Anyone diabetic before pregnacy

Argh i think resistance is really kicking in! normally outside of pregnancy i wouldn't bolus for just carb free meals, but today i had chicken salad, zero carbs and 1 hour later 12.7!!! Pre meal it was 5.1! So i had 4 units of novorapid and nothing, zilch, did absolutley rock all, another 4 units and i'm at 8.1! Its taken 7hours to come down.. i'm still on 5units for breakfast so i don't know why i was so high after my lunch.. there were no carbs in it!! Sometimes i think why not just eat aload of junk/chocolate/cakes etc if my levels will be rubbish anyway! lol. I hope i'm not coming down with a bug my sister has had, i know they always send my levels rocketing
Good luck to both of you for today and tomorrow!! :) very excited for it to be my turn! lol! Hoping everything has gone well x
I'm going to arm myself with a lot of lucozade and snacks, i've agreed with the hospital that hubby will keep an eye on my diabetes checking sugars every hour. The other option was a sliding scale but coming off it once the baby born. This is the part that is concerning me the most, especially if it is not sorted before hubby returns to work. xxx
Argh i think resistance is really kicking in! normally outside of pregnancy i wouldn't bolus for just carb free meals, but today i had chicken salad, zero carbs and 1 hour later 12.7!!! Pre meal it was 5.1! So i had 4 units of novorapid and nothing, zilch, did absolutley rock all, another 4 units and i'm at 8.1! Its taken 7hours to come down.. i'm still on 5units for breakfast so i don't know why i was so high after my lunch.. there were no carbs in it!! Sometimes i think why not just eat aload of junk/chocolate/cakes etc if my levels will be rubbish anyway! lol. I hope i'm not coming down with a bug my sister has had, i know they always send my levels rocketing

Sorry if I explaining anything you already know but if you had no carbs/insulin and blood sugar dropped, your body will release glucose stores to bring it back up which may have caused the high. Also your Novorapid may have run out and even when not having carbs, still need to keep it topped up. Its a nightmare trying to get the balance right.

I currently have about 10 units for breakfast for 4 potions, 8 units for lunch for a sandwich which is 5 portions and dinner usually upto max 14 units for 7 portions depending on how hungry I am. My Levemir is a whopping 70 units previously it was 36 units. I've pretty much been increasing this 2 units each week since about 26 weeks. Hope this helps. xxx
Thanks, i will expect to keep increasing the levemir as i go on, i'm only on 8units at the moment which has barely changed since pre pregnancy, but i think there is something around the 24 week mark which makes things go boom haywire and start needing to up everything! I had 30g of carbs for my evening meal, 10 units as i was abit high to start with, and 2 hours later 9.6! It just won't shift, i'm worried for the baby's sake with all the highs, i suppose its just a case of keep upping it, seems funny since only last week i was on very small amounts.
I've got a big bottle of cherry lucozade in the fridge for the hosp (prepared lol) as i just keep the small bottles in as my hypos haven't been too bad lately so not gone through so much x
Sugars were 7.3 after evening meal, thats the best they've been in weeks!!! I know that probably sounds shocking doesn't it.. i've now started to wait 30minutes before eating after injecting.. didn't work at breakfast as was high but at least it worked for the evening
Hello everyone :) pleased to say our little girl Rosalie Elizabeth arrived by elcs at 09:45 on 28th may, weighing in at 7lb9oz at 38weeks :) her bloods were 2.6 and she was fed by my husband with my pre expressed milk as whie I was still on the table being stitched up!!! She was fine and has had no drops, went in on tuesday and out thurs morning....couldn't ask for anything smoother, even the spinal was easier than my nerves were telling me haha bloods are fine, few big drops while breastfeeding but just making sure I'm having snacks or a few biscuits (chocolate ones :) while doing it, so nice to be home with my husband and my very helpful 2 year old who is completely in love with her little baby sister :)
Aww thats fantastic news! big congratulations, i bet you are so relieved she is here now, and what a lovely name too xx how are you finding adjusting your insulin? Are you on alot less now? I'm looking forward to smaller amounts! Breastfeeding is a good excuse to keep some nice treats near by! Last time i was able to eat those mini oreos without novorapid! yum! xx
Do any of you ladies know how the standard (home finger prick) glucose meters compare to the lab blood tests?

I did my 2 hour GTT today (75g sugar drink) and tested my blood at 1 hr and 2 hr with my meter just after they drew blood to send to the lab. I got 11.1 and 7.9 on my meter, but will take a week or so to get the real lab results and I'm curious as to what the lab will come back as. I read online that the lab test results can be higher. Has anyone compared lab tests to their own meters?

I'm not diabetic, but it runs in my family so I have a glucose meter that I use on occasion.
11.1 is on the high side so personally i would treat myself as if i was diabetic with that figure even if it was only at 1hour. I'm not sure on accuracy but i read on a thread the lab test came back lower than their blood glucose monitor (i think it was a follow up on GTTs 6 weeks post partum) a lady thought she had type 2 as her follow up check was 10mmol on her home meter, but her actual GTT taken by the lab came back around the 7mmol mark.

Sorry if thats abit of a waffle!
Bit worried, bump is measuring 31 weeks, i'm only 26 weeks! Did anyones bump measure big too? i've not gained much weight this pregnancy, started off at 110lbs, and currently weigh 125lb, so its not excessive, but my sugars have been far from perfect. I measured 2 weeks ahead with my first and he was born at 8lb 6 at 39 weeks.
Hi all,

Pleased to say Alexander (Alex), arrived safely last Friday 31st May weighing 9lbs 2oz. After trying to induce me for 55hrs (had the 3 gels and drip) it was decided to have a c-section. He did end up in Neonatel for 24hrs due to his blood sugars dipping and then got jaundice. Spent over a week in hospital.

Hello everyone :) pleased to say our little girl Rosalie Elizabeth arrived by elcs at 09:45 on 28th may, weighing in at 7lb9oz at 38weeks :) her bloods were 2.6 and she was fed by my husband with my pre expressed milk as whie I was still on the table being stitched up!!! She was fine and has had no drops, went in on tuesday and out thurs morning....couldn't ask for anything smoother, even the spinal was easier than my nerves were telling me haha bloods are fine, few big drops while breastfeeding but just making sure I'm having snacks or a few biscuits (chocolate ones :) while doing it, so nice to be home with my husband and my very helpful 2 year old who is completely in love with her little baby sister :)

Congratulations, Kellyrae :hugs:
Hi all,

Pleased to say Alexander (Alex), arrived safely last Friday 31st May weighing 9lbs 2oz. After trying to induce me for 55hrs (had the 3 gels and drip) it was decided to have a c-section. He did end up in Neonatel for 24hrs due to his blood sugars dipping and then got jaundice. Spent over a week in hospital.


Congratulations JoLM!!! glad your home now and able to enjoy you little man :hugs:
Hello everyone :) pleased to say our little girl Rosalie Elizabeth arrived by elcs at 09:45 on 28th may, weighing in at 7lb9oz at 38weeks :) her bloods were 2.6 and she was fed by my husband with my pre expressed milk as whie I was still on the table being stitched up!!! She was fine and has had no drops, went in on tuesday and out thurs morning....couldn't ask for anything smoother, even the spinal was easier than my nerves were telling me haha bloods are fine, few big drops while breastfeeding but just making sure I'm having snacks or a few biscuits (chocolate ones :) while doing it, so nice to be home with my husband and my very helpful 2 year old who is completely in love with her little baby sister :)

Congratulation. Lovely name :) x
Hi all,

Pleased to say Alexander (Alex), arrived safely last Friday 31st May weighing 9lbs 2oz. After trying to induce me for 55hrs (had the 3 gels and drip) it was decided to have a c-section. He did end up in Neonatel for 24hrs due to his blood sugars dipping and then giot jaundice. Spent over a week in hospital.


Congratulations. Sorry to hear the induction failed. I hate inductions :(
Bit worried, bump is measuring 31 weeks, i'm only 26 weeks! Did anyones bump measure big too? i've not gained much weight this pregnancy, started off at 110lbs, and currently weigh 125lb, so its not excessive, but my sugars have been far from perfect. I measured 2 weeks ahead with my first and he was born at 8lb 6 at 39 weeks.

I measured 4 weeks ahead with my last pregnancy. He was born at 37+6 and weighed 9lb 3. I haven't been measured yet this time. Sometimes the measurements aren't always accurate though.
Congrats Jo! Bet you are glad its all over with now and your little man is here, sorry the induction failed xx
Thanks Xanth, i've got my growth scan next week, i had a diabetes appt with them today, i just said i'm paranoid of having a 15lb baby, she said if the scans were showing he's massive they would do a c/s, feel slightly relieved about that!
Had a low this morning at the clinic 1.9, checked 1hour after it was 7.1, 2 hours later 14.9! Rebound apparently, i don't normally get rebounds.. i guess its just as well they do happen example if i passed out, but feel guilty all the same :/
Hi everyone, sorry I've not been on sooner, had a little bit of a rollercoaster ride.

I was admitted on Thursday 23/5 for an induction, managed to get to 3cms on the Saturday morning, had my waters broken (there were a lot of waters and 080509, I was actually measuring a good few weeks ahead just because of all the waters around the baby) but baby was showing signs of distress, so I ended up with EMCS on the Saturday morning. Baby was not distressed and it was a dodgy trace.

Baby William James arrived at 5.23 on 25th May at 36+5 and weighing 7lb10oz.:blue:

LO ended up in SCBU for 3 days with dips in his BG, but we are now home and doing well. :happydance:

Congrats to Kellyrae and JoLm on the births of your babies!

080509 - I hope the insulin resistance goes well and that everything settles down. The time will fly and you will soon be holding your little one - I can remember being at 25 weeks and feeling as though I had forever left to go - but it wasn't even nearly as long as I thought it was!
Hi everyone, sorry I've not been on sooner, had a little bit of a rollercoaster ride.

I was admitted on Thursday 23/5 for an induction, managed to get to 3cms on the Saturday morning, had my waters broken (there were a lot of waters and 080509, I was actually measuring a good few weeks ahead just because of all the waters around the baby) but baby was showing signs of distress, so I ended up with EMCS on the Saturday morning. Baby was not distressed and it was a dodgy trace.

Baby William James arrived at 5.23 on 25th May at 36+5 and weighing 7lb10oz.:blue:

LO ended up in SCBU for 3 days with dips in his BG, but we are now home and doing well. :happydance:

Congrats to Kellyrae and JoLm on the births of your babies!

080509 - I hope the insulin resistance goes well and that everything settles down. The time will fly and you will soon be holding your little one - I can remember being at 25 weeks and feeling as though I had forever left to go - but it wasn't even nearly as long as I thought it was!

Congrats louisa!!!!
Pleased you & baby William are doing well....hope your recovery goes well for you too :hugs:

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