had my last scan today and all booked in for an induction on the 29th May, very excited but sounds like a very long process and unlikely meet little munchkin until the following day. Rosalie a lovely name. xxx

Hi guys, had a few days away, so not been around much.

Looks like the 28th and 29th will be busy for us all! I found out last week that they will likely deliver me (either by induction/section) on 28th May as well! I need to wait on another growth scan next week before they will tell me for definite :cry:

I'm hoping that baby makes their own appearance by then though! - I seem to be having loads of BHs and I keep thinking 'Is this it???' but baby seems to like messing with me :haha: - I should be used to it now!

I'm also noticing loads of hypos and reduced need for insulin - I've been to the Day Assessment Unit a few times, but their response is that baby is moving fine, so they're not worried. It seems kind of reassuring, espec given that they have discussed it all with my consultant, but I just don't feel that its right - is my mind going loopy after having too much time away from work, I wonder????

Is anyone else expressing colostrum for when bubs arrives? I've been trying and I can safely say that it is the most frustrating thing EVER!!!!!

Does anyone have any tips for increasing your supply at this stage?

Hope everyone is well! :hugs:

080509 - I'm glad to hear that you're sugars are looking better and that you're happier about it all - I hope you enjoy your little boy's birthday.
My middle sons birthday is 27th may :)

I've never expressed colostrum before. My supply wasn't very good when I had Brandon but it soon builds up and I breastfed past 12 months xx
Kellyrae-Had my last scan today and all booked in for an induction on the 29th May, very excited but sounds like a very long process and unlikely meet little munchkin until the following day. Rosalie a lovely name. xxx

Hi guys, had a few days away, so not been around much.

Looks like the 28th and 29th will be busy for us all! I found out last week that they will likely deliver me (either by induction/section) on 28th May as well! I need to wait on another growth scan next week before they will tell me for definite :cry:

I'm hoping that baby makes their own appearance by then though! - I seem to be having loads of BHs and I keep thinking 'Is this it???' but baby seems to like messing with me :haha: - I should be used to it now!

I'm also noticing loads of hypos and reduced need for insulin - I've been to the Day Assessment Unit a few times, but their response is that baby is moving fine, so they're not worried. It seems kind of reassuring, espec given that they have discussed it all with my consultant, but I just don't feel that its right - is my mind going loopy after having too much time away from work, I wonder????

Is anyone else expressing colostrum for when bubs arrives? I've been trying and I can safely say that it is the most frustrating thing EVER!!!!!

Does anyone have any tips for increasing your supply at this stage?

Hope everyone is well! :hugs:

080509 - I'm glad to hear that you're sugars are looking better and that you're happier about it all - I hope you enjoy your little boy's birthday.

Wow those two days will be fun!!!!
I started collecting colostrum last week......I have a breast pump from my previous pregnancy so to begin with (i know they say only by hand) I kick started it off with the pump, that seemed to work after a few mins then finished it off with hand, I tend to do it after a bath at night, make a nice warm drink, sit by myself while hubby baths my daughter and massage one at a time, sometimes if i struggled i would place my warm tea mug on them too to get them warm again.

Now i have been doing it a while I don't need to use the pump as I have quite a good flow now but it is hard work and i think i got 1ml first try, and now i get 5ml every day, just try your best and keep at it :flower:

If you can't seem to get any, stop and leave it half an hour and try again, might just be a case of needing to kick starting the flow, I have to swap over all the time, get a few drops from one breast the it stops and so on....
Wow those two days will be fun!!!!
I started collecting colostrum last week......I have a breast pump from my previous pregnancy so to begin with (i know they say only by hand) I kick started it off with the pump, that seemed to work after a few mins then finished it off with hand, I tend to do it after a bath at night, make a nice warm drink, sit by myself while hubby baths my daughter and massage one at a time, sometimes if i struggled i would place my warm tea mug on them too to get them warm again.

Now i have been doing it a while I don't need to use the pump as I have quite a good flow now but it is hard work and i think i got 1ml first try, and now i get 5ml every day, just try your best and keep at it :flower:

If you can't seem to get any, stop and leave it half an hour and try again, might just be a case of needing to kick starting the flow, I have to swap over all the time, get a few drops from one breast the it stops and so on....[/QUOTE]

Thanks Kellyrae, I had been warned against the pump, but I'm just getting so annoyed and frustrated now that I think its actually affecting my results (Colostrum, not BG for a change!) so I might get it out of the box for a test pump!

I've tried having a bath and have used a scented wheat bag that you throw in the microwave, but I like the sound of the tea! :coffee: - It may be another way to get in another cup of raspberry leaf tea! (I'm now trying anything that might help with labour and the induction)

I'm finding that I get one drop from one, then go back to the other and that's the most I can muster - is just so frustrating, but I have heard that just a drop is enough to help LO's BG, so am just reminding myself of that. :thumbup:
How is everyone today? Sugars have been terrible lately, i'm guessing resistance has kicked in now, i really need to get things sorted!
Does anyone have any ideas on how i can get my morning reading on target? I can't increase my levemir as i go low in the night, i've got to phone dsn tomorrow as she keeps telling me to go to bed high (which i have done with readings of 12 and i'm not happy about that at all, and even then i'm only in the 6's!) Pump isn't going to happen as they "feel they can sort things out on injections but in the future i may be able to have one" is what they say.. fair enough! What i'm doing is going to bed on a reading of 7, not having a supper so being a reasonable level before bed, testing at 4am and i'm around 4.9, and then DP shoves it up to 8mmol. I know not terrible and id rather go to bed on a 7 and wake with an 8.. rather than go to bed on a 12, possibly go low and wake up in the 6's anyway. Is it even do-able on MDI? I've read somewhere people set their alarms for 4am to inject a unit of novorapid but to be honest i know if i inject novorapid i won't go back to sleep for fear i won't wake up! I know that sounds abit far fetched maybe but probably the day i do inject novorapid at 4am will be the day the dawn phenomenon doesn't strike and i WILL go low!

Something positive i've managed to keep my Breakfast reading good, its 8 one hour after and has been around 6mmol two hours after, thats burgen bread with peanut butter.. it works so even though i'd rather have cereal or something more tasty i don't care, i just want to see good readings!

Sorry i've ranted on xx
Kellyrae-Had my last scan today and all booked in for an induction on the 29th May, very excited but sounds like a very long process and unlikely meet little munchkin until the following day. Rosalie a lovely name. xxx

Hi guys, had a few days away, so not been around much.

Looks like the 28th and 29th will be busy for us all! I found out last week that they will likely deliver me (either by induction/section) on 28th May as well! I need to wait on another growth scan next week before they will tell me for definite :cry:

I'm hoping that baby makes their own appearance by then though! - I seem to be having loads of BHs and I keep thinking 'Is this it???' but baby seems to like messing with me :haha: - I should be used to it now!

I'm also noticing loads of hypos and reduced need for insulin - I've been to the Day Assessment Unit a few times, but their response is that baby is moving fine, so they're not worried. It seems kind of reassuring, espec given that they have discussed it all with my consultant, but I just don't feel that its right - is my mind going loopy after having too much time away from work, I wonder????

Is anyone else expressing colostrum for when bubs arrives? I've been trying and I can safely say that it is the most frustrating thing EVER!!!!!

Does anyone have any tips for increasing your supply at this stage?

Hope everyone is well! :hugs:

080509 - I'm glad to hear that you're sugars are looking better and that you're happier about it all - I hope you enjoy your little boy's birthday.

Hi Louisa, I'm in the same boat trying to collect milk for the baby in preparation for the Induction. Nothing is coming out at all not even a little trickle.

I spoke with Midwife today and she suggested kneeding the breast before trying to hand express. Will certainly be trying bath and tea, likewise might give the breastpump a go been desperate to try it out.

Kellyrae-Had my last scan today and all booked in for an induction on the 29th May, very excited but sounds like a very long process and unlikely meet little munchkin until the following day. Rosalie a lovely name. xxx

Hi guys, had a few days away, so not been around much.

Looks like the 28th and 29th will be busy for us all! I found out last week that they will likely deliver me (either by induction/section) on 28th May as well! I need to wait on another growth scan next week before they will tell me for definite :cry:

I'm hoping that baby makes their own appearance by then though! - I seem to be having loads of BHs and I keep thinking 'Is this it???' but baby seems to like messing with me :haha: - I should be used to it now!

I'm also noticing loads of hypos and reduced need for insulin - I've been to the Day Assessment Unit a few times, but their response is that baby is moving fine, so they're not worried. It seems kind of reassuring, espec given that they have discussed it all with my consultant, but I just don't feel that its right - is my mind going loopy after having too much time away from work, I wonder????

Is anyone else expressing colostrum for when bubs arrives? I've been trying and I can safely say that it is the most frustrating thing EVER!!!!!

Does anyone have any tips for increasing your supply at this stage?

Hope everyone is well! :hugs:

080509 - I'm glad to hear that you're sugars are looking better and that you're happier about it all - I hope you enjoy your little boy's birthday.

Wow those two days will be fun!!!!
I started collecting colostrum last week......I have a breast pump from my previous pregnancy so to begin with (i know they say only by hand) I kick started it off with the pump, that seemed to work after a few mins then finished it off with hand, I tend to do it after a bath at night, make a nice warm drink, sit by myself while hubby baths my daughter and massage one at a time, sometimes if i struggled i would place my warm tea mug on them too to get them warm again.

Now i have been doing it a while I don't need to use the pump as I have quite a good flow now but it is hard work and i think i got 1ml first try, and now i get 5ml every day, just try your best and keep at it :flower:

If you can't seem to get any, stop and leave it half an hour and try again, might just be a case of needing to kick starting the flow, I have to swap over all the time, get a few drops from one breast the it stops and so on....

Thanks for the advise Kellyrae, having similar problems trying to get things flowing. xxx
How is everyone today? Sugars have been terrible lately, i'm guessing resistance has kicked in now, i really need to get things sorted!
Does anyone have any ideas on how i can get my morning reading on target? I can't increase my levemir as i go low in the night, i've got to phone dsn tomorrow as she keeps telling me to go to bed high (which i have done with readings of 12 and i'm not happy about that at all, and even then i'm only in the 6's!) Pump isn't going to happen as they "feel they can sort things out on injections but in the future i may be able to have one" is what they say.. fair enough! What i'm doing is going to bed on a reading of 7, not having a supper so being a reasonable level before bed, testing at 4am and i'm around 4.9, and then DP shoves it up to 8mmol. I know not terrible and id rather go to bed on a 7 and wake with an 8.. rather than go to bed on a 12, possibly go low and wake up in the 6's anyway. Is it even do-able on MDI? I've read somewhere people set their alarms for 4am to inject a unit of novorapid but to be honest i know if i inject novorapid i won't go back to sleep for fear i won't wake up! I know that sounds abit far fetched maybe but probably the day i do inject novorapid at 4am will be the day the dawn phenomenon doesn't strike and i WILL go low!

Something positive i've managed to keep my Breakfast reading good, its 8 one hour after and has been around 6mmol two hours after, thats burgen bread with peanut butter.. it works so even though i'd rather have cereal or something more tasty i don't care, i just want to see good readings!

Sorry i've ranted on xx

Hi 800509,

I know your not having supper but have you thought about having a small snack with your Levemir that slow releasing on sugars and could work in conjuction with an increase in dose. Maybe a slice of wholemeal toast or another option having a small supper i.e. Pasta.

If my Bed sugars are lower than 5, then i'll have a biscuit or toast. Toast being my preference as for some reason over the last two weeks I've been craving Marmite, my Sister in Law thinks its the B12. Causing problems with the anti marmite husband.

Hope it helps, if you have access to dietician, they'll be abe to guide on good slow acting foods. The hospital usually gives a direct contact number for the team especially if Diabetic.


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