Kellyrae-Had my last scan today and all booked in for an induction on the 29th May, very excited but sounds like a very long process and unlikely meet little munchkin until the following day. Rosalie a lovely name. xxx
Hi guys, had a few days away, so not been around much.
Looks like the 28th and 29th will be busy for us all! I found out last week that they will likely deliver me (either by induction/section) on 28th May as well! I need to wait on another growth scan next week before they will tell me for definite
I'm hoping that baby makes their own appearance by then though! - I seem to be having loads of BHs and I keep thinking 'Is this it???' but baby seems to like messing with me

- I should be used to it now!
I'm also noticing loads of hypos and reduced need for insulin - I've been to the Day Assessment Unit a few times, but their response is that baby is moving fine, so they're not worried. It seems kind of reassuring, espec given that they have discussed it all with my consultant, but I just don't feel that its right - is my mind going loopy after having too much time away from work, I wonder????
Is anyone else expressing colostrum for when bubs arrives? I've been trying and I can safely say that it is the most frustrating thing EVER!!!!!
Does anyone have any tips for increasing your supply at this stage?
Hope everyone is well!
080509 - I'm glad to hear that you're sugars are looking better and that you're happier about it all - I hope you enjoy your little boy's birthday.