We found out the gender with our son and I think I would again- I'm not very good at waiting and I actually don't like surprises that much. I don't want the birth-day to be ruined if I would feel gender disappointment. If the next one is a boy I want the length of the pregnancy to come to terms with that.
You know- I think we could manage to get by for a year when the new baby is here as things are now without having to find other employment yet (unless a really great opportunity comes along). There will always be time for me to get a job later when they're a little older. This time is so precious and you can never get it back- I don't want to miss out and have regrets later. The problem is DH and I don't see eye to eye on it - he truly wants me to have an income. I'm a photographer- I own a studio in town. I'm just not busy enough to make a profit. I'm luck that I'm breaking even and making enough to support the overhead costs. It would be ideal if at the end of summer for the upcoming school season I could get a job as a paraprofessional. My son isn't BF anymore- I wouldn't mind him being able to socialize with other babies in daycare. By the time the baby comes and I take maternity leave it would put me right into summer (which if I could be a para I'd have off). Then by the time I'd return in the fall again new baby would be 6 mo... younger than I'd like to put in daycare, but not too young either. I've really been praying about all this and I hope God will help me discover the right path soon.
I hope we'll both get our girls. You're right- at least I'd have boy stuff already. For a girl I'd probably use some of my son's things, but would find some different clothes.