Anyone doing FET/IVF in Jan 2013 till everyone's BFP (Everyone Welcome)

So excited for you, Ash! Can't wait to see updates!

Mo!! Congratulations! Those are amazing numbers! Can't wait for the ultrasound!
We're doing great! He is almost 6 months old and changing so fast! It has been really fun to watch him grow and learn. Mama is learning, too. :winkwink:
The update from the embryology lab:

Of the 4 that were originally fertilized, 4 are still growing and 3 6-10 cells are looking really good. They all have < 10% fragmentation. The remaining 1 is a 5-cell, so a little behind but he said it's still looking good.

The 3 that they were able to fertilize a day later are also doing well. They're where they should be at 2-4 cells with minimal fragmentation.

The embryologist said that he and Surrey recommend freezing all of them. The reason they recommend this is because they need all of them to be frozen to test them all together. If we have less than 4 he would recommend doing another cycle. More than 4 he still is sort of leaning towards freezing all but he said we can make that call when we're there. I think it's a good plan overall. I don't have to feel rushed deciding if we want to do CCS testing or another IVF cycle. I can really take my time which is nice.

Before we got off the phone I told him I needed a miracle so that they all or most get to blast stage and he said that he does see that happen. So, fx'd!

I won't hear anything now until Sunday. Ugh!

Good news is that there's a lot going on and the weekend will be here before I know it and we have a brunch with friends on Sunday.

Hope everyone else is doing good!
Ash, I hope that all of the embryos continue to develop nicely and that they can be frozen. Good luck! That is good that you will have some time to make a decision about what to do next well they are frozen. I hope you have a nice weekend! :flower:

Lotus, I am glad that you and your son are doing well! He is so cute in your profile picture! I hope you have a nice weekend!

AFM, I am trying to decide when to do my FET cycle. I am leaning towards this Fall so the twins can have some more time to become more independent. I need to work with them on using their sippy cups, self feeding and transitioning to table foods from baby foods. My daughter is running all over now, but my son is still working on his walking. He is cruising though and has taken a few steps here and there. I want to make sure that they are easier to handle before a newborn comes. I am hoping to have my 3 frozen embryos transfered to a local clinic in my state because I did my IVF cycle about 6 hours from where I live in my home town. That would be to much to do now that the twins are here. I hope I like this new fertility clinic. I just filled out some forms to get my medical records to bring to the new clinic so once I have those in hand I will make an appointment with the new clinic. I am a little nervous about having another place do the FET since I had success with the other office and they did such a nice job with everything. However the thought of taking the twins 6 hours and the general stress of doing the cycle is making me lean towards doing it locally. This clinic here in my state costs a little bit more for a FET cycle than my old place but they are still cheaper than all of the other places I have contacted so I think they are my best bet. The next thing is deciding whether or not to transfer 1 or 2 embryos for the FET cycle. I suppose it will depend on the quality of the frozen embryos and what the DR thinks. I really don't want twins again just because of all I went through with my twins and their NICU stays, but I also don't want to have to repeat the FET cycle because of the costs! So we shall see! I will do an update once I start the process though.
Just wanted to update: I spontaneously miscarried a couple days ago. Passed the gestational sac intact at home. Dr doesn't know what happened but we are running a bunch of bloodwork on me. My hcg and progesterone was still spot on the morning after the mc happened. I had just had an ultrasound a few hours before the mc that showed one baby measuring on track. We are devastated. Unsure if we will try again or when we would if I decide I can do this again. We have 2 frozen still but the thought of all this gives me anxiety. I've had 4 miscarriages now and 2 chemical pregnancies througout this journey so obviously something is wrong with me. We are very fortunate to have a son. He will probably be an only child and that is okay.

Ash: how are things? I hope the re has a good plan moving forward.
Mob any I am so sorry for this devastating news xxxx
Mo I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how you are feeling right now but I wish you and your husband peace and a bright future with your son. If you decide you want to do it again I'll definitely be here rooting for you. :hugs:

The RE suggested doing another IVF so that we could try and bank more embryos. DH and I decided to do another one but not for 3 months. I really want to enjoy my summer and we are planning a trip to Puerto Vallarta so that'll be really nice.

Again, I'm so sorry and if you need anything I'm here!
Thanks ash! Enjoy your vacation. We are going to st Maarten in 2 weeks with our son. It will be fun and I am so glad to get away. we need it for sure.
Mo I'm so sorry to hear your news! It's just so unfair that you have to go through this. I hope that you can get some answers as to why this happened and a plan to successful carry a baby to term again if you decide to try with the frosties you have left. :hug:
Mo- major :hugs: I am so sorry that this has happened! It is so unfair!! My thoughts are with you! Good luck as you try and figure out next steps. We are here for you!!
Mo I am so sorry and completely understand why you would have anxiety over trying again right now. Would you consider getting immune testing done or have you already? My heart hurts for you.
I'm not willing to do intralipids and there isn't a dr around here that would even do it. I've had one completely healthy pregnancy so it's most likely not immune issues. I had extensive testing dobe for recurrent loss and it all was normal. I have to get my papers to see what exactly was tested. My re ordered some more last week but not back yet. Idk what the next steps are if this is negative. My re thinks it's a uterine blood flow issue although it's been tested and normal. But if we do go again I am going to make sure we test blood flow right before the transfer and if it shoes to be off then delay the cycle until it's notmal.
OH okay I understand. Well there is still hope hun. Again, I am just so sorry that you are going through this. Please let us know how you are getting on.
I looked at papers and it looks like they did some immune testing which was normal.

I'm doing okay today. Started heavy bleeding yesterday and was in severe pain for a few hours but thankfully it eased up. Hoping my re has info on friday.
Oh ok, I understand. I was just hoping maybe there was something else. But if the blood flow to your uterus is the issue maybe there is something they can do to help that. I don't know, I am just so sorry this has happened to you.
I've heard Viagra helps. I may ask about that.
Oh really? Well that makes sense, it helps with the blood flow for men, so why now women. Let me know what they say, I am curious to hear.
Mo - I've read that about Viagra too. Hopefully your doctor has some more answers on Friday.

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